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A unique new way of living – do you need more than one person to satisfy you?
—–Important Message——
Take this quick quiz: Is this causing you health and sexual problems?
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Thousands of men have taken this pop quiz and, apparently, they are shocked by the results. But this quiz is completely backed by solid studies.
Go to the quiz now (it only takes about 1 minute)
Are you curious about a polyamorous relationship?
Lots of married men think about having an open relationship…
Here is a surprising discovery that ALL marriage-committed men can benefit from…
Personally, I’m a “married to one woman” kind of man.
Married 31 years to an amazing girl, and looking forward to 31 more years.
But many men either don’t have a partner, or they have mixed feelings about their partner…
For these men, being able to have multiple sexual partners without sneaking around and dishonesty sounds very appealing.
But… does it actually work? And is there something ALL us guys including the “happily married to one woman” guys can learn from this?
Can you have an open relationship without blowing up your life?
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And if so, how the heck do you make it happen if polyamory is what you want out of life?
Let’s start by looking at exactly what an open relationship is and what it isn’t.
What is an open relationship anyway?
First, let’s define what an “open relationship” is for the purposes of this discussion.
It’s a situation where there is honesty and agreement among partners as to what the relationship looks like and what is allowed.
“In consensual, non-monogamous relationships, all partners agree to engage in multiple sexual or romantic relationships.”
Open relationships are NOT about cheating or sneaking around.
When all parties agree to the relationship, these relationships are consensual.
People end up being very content when a polyamorous relationship is structured like this.
People who are in open relationships are pretty happy.
Here’s something that surprises people…
People who are in consensual open relationships are just as happy as people who are in monogamous relationships!
There really isn’t an advantage in having one over having the other. It all depends on what you prefer.
According to Jessica Wood, a Ph.D. student in applied social psychology and lead author of the study:
“We found people in consensual, non-monogamous relationships experience the same levels of relationship satisfaction, psychological well-being, and sexual satisfaction as those in monogamous relationships… This debunks societal views of monogamy as being the ideal relationship structure.”
And polyamory is more common than most people think.
With between 3 to 7 people out of 100 in a consensual open relationship, there are a fair amount of open relationships out there.
“Between three and seven percent of people in North America are currently in a consensual, non-monogamous relationship.”
The key to happiness seems to be closeness and feeling good – whether you are monogamous or not.
It doesn’t seem to be monogamy that’s the predictor of happiness for everyone…
It seems to be the ability to feel close to your partner and not feeling like you are “wanting” sexually.
“In both monogamous and non-monogamous relationships, people who engage in sex to be close to a partner and to fulfill their sexual needs have a more satisfying relationship than those who have sex for less intrinsic reasons, such as to avoid conflict…”
Non-monogamous relationships require the agreement of all parties.
If you want a non-monogamous relationship, it’s often best to enter into the arrangement from the beginning with other like-minded people.
There is still a lot of stigma involved when it comes to these types of relationships.
“Open relationships are perceived as immoral and less satisfying. It’s assumed that people in these types of relationships are having sex with everyone all the time. They are villainized and viewed as bad people in bad relationships – but that’s not the case.”
So, while it can happen – getting a current partner who expects monogamy to agree can be quite difficult, if not impossible.
Monogamous relationships can be intensely satisfying as well.
The good news is that monogamous relationships can also be intensely satisfying.
So if you have a partner who’s not open to a new relationship structure, you can still have amazing sex quite frequently.
(Jodi and I have sex at least 4 times a week.)
We call this Nirvana Sex…
And even if your partner isn’t into sex now, this can change everything for both of you.
With the Nirvana Sex approach, most women will start to love sex again – or for the first time!
And it’s amazing for peri- or post-menopausal women – because sex feels great to them again.
But the best part is, you’ll love it too!
Imagine having sex 3 to 5 times a week for 30 to 60 minutes each time…
It’s my favorite part of life, personally.
No matter what kind of relationship you’re in – monogamous or non-monogamous – you can have a huge amount of sexual satisfaction in your life.
——Important Message——
Nirvana Sex? Have you tried it yet?
Imagine yourself in Russia. You are trapped in a crime syndicate and you are surrounded by untrustworthy goons…
…and then you discover Nirvana Sex with your girlfriend.
Imagine that this new sex method has revealed a free new life that you want to live – for both of you – but you are still trapped by your situation…
What should you do?
I want you to see how Yuri handled this, and how he has been teaching Nirvana Sex to Westerners now.
Personally, I can tell you this has changed my life. My wife Jodi and I have Nirvana Sex 4 times a week, for 30 minutes or more – and if we can do it, anyone can.
Here’s where I share the whole story of Nirvana Sex (as revealed by Yuri)

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