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People have preferences about sleep temperature — they like to sleep either cold or warm.
There are a lot of people that say you should sleep in a colder room.
People even argue over the best room temperature for sleeping.
But what does science say about the best temperature for sleep?
This study could make a huge difference in how people sleep because its findings are so striking.
If you have any form or sleeping problem, or if your partner does, you will find this super interesting.
But how do you get someone at a certain temperature in their sleep to see how well they are sleeping?
For example, you can sleep with heaters on and a hat on and be very warm.
But your body may sweat, so your body temperature may be much lower than it is normally.
So researchers have an interesting way to solve this problem in the sleep study.
They use what they call a Thermo suit.
This suit lays right against the skin and ensures that someone stays at a certain temperature.
At least it ensures their skin stays at that temperature.
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And this study was REALLY surprising.
The researchers found that increasing the skin temperature by .7°F:
while not altering core temperature, suppresses nocturnal wakefulness and shifts sleep to deeper stages especially in elderly healthy and insomniac participants.
One of the issues with sleep is the perception that you don’t sleep deeply.
And also waking up frequently through the night before morning.
Raising the skin temperature by .7° helps both a great deal.
The induced .7 degrees F. increase in skin temperature was sufficient to almost double the proportion of nocturnal slow wave sleep and to decrease the probability of early morning awakening to almost zero times.
Let me explain what that means.
Just by raising the skin temperature slightly, older people slept more deeply and almost never woke up too early.
This is better than any sleep medication.
It both improves the quality of your sleep and keeps you from waking up too soon.
This changes things a bit.
This kind of takes care of the argument that you should sleep cold.
You should not sleep cold — you should sleep warm.
So, if you have trouble getting quality sleep and staying asleep, here’s what you should do.
It may be a good idea to wear a hat like they used to do, such as a nightcap.
And to wear something a bit warmer than what you normally wear.
You should see if you can raise your sleeping temperature by .7 of one degree.
This study says you should sleep the night and increase the quality of your sleep dramatically.
Remember, you don’t need to raise your core temperature, just your skin temperature.
There are lots of ways of raising your skip temp.
But the best thing is just to sleep a bit warmer than you’re used to, including your bedroom temperature.

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