It’s hiding in plain sight — have you eaten it lately?
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—-Important Message About Avoiding Alzheimer’s—-
Beware this 1 toxic food that can lead to Alzheimer’s in men
There is one particular food that I never, ever eat…
Because it is so deadly for men. And for anyone really, even animals.
Yet this food is slipping into everything we consume…
They’re sticking it in packaged foods, fresh foods, so called “healthy foods”…
And now I’ve found studies linking it to Alzheimer’s!
Just from this 1 toxic food…
Please, whatever you do, try to avoid this one food that sets off a deadly chain reaction in the body…
It can seriously save your life!
How eating more sugar can actually protect your brain
I firmly believe that the cell’s ability to generate energy at optimal efficiency is the foundation of health.
Cells must be able to access and oxidize large amounts of sugar.
They must do this in order to repair and rebuild the damage caused by daily life stresses.
Alzheimer’s disease is no exception – it is largely a disease of energy deficits.
And buried within the minutiae of a recent Alzheimer’s treatment study are new findings…
Findings showing evidence for numerous energetic problems displayed by people suffering with the condition.
The findings shed more light on the reasons why living a high-energy lifestyle seems to help prevent or minimize Alzheimer’s.
The findings of the human research was published in Function, the journal of the American Physiological Society.
There are numerous links between Alzheimer’s disease and energetic dysfunction.
Many of them are overlooked – but the relationship between Alzheimer’s and insulin resistance is now pretty common knowledge.
Researchers wondered whether there was a more fundamental energetic problem at the heart of Alzheimer’s disease…
…because of the accepted link between insulin resistance, poor aerobic capacity, and Alzheimer’s.
“Alzheimer’s disease is associated with insulin resistance and low aerobic capacity, suggestive of impaired skeletal muscle mitochondrial function.”
Skeletal muscle mitochondrial function refers to the ability of the cells within your muscles to generate energy efficiently.
The mitochondria are the engines of the cells.
To learn more, the researchers recruited 50 people.
24 were healthy older adults – and 26 had Alzheimer’s disease related cognitive decline or mild cognitive impairment.
Some of the participants were taking an Alzheimer’s treatment called Donepezil.
The researchers carried out a number of tests looking at the biochemistry of energy production in the cell.
They found that people with Alzheimer’s-related cognitive impairment had significantly lower basal metabolic rate.
In simple terms, they were producing far less energy in their bodies compared with healthy people of the same age.
“We found that participants with mild cognitive impairment exhibit lower fasting metabolic rates.”
It is amazing that these types of experiments have not been done before…
And the finding was really only a secondary question for the researchers.
But it is incredibly important because it shows that Alzheimer’s patients have a decreased ability to produce energy.
What’s more, the researchers found that those with early signs of dementia were relying heavily on fat as their source of energy.
They were unable to burn sugar at the same rate as healthy people of the same age.
Relying on large amounts of fat for your energy causes a whole host of problems.
Optimal energy production relies heavily on burning clean sugar.
“People with mild cognitive impairment appear to be more primed to use fatty acids compared to healthy elderly adults with a higher metabolic rate and a greater reliance on carbohydrate use.”
People with Alzheimer’s have low energy production, they burn more fat and less sugar.
This is the metabolic signature of almost every chronic disease – from diabetes to cancer.
There are many reasons to believe that this energetic signature may play a large role in causing many Alzheimer’s symptoms.
In fact, a recent study showed that a vitamin called niacinamide improves symptoms and physical changes caused by Alzheimer’s disease.
One of the things that niacinamide does is lower fats in the blood.
This allows the cells to uptake more carbohydrate/Sugar and generate energy more efficiently.
One of the reasons niacinamide may be beneficial for people with Alzheimer’s diseases…
…is that it helps to increase energy production at a fundamental level.
Niacinamide also helps to boost levels of ATP…
The fundamental energy currency in the body and the final goal of increasing the metabolic rate.
Energy is essential for repairing and maintaining the body – this is why improving energy production has almost universal benefits.
—-Important Message: Getting an Energetic Metabolism—-
Men who eat sugar, BURN sugar — and here’s why that’s a GREAT thing
Do you know what eventually happens to men who only burn fat and not sugar?
Their metabolic rate plummets…and then come the side effects…
Diabetes, low testosterone, erections problems, obesity, more age-related diseases, even cancer…
So what men want is a sugar-burning metabolism…
Because a sugar-burning metabolism is the key to remaining healthy naturally, and feeling youthful, no matter how old you are.
In fact, men with sugar-burning metabolisms often experience these benefits:
- Less belly fat and more lean muscle mass
- Long-lasting and firm “rockiness” in virtually all men, no matter how long it’s been
- Restores sexual vigor and stamina, even in men who are on multiple medications
- Fixes blood sugar issues without medications
- Perfect for pre-diabetic men who want to regain their health, and diabetic men who are sick of suffering from the symptoms…
- …and much more…