And it costs less than $1 for a 6 month supply

Matt Cook here, there’s one amazing miracle powder that can help men fight and kill cancer cells in the body…
And it works by oxygenzing the cells (oxygen is cancer’s nemesis).
And the best thing about this powder is that it’s super cheap, very safe, and found in almost any store anywhere in the world!
You only need a pinch and it starts working right away…
—-Important Message—-
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A pinch of this powder can fight and prevent cancer
The war on cancer has been a failure for a number of reasons.
Vast amounts of money have been dumped into research looking for patentable molecules which can be sold as profitable cancer treatments.
Most of these treatments have not been effective but instead have been quite harmful.
And these days, cancer is overdiagnosed to get people onto these profitable treatment regimens.
Yet, there is plenty of research showing that a number of cheap over-the-counter substances can have profound anti-cancer effects.
Sodium bicarbonate, also known as baking soda, is one such substance.
A number of animal experiments have shown that it inhibits metastasis – slowing the spread of cancer.

These animal experiments were performed at University of Arizona in Tucson. The results were published in Cancer Research.
Acid/base balance is altered in cancer tumors. This change in pH level has interested cancer researchers for decades.
“The external pH of solid tumors is acidic as a consequence of increased metabolism of glucose and poor perfusion.”
Many have speculated that if you could alter the pH in and around cancer tumors you could have an effect on cancer itself.
Cancer tends to grow and spread more rapidly in acidic states.
“Acid pH has been shown to stimulate tumor cell invasion and metastasis.”
So the obvious question is whether reducing acidity could put a hold on cancer.
You’ve probably heard of a number of extreme diets which seek to alter the acid-base balance to fight cancer and other diseases.
There is an easier and more effective way of doing this.
Sodium bicarbonate, baking soda, is very effective at decreasing acidity.
So it made the perfect test substance to examine the theory that decreasing body acidity could inhibit cancer.
“This study investigates whether inhibition of this tumor acidity will reduce the spread of cancer in living animals.”
Scientists carried out their first experiments on mice which were triggered to develop breast cancer.
Some of those mice were given baking soda — and the researchers looked to see if there was any difference in cancer among the two groups.
Both groups developed tumors — but the tumors in the animals given baking soda were less acidic.
Oral baking soda is effective at lowering acidity in the body.
Metastases were greatly reduced in animals given baking soda.
This means that the cancerous tumors were far less apt to spread around the body.
Baking soda slowed the spread of cancer.
“The treatment regimen reduced the formation of spontaneous metastasis in mouse models of breast cancer.”
Cancer spreads through lymph nodes — and baking soda reduces the number of cancer cells traveling around the body by this route.
“Baking soda therapy also reduced the rate of lymph-node involvement.”
The researchers then looked at the effect of baking soda on the spread of cancer in the liver.
Mice were injected with small cancerous tumors in the spleen to see how well they spread to the liver.
Baking soda slowed the spread of cancer to the liver too.
“Sodium bicarbonate therapy significantly reduced the formation of hepatic metastases following intrasplenic injection.”
Scientists also tested whether baking soda could prevent the spread of other cancerous cells in mice.
They found that baking soda was effective at slowing the growth of prostate cancer cells.
“Sodium bicarbonate inhibited the formation of metastases from prostate cancer cells.”
Is baking soda a silver bullet for cancer?
But it could help slow the disease A LOT. And with very little risk if done correctly.
Other natural substances like urea have shown different, yet potent anti-cancer effects.
The combination of safe compounds should surely be given more attention by the medical establishment.
But it may never happen unless they can find substances which are patentable.
—-Important Message From Matt Cook—-
Get my Baking Soda Miracle special report for FREE when you get my new book, Romance to 120
In my Baking Soda Miracle special report, I tell you exactly how much to use, when to use it, and how to take it properly to prevent and fight cancer…
I’ll also show you where to get more than a year’s supply for less than $1, along with the exact brand I prefer.
And I’m giving this Baking Soda report away FREE to any man who grabs a copy of my new book, Romance to 120, today.
And to make this deal even sweeter, you can get Romance to 120 for 83% off — just go here

Bicarbonate increases tumor pH and inhibits spontaneous metastasesA