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This man is an important professor at Temple University.
He’s now showing us the relationship between diabetes and Alzheimer’s disease.
There’s a huge mistake that’s made when thinking about type II diabetes.
That mistake is believing that diabetes is caused by high blood sugar.
The high blood sugar supposedly hurts the kidneys, eyes, fingers and toes.
And the blame goes to the high blood sugar that causes a diabetic’s body to deteriorate.
This is absolutely not true.
Diabetes is disease were poor metabolism results in the cells only eating fat.
The cells are unable to eat glucose or sugar.
So the sugar just sits there because the cells won’t take it out because they can’t music.
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The result is that although a diabetic person may have high sugar in their blood, they have low sugar in their cells.
Now if you’ve ever been on a low-carb diet you know that you don’t feel very good — especially at the beginning.
This is often known as the “carb flu.”
You just feel really crummy and the reason is your brain is not getting enough sugar.
And your body can’t produce enough sugar without carbs for fuel.
You’re not getting the sugar in your diet like you were before you started the low-carb diet.
This whole situation is not good for the brain because the brain must use sugar.
Most organs can consume either fat or sugar.
But not the brain.
The brain must consume a lot of sugar.
And that sugar either comes from your diet or must be produced.
So if sugar isn’t the problem, what happens if you have diabetes?
The cells in your brain are the same as the cells everywhere else in your body.
They need sugar.
But if you have diabetes, your cells are suffering the same metabolic problem that causes high blood sugar.
The problem causes sugar to pile up in your blood and for you to have the diabetic symptoms.
So your brain is not getting enough sugar if you have diabetes.when
As a result, the brain suffers diabetic attacks or hypoglycemic attacks.
And the result is brain damage that can cause early Alzheimer’s and death.
The professors start out by explaining that
The central nervous system is particularly vulnerable to low blood sugar damage.
That means that when the brain becomes diabetic, it can’t use sugar properly.
But it still needs a lot of sugar.
So the “diabetic brain” has episodes of low blood sugar, also called hypoglycemia.
And these episodes cause the tiny little tubes that connect the nerves together to become tangled up and damaged.
That is what is meant by the phrase “tau phosphorylation.”
Tau phosphorylation is a bad thing because it indicates brain damage.
The process is tremendously complicated, of course.
But tau phosphorylation works somewhat like this:
The result is that nerve cells get sick or die.
I use the phrase “diabetes of the brain.”
But the process is the same for brain cells as for every other cell.
When cells have metabolic problems, they start burning fat and are unable to burn sugar.
Decades ago, Dr. Randle showed that cells in the body can either burn fat or sugar principally.
But they cannot burn both at the same time very well.
This idea is called somewhat confusingly the Randle cycle.
The craze today for low carb diets really becomes a craze for high-fat diets.
And the idea of becoming a “fat burning machine” is idiocy.
A diabetic IS a fat burning machine.
And now through these studies, we find that a diabetic body is also a diabetic brain.
We also see that the diabetic brain is unable to use sugar properly,
And that can cause dementia.
So, what should you do now?
If you can fix your diabetic issues by getting your body to burn sugar again, you’ll be in great shape again.
And you will no longer have diabetes.
I’m not talking about controlling diabetes or taking medication to treat symptoms.
The treatment of diabetes today is a disgrace.
They just aim to try to get diabetics on many different drugs.
The key to fixing diabetes is to restore the cells’ ability to burn sugar.
The brain is the most important sugar burning organ.
And we need to make sure that we realize that a diabetic body is a diabetic brain.
We have to restore proper function to live a long time.
We can have a healthy life, and be clear-thinking, pleasure-experiencing men into our 90s and beyond.

Tau phosphorylation: physiological and pathological consequences
Each discovery is based upon primary studies from peer reviewed science sources following the Daily Medical Discoveries 7 Step Process to ensure accuracy.