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This is three times better than any other supplement in fighting, preventing, or even reversing cancer. And you can pick up this cancer-beating supplement in your grocery store…
—–Important Message—–
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Study: best supplement for stopping cancer
In 2004, some Seattle researchers published a very large and powerful study.
This study of no less than 75,083 participants compared cancer survivors with a control group.
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They compiled a considerable amount of data (including dosage amounts) about what supplements the cancer survivors had taken and what they had not.
Nearly all types of supplements were included in the data, though multivitamins were excluded.
The questionnaire assessed current total supplemental intake of 10 specific vitamins, 6 specific minerals, and 20 specific herbal and specialty supplements.
Selection bias was not considered a factor as the cancer survivors and the control subjects had taken about the same amount of total supplements.
The calculated survival odds ratios. The higher the survival odds, the higher the ratio number.
The highest odds ratio – reflecting supplements that only cancer survivors had used – would be expected to indicate the most effective supplements for cancer.
And survivors are a nice group of people to listen to.
Surprisingly, the most effective supplement was found to be cranberry pills…
…in cancer of the bladder, of all places.
So does this tell us anything important about cancer, or does it demonstrate that even huge recall surveys are pointless?
Is this a real effect?
I think there’s something to it.
Cancer cell line studies – and there are too many to list – consistently show positive effects with various cranberry extracts.
And there’s more epidemiological evidence as well:
An entirely unrelated study was conducted eight years before the one discussed above.
The researchers weren’t actually curious about cranberries.
They wanted to know if pesticides had anything to do with cancer rates in Massachusetts.
Residential proximity to cranberry bog cultivation has warranted concern…
…because the Upper Cape Cod region had historically higher cancer rates than the state average.
The region did have higher overall cancer rates, but this was nullified for people living within 2,600 feet of a cranberry bog.
And the rates were actually even lower for bladder and kidney cancer.
This strongly implicates a water-soluble dietary factor in cranberries, since the controls were equal in every other respect.
As it turns out, all berries inhibit cancer, but not equally.
Different berries contain different compounds in different ratios.
But the cranberry is usually found to be most effective. This was nicely shown by a 2006 UCLA study…
Six different kinds of berries were purchased locally in Los Angeles.
In the lab, they were blended with methanol, extracted, evaporated, and applied to various lines of rapidly-dividing cancer cells.
They were also analyzed to determine exactly what phytochemicals are in each berry.
Proliferation was measured in two different ways and cranberry was the winner in many of the cancer essays.
And not only in that study. The same effect was noted in the East Coast, at Cornell (Sun, 2002).
Doctor Jie Sun’s team extracted eleven different fruits and tested them all on cancer cell replication.
Cranberry was the clear winner.
The cranberry also had the highest antioxidant score, by far, but this was not correlated with the anticancer effect.
The antiproliferative activities of fruit extracts did not correlate with their antioxidant activities or total phenolic contents.
This despite the fact that that the phenolic component is most responsible for the anticancer effect of cranberries.
This was independently confirmed by Yan in 2002, Ferguson in 2004, and Seerum in 2004.
Researchers determined that the total phenolic content doesn’t seem to be a factor.
So it must be related to the specific phenolic compounds or the specific phenolic profiles in different fruits:
The inhibition of cancer cell proliferation by fruit extracts cannot be explained by the total phenolic contents in the fruits tested.
…a specific phenolic compound in fruits was responsible for their antiproliferative activities.
In the UCLA study, the extracts were evaporated and normalized, and the total concentration was made identical between different fruits tested.
Only one phenolic is unique to cranberries.
Some – such as caffeic acid and quercetin – are very common, but myricetin is rarely found in anything but cranberries.
In many studies, myricetin has been found to account for half of the total flavonoids in cranberries.
As you can see, it’s in a few other berries in smaller amounts. But most of those berries are harder to find.
And the “bog whortleberry” doesn’t sound very appealing even if you could find it.
Myricetin is also a very good inhibitor of colon cancer cells.
A routine testing of 32 flavonoids found myricetin to be the second most effective, slightly behind the elusive baicalein.
Baicalein was the most effective flavanol tested. Flavanols are a subset of flavonoids (Kuntz, 1999).
Myricetin had the lowest EC₅₀ value, 47.6 μM. EC₅₀ is the “effective concentration” required to inhibit half of the cancer cells.
This concentration should be locally achievable by cranberries, which have a myricetin concentration of 213 μM (Neto, 2008).
Cranberries also have high concentrations of quercetin, but this is in many fruits and vegetables and not really particular to anything at all.
So how is this cranberry phenomenon usually explained?
The most common explanation is that it’s an antioxidant effect.
This default explanation has been used to describe nearly everything, but it rarely actually does. Pretty much everything is either pro- or anti-oxidant.
Generally, antioxidants – such as vitamin C and vitamin E – don’t have very powerful or specific effects against cancer at such low concentrations.
And, as the author of the Cornell study said, absolutely no correlation between antioxidant effects and anticancer activity was shown in his study:
The antiproliferative activities of fruit extracts did not correlate with their antioxidant activities or total phenolic contents.
Another popular explanation has to do with potential estrogen receptor binding.
It’s known that soy isoflavones can activate this receptor, but that’s not the case for all flavonoids.
Flavanols such as myricetin are of a different class than soy isoflavones and have different binding characteristics.
Kaempferol binds the estrogen receptor most strongly among flavanols, but that bond is eight times weaker than with soy isoflavones (Zava 2014).
And for quercetin and myricetin, the bond is about one thousand times weaker than with kaempferol – eight thousand times less than soy isoflavones.
The cranberry flavonoids quercetin and myricetin are the least estrogenic natural flavonoids…
…again, right behind the obscure baicalein.
So among common explanations, this leaves the only a few improbable mechanisms based on either xanthine oxidase or cyclooxygenase enzyme inhibition.
But myricetin actually inhibits the enzyme glyoxalase I – believe it or not.
This is likely the true reason for its anticancer effect.
Myricetin was found to be the most powerful inhibitor (lowest IC₅₀) tested among twelve flavonoids in a classic study.
The most inhibitory compound in vitro was myricetin
Inhibiting the enzyme glyoxylase I increases methylglyoxal concentrations within the cell.
This enzyme, with the help of glyoxylase II, normally converts methylglyoxal into lactic acid.
Just slightly increased levels of methylglyoxal within a cell inhibits cell proliferation…
and shifts the cell cycle towards G₀, or gap phase. This is cell resting mode.
These effects of methylglyoxal have been demonstrated repeatedly since the ‘50s.
But they have been largely ignored due to the simplicity and unpatentability of such an approach (methylglyoxal exists naturally within the body, and it’s easy to make).
Plant inhibitors of methylglyoxal, such as lapachol and lapachone, have also been shown to be highly effective.
The effectiveness of cranberry extracts has been demonstrated in cancerous mice.
In the current study, fractions of cranberry extracts inhibited growth of all three of these tumor types…
…inducing complete regression of two xenografts of the human prostate tumor
Cranberry’s anticancer effect is probably best explained by its high myricetin concentration.
But myricetin and its close cousin quercetin aren’t absorbed very well.
And they’re not very stable in plasma. But they are highly stable in urine:
And this may account for the association with the lower rates of kidney and bladder cancers in the Cape Cod study mentioned above.
But for cancers elsewhere, the other glyoxylase I inhibitor, lapachol, seems a bit more effective. Lapachol is more stable.
——Important Message——
The best way to get rid of cancer is to get rid of the “cancer metabolism”.
This little-known doctor in Colorado named Dr. Barnes did just that as he compared the health of his 1,569 patients with restored metabolisms…
…to the health of 1,569 SIMILAR patients who had NOT restored their metabolism.
In the long-term studies WITHOUT restored metabolism, the patients were dying off like flies.
They were dying of heart disease, they were dying of pneumonia, they were dying of cancer.
And the men had erection problems.
But Dr. Barnes restored the metabolism of his 1,559 patients, and over decades, there was virtually no cancer, no pneumonia…
…just about perfect health with these 1,569 people with restored metabolism.
And remember the only difference between the people in the large-scale medical study, people who were aging “normally”, and Dr. Barnes patients…
…the only difference was that Dr. Barnes restored his patients’ metabolism, with these simple inexpensive and over-the-counter ingredients.

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