You won’t hear this from the so-called gurus…
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Hey, Matt Cook here, and one of the things that I often tell men is “the fat you eat is the fat you wear.”
Because the fats you eat have a huge bearing on how much visible fat you have on your body…
…especially in the belly and chest area…
And while the gurus like to talk about how there are “good fats” and “bad fats”…the reality isn’t so simple…
Here’s what I want you to know about the fats you’re eating and how important they are to your confidence and performance as a man…
—-Important Message—-
Watch this video to discover the strangest Japanese bedroom practice older men are using for more intimacy
Far, far away in Japan, there’s a “quiet revolution” taking place…
And it has to do with this weird bedroom practice older Japanese men are doing…
…and how they’re having more intimacy than any other men in the world…
I’ve been there and seen it with my own eyes.
But this is something you will NOT hear about in American news.
So click here to watch this secret video revealing the strange bedroom practice older Japanese men are using to have more intimacy than any other men on the planet.
Are fats ever good for a man?
There are specific kinds of fats, called PUFA fats or polyunsaturated fatty acids…
…that cause serious problems in the body with inflammation and can set you up for many chronic diseases.But too much fat, even if the fat you’re eating is good fat, can cause serious problems in the body.This is a big problem because there are many, many diets from “dieting gurus” that are out there that are based on eating MOSTLY fat.
These include diets like keto, paleo, and Atkins.Which means that folks that follow these types of diets can set themselves up for major long-term health problems.
In research coming out of the Vanderbilt University Medical Center…
…the researchers took a look at how a high-fat diet affects the microbiota of the gut.
What they found should make every medical professional stand up and take notice.
But the reality is that this research – although cutting edge – isn’t selling a tablet or a “cure”…
So it will most likely go unnoticed by well-meaning doctors that are trained to whip out their Rx pad at every ailment.
In this study, what the researchers found was that eating a high-fat diet caused inflammation in the gut and damage to the cells of the gut.
The collaborating research teams found that a high-fat diet causes inflammation and damages intestinal epithelial cells in animal models.
The reason that this is important is because chronic internal inflammation is the main cause of many chronic illnesses.
It contributes to diabetes, cancer, obesity, and dementia, to name a few. If you have gut inflammation going on then you are very likely to be an ill person.
As if that weren’t bad enough, it gets worse!
Not only does a high-fat diet disrupt the microbiome of the gut causing inflammation…
…it also screws up the ability of the cells to produce ENERGY.
The high-fat diet impairs the function of energy-generating mitochondria, Byndloss explained, causing the intestinal cells to produce more oxygen and nitrate.
That’s a problem. It means that the high-fat diet is probably slowing down your metabolism.
Because of the way the high-fat diet screws with your microbiome and metabolism it can cause really bad microbes to grow in your gut…
…including the dangerous E. coli!
These factors, in turn, stimulate the growth of harmful Enterobacteriaceae microbes, such as E. coli, and boost bacterial production of a metabolite called TMA (trimethylamine). The liver converts TMA to TMAO (trimethylamine-N-oxide), which has been implicated in promoting atherosclerosis and increasing the relative risk for all-cause mortality in patients.
The solution here goes against what a lot of those diet gurus tell you, and it may make your head explode a little bit.
But reducing the amount of fat you eat can fix the problems with a high-fat diet.
But your calories have to come from somewhere…
So if you reduce the amount of fat in your diet, you are going to need to increase the amount of carbs.Despite the current rhetoric, carbs aren’t the evil that people say they are.
They’re actually pretty good for you – especially if you get them in the form of ripe fruit.Overall, the big thing is to limit the amount of fat in your diet. It does your body way more harm than good.
—-Important Message About Burning Fat—-
Why you want to burn SUGAR and NOT fat
Remember being a kid and being warm and full of energy all the time?
You’d go outside to play in the cold and wouldn’t even want your jacket.
It’s ‘cause as kids, we are always burning up… our bodies are constantly burning SUGAR.
YOUTH is sugar burning. Even scientists agree.
But as we age, our metabolisms get slow and cold, and instead of burning sugar for energy, the body starts burning fat…
And believe it or not, this is a BAD thing.
Do you know what eventually happens to men who only burn fat and not sugar?
Diabetes, low testosterone, erections problems, obesity, more age-related diseases, even cancer…
So a hot, fast sugar-burning metabolism is the key to remaining young and healthy no matter how old you are.
Here’s how to kickstart your body into burning sugar again naturally — something any man can do at home.