These 2 things raise harmful cortisol levels more than anything else
Matt Cook here, and if you’ve noticed a lower drive, poor rockiness, and feeling tired a lot — the culprit is probably cortisol.
Cortisol is a bad stress hormone that tanks men’s T while ruining health.
And it’s very common for cortisol levels to spike in men.
In fact, there are two very simple bad habits that are raising men’s cortisol levels every day — are you doing one or both of these things?
—-Important Message From Lawrence—-
This one naughty word unlocks a woman’s deepest sexual fantasies — and she will want to act them out with YOU!

This “wake up her naughty side” word is very, very powerful for both single or married guys…
…because this naughty word opens up a sexual buffet of sweaty, amazing intensity that you thought women only faked in “those” movies.
With this specific naughty word, you can access her deepest, most secret sexual desires just by whispering a few seemingly innocent words in her ear…
So what is the word?
Well, I’ve already told you it just now…
Can you find it? If not, I reveal the naughty side word here…
Avoid these 2 bad habits if you want to lower cortisol levels
Cushing’s syndrome is the name given to a collection of symptoms associated with very high cortisol levels.
These symptoms include:
- high blood pressure
- abdominal obesity
- reddish stretch marks
- a round, red face
- a fat lump between the shoulders, weak muscles, weak bones, acne, and fragile skin that heals poorly.
But men with Cushing’s also experience extra symptoms…
“The loss of libido and impotence occurring in men with Cushing’s syndrome is associated with significantly lower testosterone levels.”
It may be the lack of sex drive and erections problems in cushing’s syndrome is caused by low testosterone.
Cushing’s syndrome is usually caused by a tumor or excessive glucocorticoid treatment.
But short term, natural increases in cortisol can also have the same effect.
Higher cortisol means lower testosterone.

These human experiments were carried out at the Clayton Foundation for Research in California. The results were published in the Journal of The Endocrine Society.
Stress lowers testosterone.
Stress can be mental or physical — or it can be induced by dietary patterns like fasting — even skipping breakfast is a stress.
“In men, an acute decrease in serum testosterone levels in association with a variety of stressful conditions has been observed.”
A number of lines of evidence led researchers to question whether increased cortisol is the cause of lower testosterone during stress.
“We assessed the possibility that elevations of cortisol may have a direct effect on testosterone secretion.”
The researchers recruited 14 healthy men in their 20s and 30s. The men spent the day at a clinical research centre.
After arriving at the research centre, doctors placed an IV line into the arms of the men. The men had blood hormones sampled 30 minutes later.
A blood sample was taken every 15 minutes after that to test for cortisol and testosterone levels.
The researchers gave some men injections of insulin to lower their blood sugar levels.
Lowering blood sugar reliably increases cortisol.
The reason for this is cortisol is needed to free up more sugar from the stores in your body.
The rest of the researchers were given hydrocortisone — a treatment which increases cortisol by a different mechanism.
The researchers then looked at the effect of increased cortisol on testosterone levels over the next few hours.
All the men had normal hormone levels before getting insulin or hydrocortisone.
Both of the treatments were effective in increasing cortisol levels in the blood.
Cortisol caused an immediate decrease in testosterone.
“Elevation of circulating cortisol resulting from insulin-induced hypoglycemia or the administration of hydrocortisone was followed by a rapid decrease in serum testosterone levels.”
The research highlights the dangers of using treatments like hydrocortisone.
But the study also shows that naturally increasing cortisol levels also has the same effect.
Fasting or not eating frequently enough — simply skipping breakfast will increase cortisol.
Cortisol is essential to increase blood sugar levels.
Exercise stress will also increase cortisol — particularly if you don’t eat enough carbohydrate.
The researchers also tested luteinizing hormone. Luteinizing hormone tells the testicles to produce more testosterone.
When testosterone drops, luteinizing hormone should increase — this will ensure that testosterone levels recover. But this didn’t happen!
“Elevation of cortisol was followed by a rapid decrease in testosterone levels without accompanying changes in luteinizing hormone.”
This means that there is no sign of a natural recovery.
With no increase in luteinizing hormone, there is no way for testosterone levels to recover.
Cortisol prevents the testicles from producing healthy levels of testosterone.
“These findings suggest that high cortisol of endogenous or exogenous sources suppresses testosterone secretion by direct action on the testis.”
This is true whether cortisol is increased by treatments (exogenous) or by more natural processes (endogenous).
To be healthy, you must keep cortisol under control.
Step one is making sure that you always eat breakfast to lower cortisol levels caused by the overnight fast.
—-Important Message for Men Who Want to Lower Cortisol at Breakfast Time—-
This special breakfast regulates blood sugar, lowers cortisol, and raises T in men

Blood sugar, cortisol, and testosterone are all connected.
When blood sugar is too high, cortisol is too high and testosterone falls too low…
This is why a man with blood sugar problems or diabetes almost always has erections problems, low libido, and low testosterone.
It’s cortisol to blame.
And you can fix high cortisol and get great blood sugar while naturally raising T…
…if you eat the right breakfast every morning that costs less than a dollar to make…

Acute suppression of circulating testosterone levels by cortisol in men