Why it’s so important to nose breathe

It can change your life

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Why it’s so important to nose breathe

Breathing through the mouth can have negative effects on our health.

Being a mouth-breather can screw up your facial structure and metabolism.


Breathing through the mouth all the time can cause the teeth to shift and change the shape of the face, leading to jaw problems.

“Oral breathing directly affects behavioral performance and dental health. Various relationships between oral breathing and periodontal disease have been well-described”

It can also cause snoring and sleep apnea, which can negatively impact your sleep quality.

It can also cause our bodies to lose CO2 – which is extremely important for metabolism.

When we breathe through the mouth, we exhale too much CO2 and do not retain enough in our bodies.

On the other hand, nasal breathing helps to retain CO2 and increase oxygen delivery to our tissues.

I’ve talked about the role of CO2 on health quite a few times – in short, it’s very good for you to have high CO2 levels.

Nasal breathing is essential for optimal physical AND cognitive function.

Cognitive function? How?

Let’s see today’s study.

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This study was conducted at Gachon University, Korea. It was published in Healthcare.

The researchers created an experiment to see if breathing through the mouth or the nose affects how well our brain works.

They used a machine to look at pictures of the participants’ brains while they were doing a memory game.

The game involved remembering things they saw or heard a few seconds ago…

…and then deciding if they were the same as what they saw or heard just before.

The researchers asked the participants to do the memory game twice.

Once while breathing through their mouth, and once while breathing through their nose.

They then looked at the pictures to see if there were any differences in brain activity between the 2 types of breathing.

They found that when the participants breathed through their noses, their brains were more active and connected in areas related to memory.

Breathing through the nose helped the participant’s brains work better.

“The results showed more brain activation and connection during nasal breathing than during oral breathing. For Nasal > Oral contrast, various functional connections are known to have a significant relationship with working memory, including the left cerebellum, left and right inferior parietal gyrus.”

The researchers think that changing habits related to breathing through the mouth might be important for memory and brain function.

“This can be significant evidence to demonstrate that oral breathing is an inappropriate method for intellectual activity using brain imaging techniques”

I ALWAYS breathe through my nose – during exercise and even sex.

It’s super important if you want to increase your performance.

It is very easy to start panting and breathing through the mouth…

…but if you get used to always breathing through your nose, it won’t be difficult.

Especially in bed, breathing through the nose will greatly affect your performance – try it, and you won’t regret it.

—-Important Message for Oxygenating the Penis—-

How to use the sack trick to oxygenate the penis for bigger erections on demand

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The penis needs oxygen too!

In fact, the higher penile oxygen levels are, the better erections men get.

So here’s a little technique I like to call the “sack trick” that only requires a paper bag and your penis…

It’s super easy to do, and it can be done at home without having to buy any expensive tools or supplements.

And in just 7 minutes or less, you are naturally getting more oxygen to your penis.

You are oxygenating your penis more and more and more, and it’s making your penis more engorged…

…it’s making you rockier, and it’s helping you last longer on your own and when you’re with a woman…

Here’s the sack trick that naturally oxygenates the penis


Matt Cook is editor-in-chief of Daily Medical Discoveries. Matt has been a full time health researcher for 26 years. ABC News interviewed Matt on sexual health issues not long ago. Matt is widely quoted on over 1,000,000 websites. He has over 300,000 daily newsletter readers. Daily Medical Discoveries finds hidden, buried or ignored medical studies through the lens of 100 years of proven science. Matt heads up the editorial team of scientists and health researchers. Each discovery is based upon primary studies from peer reviewed science sources following the Daily Medical Discoveries 7 Step Process to ensure accuracy.