What to know about about the latest vitamin going viral
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Hey, Matt Cook here, and sometimes I’ll read a study that talks about some groundbreaking new discovery…
…and it will simply seem too good to be true.
That was my reaction to this study about a special type of vitamin…
A vitamin that’s supposed to dramatically protect a man’s heart…
Read on to find out if I think this special vitamin lives up to the hype – or not…
—-Important Message—-
How to instantly get her in the mood with your 6th sense
I bet there are times when things have been going well with your wife, girlfriend, or some girl you just met…
And then, without knowing it, you might say or do something that totally turns her off – and KILLS any chance of intimacy.
Well here’s the crazy thing:
A lot of the popular lines or even body language or “touching” strategies you’re taught by so-called gurus…
…actually triggers this “instant TURN OFF” response.
Everything they say to do is actually WRONG and will kill your chances of getting busy.
That’s why it’s critical you go here and discover how to use your “6th sense” with a woman…
(This instantly gets her in the mood – even before clothes come off)…
Does this new vitamin live up to the hype?
There are a number of different forms of vitamin K – all of which have profound health benefits.
Vitamin K1 is the basic form – it comes from leafy green vegetables.
Vitamin K2 is made by bacterial modification of vitamin K1. It can happen in your gut.
You can also get vitamin K2 from fermented foods and animal foods like liver and cheese.
Vitamin K2 MK-4 is a very well known fat-soluble vitamin which can have profound effects on your hormones and cardiovascular health.
For years now we have been hearing about yet another form of vitamin K2, K2 MK-7.
And recent research has shown that MK-7 may be just as beneficial for your heart and cardiovascular system as MK-4 is.
Vitamin K2 MK-7 can reduce the buildup of calcium in your cardiovascular system.
Out-of-place calcium is the major driver of plaque buildup.
It’s also a cause of many cardiovascular deaths which are wrongly attributed to cholesterol.
The animal research was carried out at the University Duesseldorf in Germany. The paper was published in Nutrients.
Many people experience excess calcium in the cardiovascular system…
…but this effect is most prominent in people with chronic kidney disease and type 2 diabetes.
Calcification of the cardiovascular system is a major cause of death in these people.
“Cardiovascular calcification is prevalent in the aging population and in patients with chronic kidney disease and diabetes mellitus, giving rise to substantial morbidity and mortality.”
MGP is a protein which is essential for keeping calcium in the bones and out of the cardiovascular system.
“Vitamin K-dependent matrix Gla-protein (MGP) is an important inhibitor of calcification.”
This research looked at the effect of vitamin K2 MK-7 on the movement of calcium in mice.
“We evaluated the impact of high-dose menaquinone-7 (MK-7) supplementation on the development of calcification in a mouse model.”
The researchers carried out kidney surgery and fed the mice a high phosphate diet to mimic chronic kidney disease in type 2 diabetes.
“Calcification was induced by 5/6 nephrectomy combined with a high phosphate diet in rats.”
Nephrectomy is kidney removal.
Those animals were compared against otherwise healthy animals which had gone through a fake surgery.
The fake surgery was carried out in order to account for the effect of surgical stress on the health of the animals.
“Sham operated animals served as controls.”
The rodents were given different doses of vitamin K2 MK-7 for about 3 months.
“Animals received high or low MK-7 diets for 12 weeks.”
Removing most of the kidney and feeding the animals high phosphate diets…
…was effective at increasing the deposition of out-of-place calcium in the cardiovascular system.
Mimicking chronic kidney disease seen in type 2 diabetes.
“Chronic kidney disease provoked increased aortic (1.3 fold) and myocardial (2.4 fold).”
Vitamin K2 MK-7 was ineffective at minimizing calcification of the cardiovascular system – an otherwise major cause of death.
“MK-7 supplementation inhibited cardiovascular calcification and decreased aortic alkaline phosphatase tissue concentrations.”
Further analysis showed that MK-7 seems to increase the MGP protein.
MGP protein is a major factor in controlling the flow of calcium – keeping it out of the cardiovascular system.
“Furthermore, MK-7 supplementation increased aortic MGP messenger ribonucleic acid (mRNA) expression (10-fold).”
The research proves that vitamin K2 MK-7 is effective at minimizing lethal calcification of the cardiovascular system.
(Just like its cousin vitamin K2 MK-4.)
“Our results show that high-dose MK-7 supplementation inhibits the development of cardiovascular calcification.”
This is great research showing the potential benefits of MK-7.
But for the time being I believe that vitamin K2 MK-4 is a better supplement.
There is far more research on vitamin K2 MK-4, and it has been safely used in humans for decades.
—-Important Message About Vitamin K2—-
The right kind of vitamin K2 boosts blood flow down there
If you want great blood flow down there, it’s essential that you get enough vitamin K2 — and not just any K2, but the right kind of K2.
The right kind of vitamin K2 clears the arteries out, removing any blockages and putting calcium deposits back into the bones where they belong.
This improves blood flow almost immediately — especially down there where men need good blood flow the most.
Plus, as an added bonus, having the right amount of vitamin K2 in the body reduces the chance of heart disease by more than 50%:
But here’s the thing — men should get the right kind of vitamin K2 from foods, NOT supplements.