These items contain toxic chemicals called endocrine disruptors that lower T and raise E in men
There are tons of products we use in the bathroom and in the kitchen that are secretly destroying our testosterone levels.
These products are full of endocrine disrupting toxins that lower men’s T.
And it can be almost impossible to avoid these toxins — so what to do?
I’m showing you one simple solution for protecting yourself against these toxins that you can try as soon as tonight…
—-Important Message From Nick—-
Leapfrogging the marital bed

Hey, I’m Nick, and like most red-blooded American men, I feel that making love is one of life’s purest joys…
And recently, I’ve discovered anatural 30-second secret that makes it easy to get fully firm and stay that way — and it boosts sex drive too.
Now thanks to this, I feel like I’m back in high school, constantly tucking my manhood away because I’m turned on all the time!
And just a kiss on the cheek, holding hands, a touch on the leg… it all gets me stiff now.
I really think you’ll love this, if you’re anything like me…
TRIGGER WARNING — The link above may not be suitable for men trying to avoid triggers. Definitely not safe for work.
Are you using these everyday items that are lowering your T?
No one would paint their house with lead based paint today.
It’s considered way too dangerous.
That’s because lead paint in homes can cause lead poisoning and developmental problems in children.
It was banned in paint in 1978.
For a long time, the chemicals that have been used to create consumer goods, especially plastics, have also been considered safe.
But we are now finding that they aren’t as safe as previously thought.
I think eventually the idea of having our food touch these chemicals will be as appalling as the idea of painting a house in lead paint is today.
The reality is, there is growing evidence that PFAS and BPA are endocrine (hormone) disruptors and can have SERIOUS health implications over time.

Endocrine disruptors cause serious health problems.
There have been studies done on these chemicals for a long time, but the evidence is growing stronger and stronger that they cause serious health problems like infertility, diabetes, and problems with brain development.
A growing number of chemicals in pesticides, flame retardants, and certain plastics have been linked to widespread health problems including infertility in women and men, diabetes, and impaired brain development, a set of reviews of hundreds of studies concludes.
These chemicals are found in flame retardants, pesticides, and many plastics.
They’re EXTREMELY common.
Evidence is particularly strong for relations between perfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) and child and adult obesity, impaired glucose tolerance, gestational diabetes, reduced birthweight, reduced semen quality, polycystic ovarian syndrome, endometriosis, and breast cancer.
And the list of diseases these chemicals contribute to is almost mind blowing.
PFAS are particularly troublesome because they are persistent, which means they don’t break down in our environments or our bodies.
They won’t just “go away.”
Another class of chemicals that causes problems is BPA — these are used in food and beverage cans as a lining.
They are also used in kids toys.
Bisphenol A (BPA) is a chemical used in large volumes for the production of polycarbonate plastics and the epoxy resin lining of metal-based food and beverage cans. Used to add strength and resilience, BPA is also utilized in products such as toys, water supply pipes, and medical tubing (Braun et al., 2009).
Biphenols (BPA) are linked to lots of hormone related diseases, including prostate cancer.
Evidence also exists for relations between bisphenols and adult diabetes, reduced semen quality, and polycystic ovarian syndrome; phthalates and prematurity, reduced anogenital distance in boys, childhood obesity, and impaired glucose tolerance; organophosphate pesticides and reduced semen quality; and occupational exposure to pesticides and prostate cancer.
They are also related to things you wouldn’t really think of as being hormone related, like ADD and cognitive deficits.
Greater evidence has accumulated than was previously identified for cognitive deficits and attention-deficit disorder in children following prenatal exposure to bisphenol A, organophosphate pesticides, and polybrominated flame retardants.
One of the big problems that we face with these chemicals is that small exposures over time are cumulative, and our regulations don’t usually reflect that.
The authors are concerned that current U.S. regulations are based only on exposure to large doses of chemicals, not small, everyday doses over many years, even though recent findings demonstrate that such chemicals are cumulatively dangerous at low levels.
Instead they reflect the idea that a large dose of the chemical is poisonous.
But like lead paint, we are finding that regular exposure is causing serious problems.
To avoid these types of chemicals, the best thing you can do is eat real, fresh food whenever possible.
Endocrine (hormone) disruptors are all over our environments and they are probably making us sick.
—-Important Message: Warning for All Men—-
Beware this hidden toxin in the bathroom
There’s toxic chemicals like BPA all around us, even in the bathroom…
And chances are, you’ve already used this item once or twice today…
And each time, it’s exposing your most private manly areas to dangerous toxins…
Toxins that can cause terrible performance problems for men, even cancer.
Watch this quick video — are you protecting yourself in the bathroom?