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—-Sponsored Message from Jack Grave —-
[FREE REPORT] Use the “Nirvana Power Position” for firmer members
This FREE report from Jack Grave reveals a powerful new combo – the “Nirvana Power Position” and a quick breathing technique…
…to help men produce thicker, firmer members during intimacy and overcome erections problems, no matter how long they’ve suffered with it.
It also helps you keep your head in the game, allowing you to send tidal waves of pleasure surging through their woman’s body.
Interested in trying it yourself?
Grab Jack’s report here…
Here’s your free “Nirvana Power Position” report…
3 incredibly common treatments that trigger diabetes symptoms in men
Matt Cook here, and blood sugar problems are an incredibly common health condition – affecting over 34 million adults in the U.S.
But something that most people don’t know about this disease – which creates a dependence on life-long treatments like insulin…
…is that many COMMON treatments can contribute to the onset of blood sugar problems.
Even though there are many studies that show this connection, it seems like it’s a dirty little secret with Big Pharma.
And why wouldn’t it be?They get to look like the heroes as they give men treatments for one condition that causes another condition…
…and then get you to buy even more treatments that help keep you alive.
One of the reasons I even write these articles is because the information on this kind of thing is incredibly patchy.
It doesn’t seem to get to doctors on a regular basis.
And if you’re taking OTC treatments, then you probably just think they are “safe.” Especially, if you can just go buy them at the pharmacy. I mean, they seem safe right?
The problem with proton pump inhibitors (PPIs).
But the reality is that treatments like PPIs (used to treat acid reflux) are associated with higher risks of developing diabetes.
Regular use of PPIs was associated with a higher risk of type 2 diabetes and the risk increased with longer duration of use. Physicians should therefore exercise caution when ‘giving’ PPIs, particularly for long-term use.
Here’s the thing…your doctor should be aware of this, but probably isn’t…
…AND you can buy treatments like Prilosec right off the pharmacy shelf.
And I can guarantee you the checkout clerk is not going to have a CLUE that they can cause blood sugar problems.
Inhaled steroids can trigger type 2 diabetes.
This study was done with patients who used inhaled steroids (often called inhalers) and had COPD.
But I would guess that it would extend to other people who use inhaled steroids as well – like people with asthma.In this study, researchers found that inhaled steroids increased the risk for diabetes.
In patients with COPD, ICS use was associated with a moderate dose-dependent increase in the occurrence of type 2 diabetes.
Considering how many people use these treatments, it’s probably a connection you should know about.
This one blows my mind, because I took steroids a lot as a young man before I figured out how to cure my asthma…
…and no one EVER told me about this connection.
Cholesterol-lowering treatments like statins seem to cause problems as well.
I really hate statins.
They do nothing to extend life (although they do lower cholesterol levels) and they have some pretty terrible side effects.
Statin treatment increased the risk of type 2 diabetes by 46%, attributable to decreases in insulin sensitivity and insulin secretion.
Statins screw up the body’s insulin sensitivity and ability to produce insulin…
…giving you a mind-bending almost 50% greater chance of developing diabetes.Ugh! That’s some bad numbers right there.
Here’s the thing — diabetes is a serious condition that causes real complications in your body.
Men with diabetes often have erections issues, and they can develop painful conditions like neuropathy.Avoiding getting diabetes in the first place is way better than trying to reverse it once you get it.That’s why knowing about the common treatments that can put you at increased risk for developing this disease is so important.
It gives you the power to take control of your own health.
—-Important Message—-
Don’t eat these “healthy” 5 foods — they are giving men prediabetes and diabetes
For decades, they’ve been telling us to eat these 5 foods…
And yet, countless studies show that these 5 foods are CAUSING prediabetic and diabetic symptoms in men.
Now today, following these guidelines, we’re sicker than ever.
More than 29 million adults in the U.S. — over 10 percent of the population — currently have diabetes or prediabetes symptoms.
And most shockingly — the foods that Big Pharma and dieticians and even the government keep recommending…
…they are actually making the symptoms WORSE!
That’s why I put these 5 bad foods here — prepare to be shocked…
You probably ate 2 of these foods just for breakfast…