This is why I won’t ever take these treatments — tell a friend

Matt Cook here, and there’s one super common type of treatment that so many men are taking…
And it’s terrible for men’s health in so many ways.
For instance, the latest side effect discovered from these treatments is the inability to come.
That’s right — you could lose the natural ability to have an O and finish with your wife and girlfriend…
And who wants that? That sounds awful.
So do me a favor and check your bottles — are you taking one of these?
—-Important Message From Lloyd—-
This Stiff protocol makes your manhood stretch her wider and deeper

It allows you to reach the deepest parts of her lady bits that are begging to be fulfilled…
And it doesn’t focus on using harmful pumps or pills to gain size…
There’s no stressing and stretching your manhood with harsh exercises…
Plus, it doesn’t require buying expensive equipment that can scar or injure your member…
See, with this method, you’re simply “recreating” the conditions in your body that caused the explosive growth of your manly shaft during puberty.
In other words, it’s going to restore the teenage growth you once had decades ago.
Fact is, it was never gone. That “growth” is still there…
But only if you’re willing to spare a few short minutes to get it restarted.
The Stiff Protocol: how to FULLY occupy her warm wet hole the way she is begging you to…
Beware these common treatments that can stop men from coming
I really dislike SSRIs.
These treatments are used extensively to treat depression, and they do work at least temporarily to boost mood.
But they also have a lot of problems.
Now, before I go into this you need to know that if you are already on an SSRI you do NOT want to go off of them cold turkey.
It can be dangerous to do and you can potentially have pretty serious withdrawal symptoms.
Always work with your doctor to get off any Rx treatments.
The thing about SSRIs is there have been MANY studies on the problems with them for quite a long time.
But they are still handed out like candy. It’s frustrating.
But there is a lot of money in these treatments and they are very profitable for Big Pharma, so I’m not expecting a change anytime soon.

Today we’ll look at two studies.
One from 2002 and one from 2009, and they show severe sexual side effects with these treatments.
Like I said before, researchers have known about these problems for a LONG time — 20+ years.
The one from 2002 looked at 8 different studies to see if antidepressants were a problem with sexual dysfunction.
What they found was that SSRIs regularly caused sexual dysfunction — occurring in at least 3 out of 10 people.
Selective serotonin-reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) appear to be the class of antidepressants most likely to cause sexual dysfunction. Published studies suggest that between 30% and 60% of SSRI-treated patients may experience some form of treatment-induced sexual dysfunction.
But there are antidepressants that don’t seem to have this effect — at least not as often. These include Wellbutrin (bupropion) and Remeron (mirtazapine).
Bupropion and nefazodone appear to be much less likely to cause sexual dysfunction ( =10%>
So, if you are dealing with depression you can ask your doctor about those instead.
In the 2009 study they looked at men who were taking Celexa (another SSRI) and found similar results.
Self-reports of ‘penile’ dysfunction, decreased libido, or difficulty achieving orgasm based on the Patient-Rated Inventory of Side Effects were examined among Caucasian subjects (n=1473) for whom DNA and adverse effect measures were available, and who were treated openly with citalopram for up to 14 weeks.
Over one out of 3 men reported erections problems and half had lower libido.
That’s a HUGE percentage of people. This isn’t an isolated type of side effect.
Of 1473 participants, 799 (54%) reported decreased libido; 525 (36%) reported difficulty achieving orgasm. Of 574 men, 211 (37%) reported ‘penile’ dysfunction.
It’s really crazy how well known this is and how many people go on these treatments WITHOUT ever being told that this might be a problem.
I can’t even tell you how many times I’ve talked to men who have low libido, erections problems, or problems having an orgasm and it ends up being caused by SSRIs.
It’s incredibly common.
Ultimately, you have to work with your doctor on the treatments that are right for your situation.
I’m not a doctor and I can’t give you medical advice.
But you should always be aware of potential side effects of ANY treatments that you take.
It’s also a good idea to explore alternate therapies for depression before trying SSRIs, which can completely screw up your sex life.
—-Important Message from Matt—-
This is the fun DIY activity that got me huge results in bed

All my problems with not being able to come, going soft, and struggling to stay rocky…
Completely gone thanks to this fun little do-it-yourself activity.
Before this, I tried hypnosis, I tried pills, I tried pumps…
I wish I had known that this simple at-home activity was all I needed.