These 3 treatments are causing permanent kidney damage in men
Matt Cook here, and Big Pharma treatments often come with side effects…
Some are manageable, like dry mouth or headache or upset stomach.
But other side effects are much, much more serious.
Like the side effects of these 3 popular treatments…
One of them is permanent kidney damage!
From a treatment that is supposed to help you, not hurt you.
So do me a favor real quick — check your bottles… Are you taking any of these?
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Are you suffering from this common but hidden kidney problem?
If you take blood pressure treatments or have a loved one who does, you need to make sure you read this article.
There is a common treatment interaction that can cause serious kidney injury and it’s very likely that no one has ever told you about it.
The medication combination that’s causing problems is a triple combo.
It’s diuretics + RSA inhibitors + ibuprofen.
This combination of treatments is far more common than you might think.
Many people with high blood pressure take both diuretics and RSA inhibitors.
When some people combine these treatments with common, over the counter ibuprofen, they can be in for real problems.
Researchers at the University of Waterloo used computer-simulated trials to model the interactions of the three treatments and the impact on the kidney. They found that in people with certain medical profiles, the combination can cause acute kidney injury, which in some cases can be permanent.
These three treatments in combination can cause PERMANENT kidney damage…
…in part because the diuretics make the kidneys more vulnerable to problems and other treatment interactions.
“Diuretics are a family of treatments that make the body hold less water,” Layton said. “Being dehydrated is a major factor in acute kidney injury, and then the RAS inhibitor and ibuprofen hit the kidney with this triple whammy.
This reaction doesn’t happen in everybody.
But it happens often enough that if you are taking both a diuretic and a RSA inhibitor you should AVOID taking ibuprofen as well.
“It’s not that everyone who happens to take this combination of treatments is going to have problems,” said Anita Layton, professor of applied mathematics at Waterloo and Canada 150 Research Chair in mathematical biology and medicine. “But the research shows it’s enough of a problem that you should exercise caution.”
It’s not just this combination of high blood pressure treatments that can cause kidney damage either.
When an ARB (angiotensin-receptor blocker) is combined with an ACE-inhibitor, it can also cause kidney damage.
These studies found that combination of an ARB with an ACE-inhibitor was associated with an increased risk of hyperkalemia (increased potassium in the blood), kidney damage or low blood pressure compared with using either medicine alone.
These are both treatments in the RAS inhibitor family and are sometimes prescribed together.
In most cases though, treating high blood pressure with these two treatments together doesn’t offer a benefit over treating it with the treatments alone.
Furthermore, no significant benefits from dual blockade were seen in patients without heart failure and benefits were thought to outweigh risk only in a selected group of patients with heart failure in whom other treatments were unsuitable.
While high blood pressure pills and kidney damage are strongly linked, problems with other interactions are also quite common.
If your doctor is prescribing you multiple treatments, make sure that you are asking them to review them on a regular basis.
Often treatments are given and then not reviewed unless you ask.
So make sure you ask!
Personally, I try to be on as few Big Pharma treatments as possible because the possibility of bad interactions is real.
And it can cause nearly as many problems as the treatments themselves.
Taking too many Big Pharma treatments is related to cognitive and balance problems and can cause falls, lethargy, and overall feelings of malaise.
I’m not completely against Big Pharma and I am against over prescribing.
And I think it’s very important to understand the risks that these treatments can pose.
Ultimately, you need to weigh your options with your doctor and decide on the best path for you and your personal situation.
—-Important Message About Dangerous Blood Pressure Treatments—-
Are you taking one of these 5 dangerous blood pressure medications?
I’ve discovered 5 Big Pharma blood pressure treatments for men that are actually making men SICKER…
One is even leading to lung cancer in men…
So do me a favor and check your bottles real quick.