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I want the world to see how aspirin may help treat cancer.
I would really like to see some studies showing how aspirin can actually get rid of cancer.
But we are still waiting for those studies.
And it’s primarily because there’s no money in aspirin.
Nobody has a patent on it anymore.
It’s ultra-cheap.
So when Big Pharma can charge $25,000 for a chemotherapy treatment, it’s not really motivated to research alternatives.
They especially are not interested in proving that aspirin works better than their expensive treatments.
And aspirin and cancer prevention are just waiting to be proven.
So meantime, let’s look at a study that shows how aspirin can prevent cancer from spreading.
They reviewed thousands and thousands of patients.
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And the result of this review is that aspirin significantly prevented the spread of cancer.
Plus, it lowered the severity of cancer.
You can see it very easily in this chart:
The dosages of aspirin were over 75 mg per day.
I would probably suggest a higher dosage than a so-called baby aspirin.
Perhaps you should take a single aspirin tablet every day or every other day.
That’s 325 mg every day or every other day.
In some of my courses, I provide a very detailed aspirin protocol that cuts down the possibility of stomach irritation.
But in most men, taking aspirin on regular basis conditions the stomach.
This actually makes bleeding less likely.
So there’s very little downside aspirin and a huge upside.
And that’s why we eagerly await reports of aspirin actually being used to treat cancer as active chemotherapy.
In this study, aspirin was used to prevent the spread of cancer.
Actually, the men took aspirin and then cancer slowed down its spread.
But there are very few studies in progress that I am aware of on using aspirin as an actual chemotherapy drug.
When that happens, I think it will mean some tremendous progress in fighting cancer.
We may even find out that it is a cure for cancer.

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