Could correcting B1 deficiency cure heart disease in many cases?
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Hey, Matt Cook here and B1 vitamin deficiency could be affecting your heart without you even knowing it.
In fact, it can lead to cardiovascular disease and you never knew it was due to low B1 — and I have yet to meet a doctor who understands the role of B1 in heart health.
And yet: Research shows that supplementing with B1 can significantly improve heart function in just a few weeks.
I’ll show you exactly how much to take for the most optimal results…
—-Important Message—-
Are you sleeping enough for a healthy heart?
Did you know that sleeping just a bit more can significantly lower your chances of a heart attack?
A study found that people who slept at least one hour longer on weekends had lower rates of cardiovascular diseases like stroke, coronary heart disease, and angina.
I used to struggle with getting enough sleep as most men do these days…
Then I went on a mission to fix my sleep.
I’ve spent months perfecting my “sleep-hygiene” that helped me fix my sleep.
Now, I sleep longer, better, feel more energized, and my overall health has improved.
And I’ve put my findings together and created the Sleep Transformation.
I’m showing you exactly how to get the rest you need here
Are you deficient in B1? How to find out
Of all the supplements I recommend, vitamin B1 is perhaps the most important.
The reason is that so many men are low in B1 — and it can take months to correct the deficiency.
One symptom of low B1 is surprising — and also quite bad. You may not have it *yet* but read on so you can prevent it from happening to you or someone you love.
I’m talking about…
…Heart failure… which is a failure to provide the heart with enough energy it needs to function correctly.
This in turn starves the rest of the body of blood, oxygen, and other nutrients.
Many treatments, including heart failure treatments, cause alterations in nutrient metabolism.
Heart failure treatments can lead to a loss of vitamin B1 – something very important for energy production in the heart and elsewhere.
Researchers found that supplementing vitamin B1 in people taking these treatments can improve the primary marker of heart failure (ejection fraction) in just a few weeks.
The human research was carried out at the University of Bern in Switzerland. This paper was published in Clinical Research in Cardiology.
Diuretics (water capsules) are used in heart failure to remove excess water from the body by increasing urine production and excretion.
They can help relieve ankle swelling and breathlessness.
Unfortunately, these diuretics also lead to a loss of thiamine – vitamin B1.
“Diuretics may lead to an increased urinary thiamine excretion and thiamine deficiency, which may further compromise cardiac function.”
Heart failure is an energetic problem, and vitamin B1 is essential for energy production in the cell.
So, these researchers were interested in the effects of vitamin B1 supplementation in heart failure patients on these treatments.
“This study evaluated the effect of high dose thiamine supplementation in heart failure patients.”
The researchers tracked left ventricular ejection fraction in nine people with heart failure.
This is a metric used to diagnose and grade heart failure.
In simple terms, it tells how well the heart pumps blood each time it contracts.
Higher numbers are better.
“9 patients on diuretics for heart failure and a left ventricular ejection fraction <40% were randomly assigned to receive thiamine or placebo.”
The ejection fraction of a healthy person is between 50% and 70%.
All of the participants in this study had ejection fractions below 40%. One of the primary goals of arterial treatment is to increase this number.
Some of the participants were put on 300 mg of vitamin B1 for 4 weeks. Then their ejection fraction was retested.
Then there was a 6 week washout period before the participants were swapped around.
Now those who had taken the placebo took vitamin B1, and vice versa.
“Baseline left ventricular ejection fraction was similar for both treatment groups (29%).”
Treatment with 300 mg of vitamin B1 increased the absolute ejection fraction by 3.8%.
Or, to look at it another way this was an increase of 13% from where the participants started.
“After 28 days of thiamine treatment, the left ventricular ejection fraction increased to 33% which was significantly different from the left ventricular ejection fraction in the placebo group (28.8%).”
If this seems like a relatively small number, then perhaps you don’t know how difficult it is to increase ejection fraction in patients with heart failure.
This is also a relatively short time period.
Ejection fraction generally declines consistently in heart failure patients.
And although they call this high-dose thiamine…
…there are plenty of studies with other conditions which show increasing benefits to vitamin B1 supplementation, up to about 1,500mg per day.
5x what was used in this study.
In other words, these are very positive results in the context of this disease and more thiamine may even improve things more rapidly.
“This study suggests that thiamine supplementation has beneficial effects on cardiac function in patients with diuretic ‘treatments’ for symptomatic chronic heart failure.”
What’s more, vitamin B1 is probably one of the safest supplements you could take.
My only real concern with this supplement is to make sure that you get something that is clean and pure.
“Subclinical thiamine deficiency is probably an underestimated issue in chronic heart failure outpatients.”
Low thiamine is not just a problem for people taking these treatments.
—-Important Message—-
Does fish oil cause heart attacks?
It’s heartbreaking to see so many doctors recommending fish oil supplements, believing they’re doing the best for their patients.
But a very recent study has shown that fish oil supplementation is actually associated with an increased risk of atrial fibrillation and stroke.
I was deeply saddened to learn this because so many men, trying to follow their doctor’s advice, might be unknowingly putting their heart health at risk.
That’s why I created the AFib Transformation.
It’s packed with detailed information on how to prevent atrial fibrillation and heart failure, offering safer and more effective alternatives.
I want you to have access to this critical information and improve your heart health – please just click here.