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Is aspirin dangerous for older men, or does it really prevent cancer? Here’s what science has to say…
——Important Message——
Put this drop on your penis – watch it grow and last for hours
You use just a drop and watch it grow.
Do you remember those alarming, embarrassing erections you had as a teenager in school?
This is so powerful that almost nothing can stop it from growing…
When that used to happen to me in English class (next to that knockout Tracy) I was so afraid of having to get out of my chair and walk to the board… I thought I would die…
But times change, LOL. We’re older now and we want that back!
Here is the good news: That’s exactly what happens when you put a small drop of this stuff on your penis… What if when you step out of the bathroom you already have an uncontrollable erection?
These “paint it on and watch it grow” ingredients are natural, proven safe, and they have been known for a long time.
But the Big Pharma companies and the smaller supplement companies have chosen to ignore them because there’s no profit in them.
They’re too inexpensive and there are no patents on them.
Only a few small suppliers sell these substances. And in some cases, I’ve mixed my own. You can make your own too, and it will last for months!
Here’s what you can paint on your penis and watch it grow (as told by the man who discovered it)
An Aspirin a day – cure or poison?
Aspirin is a very old substance that is also one of the most promising treatments for cancer.
Colorectal cancer is one of the areas in which aspirin shows the most promise.
A new study shows how aspirin can prevent colon cancer from spreading to the liver.
These animal experiments were performed at the Changzheng Hospital, Medical University, Shanghai, China. The results were published in the Journal of Cell and Bioscience.
Colon cancer frequently spreads to the liver.
“The spread of colorectal cancer frequently leads to the liver, which is one of the three leading causes of cancer-related deaths worldwide.”
Previous studies have shown that aspirin can prevent the spread of colon cancer.
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“Growing evidence showed that aspirin could effectively inhibit liver metastasis of colorectal cancer.”
In this study, the researchers first studied the effect of bacterial endotoxin on the spread of cancer from the colon to the liver.
Bacterial endotoxin is a fragment of bacteria that live in the gut. All of our guts.
This bacterial endotoxin can cause cancer and many other common diseases when it leaks into the bloodstream.
That’s known as “leaky gut syndrome.”
The researchers found that bacterial endotoxins promote the spread of cancer (metastasis).
“We demonstrated that bacterial endotoxin could enhance the metastasis potential of colon cancer cell lines.”
The scientists proved that they could spread colon cancer with bacterial endotoxin.
Now they were able to test aspirin’s ability to prevent the spread of colon cancer to the liver…
The scientists found that aspirin effectively prevents the spread of colon cancer cells!
Aspirin prevented the spread of colon cancer cells in a dish and in live mice.
“Aspirin effectively decreased the metastasis capacity of colon cancer cells in vitro and in vivo.”
Bacterial endotoxin is detected by a protein in the immune system called TLR4.
Once TLR4 detects bacterial endotoxin it ramps up inflammation to kill the bacterial invader.
Scientists think that this inflammatory reaction plays a role in the growth and spread of cancer.
The scientists found that aspirin prevents the spread of cancer by turning down the TLR4 immune response to endotoxin.
“Aspirin treatment led to the downregulation of TLR4 in colon cancer cells – which resulted in the decrease of cancer cell migration to the liver.”
The scientists also found that aspirin affects a protein called NFKB.
NFKB is a protein complex that controls the transcription of DNA, cytokine production, and cell survival
NFKB causes cells to proliferate…
And when NFKB gets out of control it leads to cancer.
Cancer is uncontrolled growth (proliferation) of cells leading to tumors.
Aspirin treatment also lowered NFKB.
Lower NFKB could help cells regulate their proliferation and so have an anti-cancer effect.
“The inhibitory effect from aspirin on the expression of TLR4 on cancer cells leads to the downregulation of NFKB.”
The results led the scientists to conclude that bacterial endotoxin can spread cancer.
Aspirin can prevent the spread of cancer by affecting TLR4.
“Bacterial endotoxin may promote the spread of colon cancer to the liver and aspirin may prevent the spread of colon cancer by inhibiting TLR4.”
Previous studies have shown that aspirin can reduce the occurrence and spread of colon cancer.
“It has been reported that aspirin not only can reduce the occurrence of colon cancer but also reduces the risk of metastasis in colon cancer.”
Aspirin is one of the oldest known treatments and it may be one of the most important ones in the future.
You should consult a healthcare professional about diagnosing and treating health problems.
—-Important Message—-
Just like aspirin can stop cancer from spreading…
…this 150 year old remedy reverses diabetes symptoms…
…so why aren’t they telling men about it?
Diabetes was not a huge problem in the old days. Look at how diabetes has increased RECENTLY:
In the old days, even rich people who drank good wine and ate fatty meats, lots of bread, and sugar did not get diabetes.
I researched diabetes for years, and it seems people have forgotten about this common household ingredient that fixed diabetes back in the day…
You may remember this ingredient, but over the years it went into obscurity.

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