Instead, use this one simple “exercise” that’s replacing entire workouts… it’s much better and far safer for male hormones…
—-Important Message From Our Sponsor—-
Massive erections from a fried egg sandwich?

This is pretty crazy… a 55-year-old investment banker put some of this weird food on his morning breakfast…
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If you’ve ever failed to get or keep a massive, super stiff erections so full of life you can see your heartbeat in it…
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Beware: exercising this way actually lowers men’s testosterone
A little exercise can be a good thing.
Movement and mental stimulation can be very rewarding and have positive benefits and health.
But many people overdo exercise. They have the dangerous idea that more is always better.
Strenuous exercise is a stress on the body — and it has limits as to what stresses it can recover from.
If you are pushing too much in the gym, or on the field, then you’re probably doing more harm than good.
For one, excessive exercise can decrease thyroid hormones — at the same time boosting cortisol and prolactin.
That hormonal pattern has disastrous consequences, leading to low metabolism, weight gain, belly fat, fatigue and sexual problems.
Make your exercise short and enjoyable — not a dangerous slog.

The human research was carried out at the University of North Carolina. The study was published in the Polish journal of endocrinology, Endokrynologia Polska.
The research was designed to see how exercise to exhaustion would affect critical metabolic hormones.
“We examined how prolonged, exhaustive exercise affects thyroid hormones, and the interrelationship of cortisol and prolactin responses.”
The researchers recruited healthy men to take part in the experiment.
The men were instructed to run quickly on a treadmill until they could not run any more.
They were exercising to failure. A common tactic in modern exercise cults.
“Male subjects performed a treadmill run at their individual ventilatory threshold until exhaustion.”
The researchers took blood tests from the men before they began the exercise. The blood tests were repeated when the men could not run any more.
Blood tests were repeated again 30 minutes, 60 minutes, and 90 minutes after exhaustion.
The researchers carried out a last blood test 24 hours after the exercise experiment had ended.
The bloodless and to the lab and analyzed for thyroid hormones, cortisol, and prolactin.
“Blood was analyzed for free T3, free T4, thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH), cortisol and prolactin.”
30 minutes after the exercise experiment cortisol and prolactin levels were high — thyroid levels were normal.
“At 30 min and 60 min cortisol and prolactin remained significantly increased.”
Thyroid hormones are essential for a fast metabolism and optimal health.
Cortisol and prolactin work in roughly the opposite way to thyroid — lowering metabolism and causing all sorts of health problems.
Both cause sexual problems in men. In fact — if prolactin gets high enough men can grow breasts and even start producing milk.
24-hours after exercise and the thyroid hormone levels had dropped.
T3 is the active thyroid hormone — responsible for energy generation — probably the most important hormone in the body.
“By our 24, free T3 levels would decrease from baseline.”
Lower T3 levels were found in men who had higher cortisol right after exercise. T
The metabolic damage caused by excessive exercise affects some people more than others.
Younger people tend to be more able to cope with this sort of metabolic abuse.
Excessive exercise has numerous detrimental effects on key hormones in men.
“Exhaustive exercise decreases thyroid hormones 24-hours into recovery.”
The increases in prolactin were found to be related to another thyroid hormone (TSH).
Some men were more susceptible to harmful increases in prolactin and TSH.
Regarding exercise, more is not better.
Tough exercise sessions are a stress on the body that it can be difficult to recover from.
Exercise should be enjoyable and you should feel better afterward.
—-Important Message for Men—-
This new simple “exercise” replaces entire workouts

If you want to build muscle, burn fat, and get back in killer shape regardless of your age or physical limitations…
Just use this one simple “exercise” at home.
It doesn’t take much time at all…
And it has nothing to do with starving yourself, marathon-long cardio workouts, or lifting heavy weights like those muscle-bound bodybuilders at the gym…
It’s much easier, safer, far more gentle…
And most importantly, it uses age to your advantage.
See, the trick for guys like us…we need to train smarter, not harder.
And right here, I’m revealing the one simple “exercise” that boosts testosterone, burns belly fat, and makes you feel years younger…