There’s 1 very easy way to prevent the prostate from swelling up
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Avoiding prostate enlargement
Frequent, urgent urination. The need to urinate frequently at night. Inability to completely empty the bladder.
Matt Cook here, and these are some of the early signs of benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH).
Benign prostatic hyperplasia is a term for prostate enlargement – it is caused by inflammation and swelling of prostate cells.
This puts pressure on the tube which carries urine, interfering with inability to urinate fully and creating the sensation of needing to pee.
According to the NHS, the national health authority of the United Kingdom…
“The cause of prostate enlargement is unknown, but is believed to be linked to hormonal changes as a man gets older.”
This is probably true – but not exactly in the way they mean.
Testosterone and DHT are male hormones usually blamed for prostate problems…
…but both hormones decrease prostate inflammation – which is the direct cause of benign prostate hyperplasia.
The human research and cell experiments were carried out at the University of Florence in Italy. The findings were published in the Journal of Endocrinology.
It’s well known that inflammation is the main driver of benign prostatic hyperplasia.
Inflammation can be measured by testing the levels of certain inflammatory proteins.
“Progression of benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) involves chronic inflammation and immune dysregulation.”
Prior to these experiments, numerous studies have shown a strong link between low testosterone and prostate inflammation in humans.
“Preclinical studies have demonstrated that prostate inflammation and tissue remodeling are exacerbated by low testosterone.”
What’s more, previous human studies have also shown that testosterone supplementation can prevent BPH in men with low testosterone.
“Previous studies have demonstrated that prostate inflammation and tissue remodeling can be prevented by testosterone supplementation.”
In one of the current experiments, the researchers looked at the effect of the other major male hormone (DHT) on inflammation of human prostate cells.
“We investigated whether low testosterone was associated with more severe BPH inflammation and looked at the effect of DHT.”
The researchers took prostate cells from men who had been suffering with benign prostate hyperplasia…
…cells which were primed to become more inflamed.
But before they did that, they looked at testosterone levels in men with biopsy confirmed benign prostate hyperplasia.
Those results backed previous research showing that men with benign prostate hyperplasia have low testosterone.
Low testosterone was associated with a 5x increase in severe prostate inflammation.
“Even after adjusting for confounding factors, low testosterone was associated with a fivefold increased risk of severe prostate inflammation.”
Then the researchers carried out some experiments on those human prostate cells which were taken from men with BPH.
They discovered that it was very easy to trigger excessive inflammation in prostate cells taken from men with BPH.
“Triggering human BPH cells by inflammatory stimuli induced abundant secretion of inflammatory and growth factors.”
These cells were primed and ready to produce massive amounts of inflammation and also proteins that cause the growth and swelling of prostate cells.
However, when these sick prostate cells were first soaked in DHT, they produced far less inflammation.
“Pre-treatment with DHT inhibited primary inflammatory triggers and suppressed the release of several inflammatory and growth factors.”
DHT, just like testosterone, seems to limit prostate inflammation – even in already sick prostate cells.
“Reduced inflammation and reduction of T cell proliferation suggest that DHT exerts a broad anti-inflammatory effect on human BPH cells.”
It seems that rather than causing prostate problems…
…the major male hormones help to limit prostate information – the major factor in benign prostate hyperplasia.
“Our data demonstrates that DHT exerts an immune regulatory role on human BPH cells – inhibiting their potential to induce or sustain autoimmune and inflammatory responses.”
These essential male hormones have also been blamed for causing prostate cancer.
But the research shows just the opposite – these hormones protect against the development of prostate cancer markers.
—-Important Message About Preventing Prostate Inflammation—-
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