These 5 simple words activate a woman’s mental pleasure centers
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—-Important Message From Jack Grave—-
Ask a woman this one question to instantly turn her on
There’s a primal part of a woman’s brain that can be revved up with 5 simple words…
And the best thing about this is that it easily fits into everyday conversation.
Her conscious mind won’t pick up on what you’re doing…
…but her unconscious “mental pleasure” centers will be going crazy…
And this will trigger a powerful, compulsive desire inside her… a desire for YOU with no clothes on!
Simply send her sexual cravings into overdrive with this 5 word question
Can this fungus cure colitis?
If you have a severe case of intestinal inflammation, it can be brutal.
You might experience diarrhea, constipation, and cramping.
Intestinal inflammation is what’s behind the disease related to irritable bowel syndrome like Chron’s and colitis.
Crohn’s disease is a type of inflammatory bowel disease that can lead to chronic inflammation of the entire digestive tract. Symptoms include diarrhea, pain and cramping, fatigue, weight loss and more.
Most doctors don’t believe there is a cure for Crohn’s disease.
I don’t really believe that to be the case. I think that you can probably cure Crohn’s disease.
In fact, I know of several instances where people went into complete remission from their symptoms…
New research is also showing that the intestinal inflammation that is characteristic of Chron’s and other inflammatory bowel diseases…
…is linked to a specific type of fungi called C. tropicalis.
Our guts are loaded with bacteria and fungi.
They make up what is known as the microbiome. It directly impacts our health and our immune system.
The human microbiota consists of the 10-100 trillion symbiotic microbial cells harbored by each person, primarily bacteria in the gut; the human microbiome consists of the genes these cells harbor.
When our gut is out of balance, it can cause inflammation and lead to intestinal and bowel problems, as well as other chronic conditions.
When it’s in balance it can be highly protective of our health.
In this study, researchers introduced a fungus called Candida tropicalis into animal models and caused colitis in these animals.
Researchers introduced the fungus into animal models and induced colitis (inflammation of only the large intestine) through a chemical compound. The models infected with C. tropicalis showed severe inflammation and significant imbalance of the gut microbiome with changes in bacteria levels.
I want you to read that again.
The researchers INDUCED colitis by creating a fungal infection in the bowel.
For a disease that supposedly has no cure, figuring out one of the ways the disease is induced is a huge step forward.
This shows that creating a fungal infection with this pathogen…
…may be behind irritable bowel syndrome diseases that cause so many problems for so many people.
Researchers say the findings show that this imbalance of fungi and bacteria can create a predisposition to inflammatory bowel disease. Past studies have shown that people with Crohn’s disease have higher levels of C. tropicalis when compared to healthy individuals.
Taking care of your gut can and does help you to protect your health.
It can also help to minimize your risk of disease and potentially even reverse some diseases.
Why this is so ignored by the overall medical establishment, I’m not sure.
It makes me kind of crazy.
I guess that Big Pharma is so invested in the “mask the symptoms with tablets” paradigm that they pursue…
…that they have blinders to other solutions.
When it comes to the current medical establishment, it’s always a good idea to follow the money to see why they embrace the solutions that they do.
Ultimately, you have a lot more influence over your health than you think you do.
And by understanding the underlying cause of health problems you can then take steps to treat them.
—-Important Message About Your Gut—-
Gut problems? This can help in as little as 2 weeks while giving erections a big boost
I’ve found a way to fix the gut that gives erections a big boost.
It works by scrubbing the body of endotoxins.
Endotoxins are all the bacteria, viruses, and fungi swimming around in our gut that leaks out into the body when you have a leaky gut.
These endotoxins travel all over and infect other organs, even the penis.
So if you get rid of these endotoxins, the whole body benefits, not just the gut.
And libido and erections are two of the biggest benefactors when you clean out the gut this way…