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—-Important Message From Adam Armstrong at the New Alpha—-
96.2% of men have this deadly hormone hiding in their prostate
If you’re a man over 40 who has trouble peeing and sleeps poorly because of it…
Then you’ll be interested to know about new science from Havard and other leading universities…
…because it has proven that 96.2% of men with enlarged prostates have THIS deadly toxin lurking in their prostate…
The research went on to show that getting rid of this toxin from your body is the THE KEY to:
- Shrinking your prostate back to its healthy normal size…
- Peeing freely and easily…
- Sleeping through the night (without endless trips to the bathroom)…
Brain regeneration
Hey, Matt Cook here, and all of our cells have very specific functions in the body.
However, they all come from “generic” cells called stem cells.
Stem cells have the ability to differentiate into a vast number of cells with specific jobs in the body.
Inside the brain and nervous system we have neural stem cells.
These stem cells can go on to make up various different cells inside the brain and nervous system.
The ability of your body to produce neural stem cells determines your body’s ability to regenerate the brain and nervous system.
A recent study shows that using a specific type of magnesium can safely increase the production of neural stem cells.
This has amazing implications for healthier brain aging, and repair from brain and nervous system disorders.
The animal experiments were carried out at Tsinghua University in Beijing, China. The findings were published in the Journal of Cellular Physiology.
Neural stem cells are the starting point for the most important cells inside the brain and nervous system.
One part of the brain maintains the ability to produce these neural stem cells throughout life.
“In adults, neural stem cells can self-renew and generate all neural lineage types and they persist in the hippocampus.”
The ability to produce neural stem cells seems to decrease with age.
Brain and nervous system conditions require an increased amount of neural stem cells in order to recover from these stresses.
So it’s critically important to keep neural stem cells at a high level for as long as possible.
The changes in neural stem cell levels may be one of the reasons why younger people have better brain function…
…as well as a greater ability to recover from brain disorders.
Magnesium is a mineral which is known to be very important for every part of the body.
In recent years, researchers have discovered a type of magnesium which helps to transport more magnesium into the brain – magnesium-L-threonate.
In these experiments, the researchers gave this form of magnesium to mice to see if it might influence their levels of neural stem cells in adulthood.
They found a potent effect of magnesium neural stem cells.
Brain magnesium seems to be a major controller of the production of neural stem cells in adult animals.
“Dietary magnesium-L-threonate elevated brain magnesium and regulates the neural stem so pool in the adult hippocampus.”
The researchers found that this form of magnesium had a rapid effect – increasing neural stem cells.
The effect was sustained when the animals were given the supplement for longer periods of time.
“We found that short-term and long-term regimens of magnesium threonate increase the number of hippocampal neural stem cells.”
Another important finding of this study was that this treatment did not deplete the pool of neural stem cells.
It was not simply increasing the rate of stem cell use – it caused sustained increases in neural stem cell production.
These increased stem cells can be used to improve and repair the brain with seemingly no downsides.
“In aged mice that underwent long-term (12-month) supplementation, this did not deplete the neural stem cell reservoir but rather curtailed the age-associated decline in neural stem cell proliferation.”
The researchers carried out a further series of experiments.
These experiments showed that it is indeed magnesium itself which helps the brain to produce more neural stem cells.
Human experiments have since shown that this type of magnesium improves short-term memory, long-term memory, reaction times, and overall mental function.
Magnesium-L-threonate is one of the most exciting recently discovered supplements in relation to brain health and well-being.
—-Important Message From Dr. Ari Magill MD—-
Why I love pregnenolone for male drive
Hey, Dr. Magill here, and there’s 1 ingredient I’m super excited about right now…
Because it’s allowing men to feel that teenage-like drive again…
And feel that natural carnal hunger for a woman… it’s exhilarating…
It’s called pregnenolone and it acts as a natural aromatase inhibitor.
Which means that it helps stop the conversion of testosterone into estrogen.
This is a great thing for men who want a high drive and proper male function.
Because the more testosterone a man has, the better his drive will be.
I consider pregnenolone to be my secret weapon when it comes to keeping testosterone and libido high…
…not just for me, but for my patients.