How to reverse this – and lower BP too
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Hey, Matt Cook here, and high blood pressure and poor rockiness often go together.
You might think that this happens because of age – or because people are simply in poor health.
But it’s actually because of a popular treatment men are taking…
A treatment which is calcifying men’s blood vessels, ruining their erections and blood pressure…
—-Important Message—-
I discovered how to get massive blood flow to my member.
Weirdly enough, it works for any man, but especially for men who have high blood pressure.
It works by increasing the diameter of the tiny arteries, called arterioles, that feel the blood to the member.
And it works like gangbusters for any man who wants to have a bigger and better towel hanger.
Here’s the secret to huge engorgement (also lowers men’s blood pressure weirdly enough)
Are calcified blood vessels ruining your rockiness?
The underlying health problem that causes high blood pressure and poor erections is calcification of the blood vessels.
When the blood vessels become lined with calcium they become thick and inflexible. They can’t allow enough blood through.
The body responds by increasing blood pressure to try and force enough blood through the calcified blood vessels.
The functioning of the male member also suffers because it relies on blood flow too.
Blood pressure treatments also have a tendency to cause poor rockiness.
If you suffer with these problems then you need to address the problem of blood vessel calcification.
The human study was performed at Glostrup University Hospital of Copenhagen, Denmark. The paper was published in the American Journal of Hypertension.
Blood pressure and poor erections are related.
“Penile dysfunction and impotence has a high prevalence among male hypertensive patients.”
Some researchers have asked whether this relationship is because both are caused by the same underlying mechanism…
…or if BP treatments cause the increase in erections problems.
“Whether this relates mainly to specific ‘treatment’ side-effects are two primary pathogenic disorders is unknown.”
The researchers in Denmark recruited 101 men to find out more about this question.
All the men were being treated for high blood pressure at a local clinic.
They agreed to complete a detailed questionnaire looking at their incidence of erections problems.
“Male patients from the hypertension clinic answered detailed questionnaires about hypertension and male function.”
Men who reported suffering with erections problems according to the questionnaires were offered the chance to take part in a further study.
This involved scanning their male members to see if there was anything strange going on physically.
“Patients with perceived impotence were offered a thorough penile evaluation and examination performed by specialists in the urology department.”
Those scans revealed that the vast majority of men with erections problems had blood vessel problems.
The blood vessels supplying their members were impaired by the buildup of calcium.
The same thing that often causes high blood pressure.
“The main cause of impotence (98%) was arterial dysfunction.”
The researchers also found a relationship between erections problems and diseases of calcification elsewhere in the body.
“The prevalence of impotence was related to the secondary organ manifestation.”
Muscle pain (claudication) and heart disease were found to be tied to erections problems.
These are often caused by blood vessel calcification.
“Intermittent claudication and ischaemic heart disease were the best determinants of the prevalence of impotence.”
That part of the study shows a clear link between the cause of high blood pressure and the cause of poor rockiness…
Namely, calcification of the blood vessels.
Blood pressure treatments don’t deal with the root cause.
The researchers found that blood pressure treatments also seemed to play a large role in causing poor rockiness.
“44% ascribed onset of impotence to treatment initiation. A variety of treatments were incriminated in the occurrence of chemical-induced impotence.”
Often when people have numerous health problems then those problems have the same root cause…
Unfortunately the root causes can be overlooked.
Some treatments only treat symptoms – and they may cause even more symptoms themselves.
“Impotence in hypertensive men is caused mainly by penile arterial vascular changes, and treatment-induced impotence could well be the result of blood pressure reduction itself.”
The root cause of blood vessel calcification was discovered over 50 years ago.
Most of the time, calcification can be reversed, leading to a significant reduction in symptoms.
—-Important Message About Your Blood Vessels—-
Drink this to wash fat out of the blood vessels
When men are eating a lot of fat, it eventually starts piling up in the blood vessels.
I call it blood fat.
And this blood fat travels all around the body, polluting the organs, even the male member.
And the result is inflammation, belly fat, low T, and erections problems.
All from blood fat!
Luckily, there’s a super easy way to remove harmful blood fat from the body…
It’s a special drink I call “Fat Block” that cleanses the arteries from blood fat.
It even helps remove blood fat from the erections chambers!