Some men go all morning without eating — but is it good for you?
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Is it dangerous to skip breakfast?
Hey, Matt Cook here, and fasting is becoming more and more popular as a way to try to deal with the rampant metabolic issues caused by nutritional miseducation.
It seems to make sense in a certain context – the idea that people are eating too much – and that eating less is therefore a good thing…
But this ignores the reasons why people are eating more, and it also ignores what happens physiologically when we fast.
When we fast, the body still needs energy, so it breaks down body tissue and stored fats to release this energy.
Problem is, these stored fats are often toxic vegetable oils.
These are the fats which cause metabolic problems in the first place.
And these fats compete with sugar to be used as fuel in the mitochondria.
And so fasting increases the release of free fatty acids which leads to elevated blood sugar. It is precisely the wrong tactic.
The human research was carried out at Tel Aviv University in Israel. This paper was published in Diabetes Care.
The authors of this study were aware of some of the potential problems which could be caused by the common tactic of skipping meals (fasting)…
…in an attempt to deal with metabolic issues like type II diabetes.
They were aware of research showing that fasting leads to high blood sugar and elevated HbA1c – a long-term marker of blood sugar problems.
“Skipping breakfast has been consistently associated with high HbA1c and postprandial hyperglycemia in patients with type 2 diabetes.”
The researchers wanted to get more data on this in a controlled scientific manner. They created a dietary experiment in order to learn more.
“Our aim was to explore the effect of skipping breakfast on glycemia after a subsequent isocaloric (700 kcal) lunch and dinner.”
The researchers recruited 22 people with long-term type 2 diabetes. The participants all went through 2 different experiments.
During the experiments the participants ate the same lunch and dinner. But in one experiment they skipped breakfast.
“Test days were: one day with breakfast, lunch, and dinner (YesB) and another with lunch and dinner but no breakfast (NoB).”
Skipping breakfast (fasting) causes the breakdown of stored fats – known as free fatty acids.
When these free fatty acids flood the system they prevent the cell from using sugar as fuel.
Skipping breakfast causes elevated free fatty acids and elevated blood sugar after lunch.
“Compared with YesB, lunch plasma glucose, free fatty acids, and glucagon were 36.8, 41.1, and 14.8% higher, respectively.”
Free fatty acids are the cause of elevated blood sugar but they are almost always ignored.
After dinner, blood sugar and free fatty acid levels were elevated on the days when the participants did not eat breakfast.
“Similarly, post-dinner scores for glucose and free fatty acids were 27%and 30% higher on the NoB day compared with the YesB day.”
Many people believe that fasting can help with type II diabetes.
But the basic, underlying physiology means that this is not possible. (Fasting increases free fatty acids which increases post-meal blood sugar.)
And the research shows that fasting increases blood sugar later in the day.
“Skipping breakfast increases postprandial hyperglycemia after lunch and dinner and impaired insulin response.”
This popular tactic leads to the blood being flooded with free fatty acids and sugar with an inability to really use either efficiently.
“This study shows a long-term influence of breakfast on glucose regulation that persists throughout the day.”
Breakfast really is the most important meal of the day – especially for people with metabolic problems.
The long, overnight fast already depletes us of blood sugar, raising free fatty acids.
Breakfast is essential for getting our metabolism back on track for the rest of the day.
“Breakfast consumption could be a successful strategy for reduction of postprandial hyperglycemia in type 2 diabetes.”
You should always consult your healthcare practitioner for guidance on medical diagnosis and treatment.
—-Important Message—-
This special breakfast prevents and reverses blood sugar problems in men
It costs less than a $1 to make every morning…
It’s so quick, it can fit into any man’s morning routine…
And it’s helping men avoid diabetes and prediabetes, while giving men a nice boost of T, energy, and stamina.
Here’s the special breakfast I recommend for all men