This is what happens when you don’t get enough…
Matt Cook here, and there is one vital nutrient that most men aren’t getting enough of through diet alone…
And without this one nutrient, men face a life of chronic inflammation, obesity, slow metabolism, low T, and erections problems.
Here’s how to tell if you are too low in this extremely important male nutrient — and what you can do today to increase your levels…
—-Important Message From Dr. Joe—-
This gave a man a boner for 48 hours straight
Hundreds of years ago, a rogue American militia was out exploring the new world…
And in just a few days, they are all close to death from scurvy…
Until a Native American shaman finds these men and gives them a brew so powerful…
…it not only brings them back to full health, it leaves them with RAGING erections that never seem to quit…
But this was the 1500s…and this was Puritan country…
So this shocking secret was DESTROYED by the puritans for being too tempting to men.
And the secret was lost for nearly five hundred years.
Until one very determined Ivy League doctor in Connecticut re-discovered it…
…finding shocking scientific proof to show that this brew boosts erection strength by 442%…
Are you taking this extremely important male nutrient?
Riboflavin (vitamin B2) is a water-soluble nutrient which is found in foods like eggs, milk, mushrooms, and almonds.
It’s an extremely important nutrient for many reasons – perhaps most importantly it’s essential to help our cells generate energy.
The inability to generate enough energy is the root cause of many different diseases.
Under any type of stress, the body is prone to produce inflammation.
Inflammation should only exist for a short time – the body needs energy to dampen inflammation.
When energy is low, inflammation gets out of control.
It can lead to cardiovascular disease, obesity and type II diabetes.
Inflammation is also a major factor in the immune dysfunction – both autoimmune disease and susceptibility to infection.
Vitamin B2 is essential to keep inflammation under control and to keep the immune system happy.
The cell experiments were carried out at Jagiellonian University Medical College, Cracow, Poland. The paper was published in The Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology.
The official recommended daily allowance for vitamin B2 is around 1.5mg.
That’s not a lot.
Many official sources will say that we don’t need any more than this to be healthy.
At the same time, there are numerous studies showing that tricky health problems…
…like migraine, for instance, can be improved by taking much, much larger doses of this nutrient.
And even though the recommended daily allowance of B2 is quite low, many people don’t even get that much.
“B2 deficiency is a common problem affecting the populations of both developing and affluent countries.”
In fact, some groups of people are at a pretty high risk of not getting enough riboflavin.
“Teenagers, elderly people, pregnant women, and alcohol abusers represent groups that are particularly susceptible to vitamin B2 deficiency.”
One of the many things that vitamin B2 is responsible for is calming the immune system.
Macrophages are large white blood cells which are the heavy artillery of the immune system.
These blood cells eat pathogenic invaders and release inflammatory compounds designed to kill infectious agents.
These inflammatory compounds are essential for the functioning of the immune system.
But they have to be kept under strict control or they will end up doing damage to the body.
The study was designed to see whether vitamin B2 helps to control the amount of inflammation released by these white blood cells.
“We wanted to determine the effect of riboflavin concentrations on macrophage response induced by bacteria or yeast.”
You see, yeast or bacteria can get into the blood or other parts of the body where they should not be.
Then the macrophages set out to destroy these infectious agents.
But if the inflammation created by these white blood cells is not kept under strict control, it will cause other problems.
The researchers carried out numerous cell experiments.
Some cells were given plenty of vitamin B2 before they were exposed to bacteria and yeast.
Other cells were deprived of this water-soluble nutrient.
The researchers found that vitamin B2 levels had major effects on the amount of inflammation produced by white blood cells in response to bacteria and yeast.
Without enough vitamin B2, the body cannot mount a proper immune response to infections.
“We conclude that short-term vitamin B2 deficiency significantly impairs the ability of white blood cells to mandate proper immune response.”
Part of the problem is that without B2, the white blood cells produce way too much inflammation.
Vitamin B2 deficiency could be the reason why some people suffer from severe inflammatory diseases…
…while other people never developed those same problems.
“Vitamin B2 decreases the inflammatory activation of white blood cells.”
Low levels of vitamin B2 could have a role in many inflammatory diseases.
Aside from simply not eating enough of this nutrient, people with gut problems can have trouble absorbing it…
…and gut bacteria can have major effects on vitamin B2 levels in the blood.
Some people need a lot more vitamin B2 than others.
—-Important Message From Matt About Essential Male Nutrients—-
This special form of vitamin C boosts blood flow for better rockiness
Vitamin C increases antioxidants in the blood that help fight inflammation.
And this relaxes the blood vessels, so they stay wide open and flexible instead of getting tight and constricted.
The result? Much better blood flow — and it begins with vitamin C.
But here’s where I’ve made it even better…
I’ve discovered an even more powerful form of vitamin C I’m calling Super C…
And instead of being water soluble, it’s fat soluble.
So it stays in the body longer, which lets it have a more powerful and longer-lasting effect.
Use Super C to boost blood flow by 150% or more for even better rockiness