It’s tasty and very manly
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Hey, Matt Cook here, and our bodies are constantly dealing with oxidative stress.
You can think of oxidative stress as the burden placed on the body by substances called free radicals.
If left untreated, it can lead to various diseases.
In fact, I wouldn’t be over-exaggerating if I said that this could be the cause of almost ALL diseases.
That’s why I’m adding this tasty food to my diet to easily prevent oxidative stress…
—-Important Message from —-
Simple method stops you from spending Saturday night alone
If you find yourself spending Saturday nights alone, by yourself, week after week…
Then listen up — because this is for you…
Maybe you recently went through a breakup…
Or maybe you’re just sick of the dating game and want some no-strings attached intimacy…
Well I’ve developed a method that single men are using to get back out there…
And it makes it easy to instantly attract a woman without risking rejection…
And it’s so powerful, it’s almost like magic. It starts drawing women to you like moths to a flame…
So give this a try — you have nothing to lose and everything to gain…
This will get you back out there for a fun rebound or help you find a truly loyal, loving woman to spend your time with.
It’s called the intimate lens method and you can use it to get girls to do anything you want — here’s how
Eat this to to stop 99% of diseases
Chronic oxidative stress is closely associated with the following diseases:
- Neurological diseases (Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s)
- Diabetes
- Cardiovascular diseases (atherosclerosis, heart attack)
- Depression
- Male dysfunction
You need to decrease the free radical burden in your body to overcome oxidative stress.
And the way to do that is through antioxidants because those compounds fight free radicals.
While you can get antioxidants through supplements, the primary source of them is food.
Natural foods contain hundreds of different types of antioxidants.
The first ones that come to mind are vitamin C, vitamin E, coenzyme q10, and so on and so forth.
Cacao, berries, fruits, olive oil, and many other foods contain high levels of antioxidants.
These are usually known by most people…
But another group of foods has been discovered to have high levels of antioxidants (that not many people know about)…
This study was conducted at Osaka Prefecture University, Japan. It was published in Antioxidants.
A research team from a renowned University in Japan discovered compounds in the meat of various animals.
These compounds are called 2-Oxo-Imidazole-Containing Dipeptides (2-oxo-IDPs).
“We determined the contents of five IDPs and five 2-oxo-IDPs in beef, pork, chicken, and whale meat samples by HPLC-ESI-MS MS coupled with a stable isotope dilution method. As shown, we successfully detected five IDPs from all meat samples used in this study, and the contents and proportion of IDPs in various sample types were approximately consistent with those of previous reports.”
Animals endogenously produce these compounds in their meat, and the good thing is we can ingest them by simply eating animals.
“We demonstrated, for the first time, that 2-oxo-balenine is endogenously produced in meats.”
These compounds were already known to have remarkable antioxidant properties from previous studies…
But no one knew meat contained them.
“Previous studies have demonstrated that 2-oxo-IDPs (i.e., 2-oxo-carnosine, 2-oxo- anserine, and 2-oxo-homoanserine) exhibit a greater antioxidant capacity, compared to the corresponding IDPs.”
For example, one study found that these compounds are unrivaled when it comes to preventing dementia.
“Further, it has been reported that 2-oxo-carnosine shows significant cytoprotective effects on rotenone-induced neuronal cell death.”
One other also found that they prevent fatigue in humans.
“In addition, in the current study, the DPPH radical scavenging assay revealed that all 2-oxo-IDPs synthesized herein, including 2-oxo-balenine and 2-oxo-homocarnosine, exhibited a potent antioxidant capacity, while little activities by the precursor IDPs were observed ).”
This study has multiplied the value of meat in my eyes.
EVERY man should regularly consume animal foods – they are nutritional powerhouses.
But apparently, meat is also something that fights oxidative stress and inflammation…
One more reason to include them in our diets…
—-Important Message About Eating Meat—-
Steaks and these 5 other foods give men bigger loads and longer, more pleasurable finishes
I’ve discovered that eating steak gives men bigger loads.
And not just bigger loads, but longer and more pleasurable finishes too.
Because think about it…
When you have a bigger load to spray, it’s going to take longer for you to spill it…
So then you’re coming for longer, and that means you’re feeling pleasure for longer…
And when you have a bigger load to spill, the pleasurable sensations are more amplified, more intense…
Your climax seems to last ages instead of just seconds. It’s incredible!
And all it takes is eating steak and 1 or more of these 5 other foods!