This diseases cause cholesterol, high BP, and more
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Hey, Matt Cook here, and sometimes I get so mad that I feel like I have steam coming out of my ears.
Usually, that happens when I’m thinking about Big Pharma.Big Pharma LOVES to sell men treatments for cholesterol, for high blood pressure, and to control blood sugar.
These are treatments that you usually have to take EVERY day for the rest of your life. But the disease that these treatments treat the SYMPTOMS of are all fueled by a single cause…
The 1 disease to rule them all
This single cause behind diseases like cholesterol, high blood pressure, and bad blood sugar is internal inflammation. Which means, if they treated the cause rather than the symptoms you might not need the treatments in the first place.
I’m not telling you to go off the treatments – I’m not a doctor – but I do think you need to know what is REALLY going on.
Why Is internal inflammation important?
Internal inflammation – or inflammation that happens inside our bodies…
…is part of the body’s defense mechanism. It’s one of the ways that our immune system kicks in and kicks out invaders.
Inflammation is part of the body’s defense mechanism. It is the process by which the immune system recognizes and removes harmful and foreign stimuli and begins the healing process. Inflammation can be either acute or chronic.
But, when inflammation becomes chronic, it can cause serious disease.
Including diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure, and dementia.
Chronic inflammatory diseases are the most significant cause of death in the world. The World Health Organization (WHO) ranks chronic diseases as the greatest threat to human health.
One of the BIG keys to staying healthy is to keep your inflammation response from kicking in unless it is actively working to heal you.
Stress CAUSES internal inflammation of the brain.
One of the things that causes chronic internal inflammation is stress.
This can be environmental stress or stress that you put on your cells through lifestyle.
Unfortunately, psychosocial stress is a major contributing factor to anxiety and depression. There is evidence that stress is associated with increased inflammation — increases in inflammatory cytokines, circulating monocytes, and microglial activation, which are detected in patients with anxiety and mood disorders.
This increased inflammation can (and often does) cause health issues down the line.
Unfortunately, when you develop these health issues Big Pharma’s only answer is to give you treatments to suppress the symptoms.
You are almost never told how to heal or prevent the problems in the first place.
Internal inflammation of the brain Causes Alzheimer’s and dementia.
Another problem that happens when you get chronic inflammation in your brain (which happens with stress) is that you can get Alzheimer’s and dementia.
Inflammation clearly occurs in pathologically vulnerable regions of the Alzheimer’s disease (AD) brain, and it does so with the full complexity of local peripheral inflammatory responses.
I’m not saying if you are 40 years old that this is likely to happen to you, but it does set you up for future problems.
You CAN reduce chronic internal inflammation.
The good news is that you CAN reduce chronic internal inflammation.
One of the main ways is to reduce the PHYSICAL causes.
What I’ve found in my research is that PUFAs (polyunsaturated fatty acids) are a HUGE driver of internal inflammation.
PUFAs are things like corn oil, soy oil, and fish oil.If you get them out of your diet, your inflammatory response will start to CALM down.Another thing you can do is to do something fun and enjoyable every day.
Do something that brings you JOY. This can help battle stress and reduce inflammation.
—-Important Message About Dangerous Fats—-
How to avoid the deadliest fat of all – the killer lipid lurking in the food supply
Nearly 100 years ago, manufacturing companies started contaminating food with a toxic killer lipid…
And now today, it’s in almost every single food item we eat.
It’s in fast food, organic food, so-called “healthy” foods — every single food at the grocery store is full of this toxic fat.
And it’s doing terrible things to men’s bodies…
Unfortunately, there’s almost no way to avoid eating this killer lipid nowadays. It’s in too much of the food supply…
But I’ve finally discovered a way to safely destroy this killer lipid once it enters our bodies…
BEFORE it gets in the bloodstream and wreaks havoc in our cells and organs.