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How to intelligently deal with the fallout of MACE (erection problems and health issues)…
—-Important Message—-
Can a man enjoy these huge erections even into old age?
As a teenager, I had erections ALL the time…even though I had no opportunity to do anything with them…
And that was all because I had a youthful teenage metabolism…
But as I got older, I lost those fabulous hard-ons… And my metabolism slowed down… And it would take days for me to recover even from a hearty meal or a bit of exercise.
Luckily, I now use this 45-second morning routine… And it literally rolls back my metabolism… I feel years younger…
I’m warmer, I’m stronger, my testosterone is much higher…
And, honestly, I wake up with pile-driver erections like I have not experienced in YEARS…
Are you suffering from MACE?
(MACE = Major adverse cardiovascular events)
Testosterone supplementation is still controversial.
But I believe the evidence proves that sensible testosterone supplementation is beneficial for low-T men.
The results of a recent, long-term human study into testosterone supplementation are very promising.
In the study, testosterone supplementation improved erectile function and lowered the chances of cardiovascular disease and death.
It also decreased waist circumference.
Men given testosterone had smaller waists by four inches, 10 years after starting supplementation.
This large human study was conducted at a number of universities and hospitals in the US and Germany. The results were reported in the Journal of Sexual Medicine.
Chronic health problems such as erectile dysfunction and cardiovascular disease have a strong relationship with each other.
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“Erectile dysfunction is a risk factor and predictor of cardiovascular disease.”
There is also an association between low testosterone and these two conditions.
This study set out to examine the effect of testosterone on ED and cardiovascular problems.
The study only enrolled men with low testosterone.
“We studied 10 years of testosterone therapy in low-T men on erectile function, body measurements, and cardiovascular events.”
400 men with low testosterone decided to go on testosterone supplementation.
The men were given 1,000 mg of testosterone undecanoate every three months.
“400 men with low T received testosterone undecanoate 1,000 mg every 3 months for up to 10 years.”
Another 376 men diagnosed with low testosterone decided to go without testosterone supplementation.
This was the control group, used for comparison.
All of the men were re-examined 8 to 10 years later.
Penis function improved in men receiving testosterone supplementation.
They measured penile function using the standard IIEF (International Index of Erectile Function) questionnaires.
Testosterone made men more sexually potent 10 years later.
“IIEF-EF erectile scores increased from 18 to 27 in the T-group.”
(Higher scores mean better erectile function.)
The men who decided against testosterone replacement had worse penile function years later.
“Erectile function decreased from 20 to 9 in the non-supplemented group.”
These function scores were three times higher in the testosterone supplementation group (10 years later).
Men taking testosterone lost 10 cm (4”) from their waist size over the course of the 10 years.
“Waist circumference decreased from 107 to 96 cm (42” to 38”) at 10 years in the T-group.”
Many who decided against testosterone supplementation did not see a decrease in their waist measurements.
At the 10-year point, men who did supplement testosterone lost almost 18 kg (40 lb) in body weight.
“Weight decreased from 104 to 86 kg (230 lb to 190 lb) in the T-group and increased slightly from in the control group.”
Men who supplemented with testosterone were 20 kg (44 lb) lighter than those who avoided testosterone.
Over the course of the study, there were 39 deaths in the control group.
There were only 6 deaths in the testosterone-supplemented group.
The control group reported 45 heart attacks and 42 strokes.
“There were 39 deaths (10.4%), 45 myocardial infarctions (12%), and 42 strokes (11.2%) in the control group.”
However, there were no major cardiovascular events reported in testosterone supplement group – no strokes, no heart attacks.
“There were only 6 deaths (1.5%) and no major cardiovascular events in the T-group.”
Remember, the groups had almost the same number of people in them (400 vs 376).
This is what testosterone supplementation did for low-T men:
- Improved penile function
- Shed body weight
- Dropped waist size
- Lowered stroke, heart attack, and death
These results are all the more impressive because of the number of participants and the long duration of the study.
Looking at these results, you might think these men were getting younger.
“Erectile function and body measurements improved in the T-group and worsened or remained stable in the control group.”
The authors believe that lowering waist circumference may be responsible for the other benefits.
“These improvements may have contributed to reducing MACE in hypogonadal men receiving adequate testosterone.”
(MACE = Major adverse cardiovascular events)
This study shows how beneficial proper testosterone supplementation can be.
You should always consult a healthcare professional for diagnosing and treating health problems.
—And here’s another way to raise testosterone and lower estrogen–
How to raise testosterone WHILE lowering estrogen
My lab test came back showing high estrogen.
Estrogen is bad for men, VERY bad. Just lowering estrogen can restore good erections. No extra testosterone needed. Just get your estrogen down.
But fat cells produce LOADS of estrogen.
So losing fat is THE way to reduce estrogen. Therefore, I decided to lose a bit of fat…
I wanted to LOWER my estrogen and RAISE my testosterone.
The way most guys lose fat does the opposite…
It LOWERs their testosterone and INCREASES estrogen (fat cells dump estrogen into the bloodstream while the men are losing weight).
So losing fat the WRONG way causes metabolic harm that makes it more and more difficult to keep the pounds off… And it will RUIN your sexual performance.
Fortunately, I knew how to lose fat while INCREASING my testosterone…

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