Most men have no idea about benefit #4…
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Hey, Matt Cook here, and there’s a testosterone crisis…
All over the world men’s T levels are plummeting.
Scientists have no idea why – but as men’s testosterone levels drop, it’s having knock-on effects on their overall health.
But when you’re raising your T like this, you’re fixing all of these health problems and even getting a boost in the bedroom, effortlessly…
—-Important Message—-
Ever heard of oxytocin? It’s the hormone for happiness in the bedroom
I’ve discovered a hormone more powerful than serotonin or even dopamine…
It’s called oxytocin and it’s responsible for that addicting, pleasurable feeling you get when you’re intimate with a woman.
And studies show oxytocin even strengthens erections in men:
So how do you boost oxytocin levels for better erections and even more pleasure?
Here’s how I’m doing it (and my wife loves doing this too)
Top 5 benefits of boosting T like this
Some studies estimate that up to 40% of men over the age of 45 years old suffer from low testosterone.
That number increases with age.
Low testosterone is associated with weight gain, belly fat, infertility, and bedroom problems.
Animals which are not able to use testosterone become obese and insulin resistant.
A new study shows that testosterone supplementation can regulate blood sugar and lipids…
…providing a viable treatment for obesity and metabolic disorder.
These animal experiments were conducted at the Graduate School of Medicine, University of the Ryukyus, Okinawa, Japan. The results were published in the journal BMC Endocrine Disorders.
Previously scientists discovered that blocking testosterone causes obesity in animals.
Testosterone works by activating the androgen receptor. Animals without this receptor cannot use testosterone.
“Testosterone signals through the androgen receptor mice without the androgen receptor develop obesity.”
Higher levels of testosterone seem to be protective against heart disease, obesity, and diabetes.
“Physiological blood concentrations of testosterone have been found to inhibit the development of arteriosclerosis, obesity and diabetes.”
These experiments were designed to test whether testosterone supplementation could improve symptoms of diabetes and metabolic syndrome in animals with low T.
“These findings have not been verified by testosterone replacement in animal models, so we investigated the effect of testosterone on glucose and lipid metabolism.”
The scientists separated mice into a number of groups. Some rats were fed an obesity inducing (high-fat) diet.
“Mice were divided into sham-operated, castrated, or castrated and testosterone-supplemented groups and fed a high-fat diet.”
The scientists then compared the castrated mice with the testosterone supplemented mice.
Wild-type (normal) mice given normal food were also used for comparison.
“Testosterone concentrations, blood glucose, plasma insulin levels, and intraperitoneal glucose tolerance and insulin tolerance were measured.”
Low testosterone was associated with blood sugar problems and fatty liver.
“Lower testosterone levels in db/db mice compared with wild type mice were associated with glucose intolerance and fatty liver.”
Castrated (low T) mice got sicker as the study went on.
“Castrated male db/db mice at 4 weeks of age progressively developed glucose intolerance accompanying a 15% increase in liver fat.”
The obesity-causing, high-fat diet lowered testosterone in the animals.
“Male mice fed a high-fat diet had lower levels of testosterone compared with those fed a normal diet.”
The final experiment proved the usefulness of testosterone supplementation.
Testosterone rescued castrated mice from blood sugar problems.
“We found that exogenous testosterone replacement alleviated the exacerbation of glucose intolerance.”
Testosterone also prevented the progression of fatty liver disease in the animals.
“Testosterone replacement injected subcutaneously into castrated male mice alleviated the exacerbation of fatty liver.”
Scientists believe that these effects are caused by leptin signaling.
Leptin is a hormone created in fat cells that is known for its effect on hunger.
“Testosterone may use a novel pathway to complement leptin signaling to regulate glucose and lipid metabolism.”
Testosterone supplementation is a viable therapy for men with low testosterone who suffer from metabolic disorders.
“Testosterone offers a new therapeutic target to treat metabolic disorders.”
Some studies have shown negative effects from testosterone supplementation.
When testosterone is too high, the body will convert the excess testosterone into estrogen.
Testosterone should be maintained within the upper normal range, not above it.
Estrogen is inflammatory and it is associated with many chronic diseases.
Improper, high doses of testosterone can be harmful because they raise estrogen.
Low testosterone is associated with many other diseases.
“A decrease in blood testosterone levels was recently shown to increase all-cause mortality, metabolic syndrome, type 2 diabetes, visceral obesity and enhancement of insulin resistance, osteoporosis-associated fracture, and arteriosclerosis.”
Properly managed testosterone supplementation can be beneficial for many health problems.
There are many lifestyle factors that can increase testosterone too.
—-Important Message for Men Who Want to Avoid Prediabetes and Diabetes—-
This sippy cup activity gets the body burning sugar again and provides these incredible benefits…
- Faster, more youthful metabolism
- More energy and stamina
- Perfect blood sugar
- Better male erections and performance
- Adds decades to your life
The problem is — most of us have fat-burning metabolisms.
We’re told never to eat sugar, that sugar is bad, and therefore we eat nothing but fat.
So our metabolisms burn nothing but fat for energy.
And we don’t burn sugar anymore and this causes all sorts of health problems.
Fortunately, I’ve discovered a solution…
The sippy cup activity kickstarts the body into burning sugar again, no matter how long it’s been…