How to get the most energy from your food
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Hey, Matt Cook here, and I’m always getting emails from men asking me this…
Should I be eating more carbs, or more fats?
Men want more energy, more vigor, more power – so which is the right option?
Here’s what I always tell these men about carbs and fats…
—-Important Message Frank R.—-
Stiffen your �� by choking your ��?
Have you seen that weird silhouette video recently?
The one where men discuss a “chicken-choking” technique…
That stiffens your Johnson?
Apparently it restores the natural blood flow pathways to your hammer…
By massaging years of built-up gunk that’s collected in your blood vessels.
This allows maximum blood flow to reach your unit.
And gets your Soldier ready for Battle whenever you want.
It works no matter how old you are, or how long you’ve been struggling with this issue.
It’s become so popular that scientists from Harvard, Yale, and Oxford are studying it.
It’s a game-changer that’s helped a 53-year-old, Kevin, nail more broads nowadays than when he was in college.
62-year-old, Brent, says he can last way longer…
And has no issues making his rod stiff as steel.
And it’s because of this simple “chicken choking” technique.
But, I should warn you…
You have to perform it the right way.
Do it the wrong way, and you risk making your willy weaker.
Step-by-step instructions for doing it right
Carbs or fats – which are better?
There are 3 sources of energy:
- Carbohydrates
- Fats
- Proteins
Most people agree that getting most of your energy from protein is a bad idea.
But the debate over whether carbohydrates or fats are the best source of energy rages on.
Theories about the benefits of low carbohydrate diets have become widely accepted in the last few years.
“Sugar is a carbohydrate – and blood sugar is elevated in cardio-metabolic disease – therefore sugar is bad and low carb diets are the answer…”
The theories are logical – but they are incorrect.
For one, fats in the blood compete with sugar to be taken up by the cell.
So higher blood fats leads to higher blood sugar.
Not only are the theories wrong…
…but large studies have shown that people who eat low-carb/high-fat diets have a much higher risk of dying.
The analysis of human studies was carried out at the National Center for Global Health and Medicine in Tokyo, Japan. The results were published in PLOS One.
Obesity and diabetes have been rapidly increasing over the last 2 decades.
These metabolic issues are associated with a later risk for cardiovascular diseases – major killers.
Many different dietary theories have arisen trying to deal with these metabolic problems.
“Low-carbohydrate diets and their combination with high-protein diets have been gaining widespread popularity to control weight.”
Those diets can lead to short-term weight loss…
…and reading the results of short-term human studies could make you a believer in low carbohydrate diets.
“In addition to weight loss, they may have favorable short-term effects on the risk factors of cardiovascular disease.”
But in the long-term, these diets lead to even more severe metabolic issues.
If they were effective for long-term weight loss and improved metabolic health…
…then these diets would lead to lower risk of death because they would lower cardiovascular disease.
This research looked at the relationship between these diets and the risk of death.
“Our objective was to elucidate the long-term effects of low carbohydrate diets on mortality and cardiovascular disease incidents.”
The researchers collected previous studies from the major online medical research databases.
17 high-quality studies were included in their review. The researchers had access to information on almost 300,000 people.
“We included 17 studies for a systematic review, followed by a meta-analysis using pertinent data.”
These studies contain detailed information on dietary habits. And the researchers grouped people according to their carbohydrate intake.
“Of the 272,216 people in 4 cohort studies using the low-carbohydrate score, 15,981 cases of death from all-cause were reported.”
Those who ate lower carbohydrates were given a higher score.
The researchers then calculated the relationship between the low carbohydrate diet and risk of death.
Those who ate very low carbohydrate diets had a 31% increased risk of death.
“The risk of all-cause mortality among those with a high low-carbohydrate score was significantly elevated: the pooled relative risk was 1.31.”
You would think that if low carbohydrate diets could help with weight loss and metabolic issues the risk of death would go down…
…because cardiovascular diseases (major killers) would decrease.
But this is not the case. People eating low-carb diets were much more likely to die.
The risk of dying from cardiovascular disease was not affected by a low carbohydrate diet either.
“The risks of cardiovascular disease mortality and incidence were not significantly increased.”
If they had looked at low-fat diets they likely would have found these diets decrease cardiovascular disease…
Low-carb diets, like the popular keto diet, are associated with an increased risk of death.
These diets do not lower the risk of cardiovascular disease.
The promising data from short-term low carb diet studies does not pan out in the long-term.
“Low-carbohydrate diets were associated with a significantly higher risk of all-cause mortality and they were not significantly associated with a risk of cardiovascular disease mortality and incidence.”
You should always consult a healthcare practitioner about treating and diagnosing health-related problems.
—-Important Message—-
How I’m planning on living to 120 naturally, WITHOUT tablets or procedures
My entire life’s work is compiled into one easy-to-read book, with simple instructions you can put into action right away…
I call it Healthy to 120.
And Healthy to 120 reveals landmark studies and results that Big Pharma prays you never discover…
In fact, my research has found results of studies that are being buried, ignored, or outright censored:
- The #1 killer that no one talks about that lowers testosterone, causes heart attacks, and increases the risk of stroke and deadly disease…and no it’s NOT sugar and it’s NOT bread. In fact, you can live a lot longer enjoying desserts and bread as long as you avoid this one killer…(page 48)
- The true cause of cancer is a “cancer metabolism” including “glycolysis in the presence of oxygen” and this can be easily reversed with a simple blue dye that has been known for 150 years… Get your oncologist scratching his head and wondering what it is that you have been doing (page 91)
- Why cholesterol is good for you and why certain processed foods may lower your cholesterol and also lower your lifespan… This is the real scoop! You may want to INCREASE your cholesterol readings after you find this out (page 168)
- Why diabetes is treatable without tablets, and why many men with diabetes fix their bedroom problems when they fix their diabetes… This lets a man with type 2 diabetes get normal blood sugar, so his doctor says, “Stop taking your diabetes tablets, you don’t need them any more!” (page 276)
- How to get rid of performance problems — stories of men who have done it and what they’ve done… These types of bedroom problems often predict the onslaught of diseases such as heart attack, stroke, cancer, and more. Getting to the root of these issues can also add decades of healthy, happy, and hot life for a man (page 207).
- The secret that pharma companies are spending billions on that you can do at home… It’s called mitochondrial uncoupling, and scientists say it’s like burning fat where it is now in the fat cells, without having to exercise or eat less. Mitochondrial uncoupling RAISES your metabolism so you burn more energy all the time, even without exercise… (page 292)
- …and SO much more…
And since I just found 102 extra copies of my book while cleaning out my home office…
…I’ve decided to give you a copy of Healthy to 120 for free ($29.95 value on Amazon).
Get your free copy of my book now before they’re gone