BPF, aka Bisphenol F, is a toxic chemical that acts like estrogen in a man’s body…
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—-Important Message From Bill Grant—-
Weird penis brain remedy that gets men instantly rocky
The Pharma industry prays you don’t watch my video…
Because it reveals startling new research from Ivy League universities like Harvard and Georgetown Medical…
…that prove the real cause of almost all erections problems in men…
They have discovered a penile brain that literally creates erections in a man…
…regardless of how long it’s been, or how poor his erections has been before.
One of the eye opening discoveries is that it’s NOT age, diet, OR testosterone…
Or anything else your doctor may have told you…
Instead, it’s something so simple and so cheap that can bring back great erections fast, in virtually all men.
Here’s the video that has these companies furious — watch it now before it’s censored
Avoid this canned beverage containing toxic BPF
As humans, we put a lot of chemicals into our environments for the sake of convenience.
These are often embedded in plastics or contained in different types of coatings.But they often have unintended consequences.
Many of the chemicals that are found in plastics are feminizing because they act like estrogen in the body.
There’s another chemical though that is found in coatings – and this chemical has been linked with lower cognitive function in kids.
It’s called Bisphenol F, or BPF.
Before I get into what BPF is, I think it’s important that you know this chemical works on the genetic level in humans.
That means that BPF may also affect adults in similar ways – even if there are no adult studies yet.
External factors can cause changes in gene activity through an “epigenetic” mechanism. This means that individual genes are modified by means of “methylation.” Increased methylation in a DNA segment makes it more difficult for the cellular machinery to read that specific part. As a result, expression of methylated genes is often impaired.
What is BPF?
BPF is used extensively in the production of household goods and to line drink cans.
Many different sodas and mixers and juices that come in a can can be loaded with BPF.
Bisphenol F (BPF) is used to make ‘tough’ plastic parts for household appliances, vehicles, and other items. It is also used in protective coatings, like linings in some drink cans and dental sealants. BPF can be formed from a naturally occurring chemical in yellow/white mustard seeds during production of some yellow mustard.
Why BPF is a problem.
In this research coming out of Uppsala University in Sweden…
…the researchers measured BPF levels in pregnant women and then monitored the children that were born.
What they found was that high levels of BPF exposure created lower IQ in children at 7 years of age.
In the research group’s previous study, they saw that the 25% of seven-year-olds who, during week 10 of the pregnancy, were exposed to the highest maternal levels of bisphenol F had a 2-point decline in full scale IQ compared to the 25% of children exposed to the lowest levels. This is a small difference that is inconspicuous in an individual child but, on the other hand, becomes clear on a population level.
The researchers then found that this occurred because of a change in the GRIN2B gene – which affects neurology.
The analyses demonstrated that in fetuses exposed to higher levels of BPF, methylation increases in a specific part of the GRIN2B gene, which has a key neurological role. Further, higher methylation was associated with lower IQ in the children.
Interestingly there was also a gender difference.
Only BOYS had the effect of a lower IQ due to BPF.
However, the study also found that there appears to be a sex difference in these children’s susceptibility to BPF. The epigenetic link between BPF and cognition was observed only in boys.
That leads me to believe that this is probably an endocrine or hormonal effect in the system.
One of the things that I do to limit my personal exposure to these types of chemicals is to drink primarily out of glass or ceramic.
It’s very rare I drink out of cans or plastic.
There are all kinds of disruptive chemicals in our environments.
And while it’s impossible to avoid them all, you can reduce your exposure by taking simple steps.
I think it’s worth doing, because some of these chemicals can be pretty nasty.
—-Important Message About Avoiding Estrogenic Chemicals—-
Warning for all men: these toilet paper brands are poisoning your prostate
You may have heard that prostate problems are caused by DHT (di-hydro-testosterone) or too much testosterone…
I don’t think this is true at all. In fact, it’s a lie.
Testosterone and DHT can in fact fix prostate problems.
Look at this example of dramatically shrinking a prostate by administering 3 testosterone treatments:
Something else, something terrible, is causing the epidemic of prostate problems…
Environmental toxins.
And a big one…did you know that your toilet paper can be a terrible cause?
And not just for causing you prostate problems, but leading to hair loss, erections problems, maybe even cancer…
Crazy, but 100% true.