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What works better if you want to lose weight, sugar or starch?
In this study, they gave healthy women one of three diets.
One group had a high sugar diet and another had a high starch diet.
And a third group had a high-fat diet.
The researchers compared the results of these three groups.
And they found that people on sugar diets would use more energy and be more energetic.
But they found that people on the high starch diets lost some weight.
It may seem strange that they would consider putting people on a high sugar diet.
But if you have been reading my material for a while, you already know that all starch is made of glucose molecules chained together.
When you eat starch foods, the chains of glucose break down in your digestive system.
And so, the starch turns into sugar in your body.
The difference between sugar and starch is that sugar, table sugar, contains one molecule of glucose and one molecule of fructose.
But starch usually contains just glucose.
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It turns out that if you want to live on a high starch or high sugar diet, you can do just fine either way.
But you probably have more energy, use more energy, and have a higher metabolism on the high sugar diet rather than a high starch diet.
The loser, however, was the high-fat diet.
Intake of a high-starch diet decreased energy intake and body weight compared with a high-fat or high-sucrose diet.
So, if you want to lose weight, you might want to consider a high starch low-fat diet.
It looks like it may be the best diet for weight loss.
But, for many other reasons, you may want to consider a high sugar low-fat diet.
Or maybe you could try a high-carb, low-fat diet
Sugar is demonized today.
But as you can see in the study, sugar can give you more energy and raise your metabolism.
And starch is going to turn into sugar in your body anyway.

hi im river i eat alot of lollies with low sugar bc its yomm