And he’s 72 years old…
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Sting says he’s doing it for 7 hours?
I don’t know if you heard about this or not…
But Sting, the musician, says he has sex for hours and hours every day with his wife of more than 34 years…
And did I mention he’s 72 years old?
It’s impressive, lol. And it’s inspiring too.
I personally try to have at least an hour of love making with my wife, Jodi, in the morning…
…and one hour in the evening, every single day.
It’s part of what I call Nirvana Sex — a blissfully life-changing experience that will transform sex into something even more pleasurable than before.
Women LOVE Nirvana Sex. And it gets their libido rising naturally, all on its own…
I have a brand new Nirvana Sex Transformation… with things for you to try each week that will be a lot of fun, and super exciting whether you have a partner right now or not.
Go here to get started — remember, it’s free with your All Access Pass
Matt Cook here, and kidney disease is one of the more worrying complications of diabetes.
The early signs of diabetic kidney disease include an increase in albumin in the urine – called microalbuminuria.
Albumin is a protein which is normally filtered by the liver.
Increased levels in the urine shows that the kidney is becoming leaky and beginning to fail.
A number of human and animal studies have shown that vitamin B1 can significantly decrease the amount of albumin in the urine.
This means that it may slow the progression of diabetic kidney disease.
Vitamin B1 is a very safe nutrient which most people don’t get enough of.
The research was carried out at Warwick University in the United Kingdom. The findings were published in Diabetologia.
Researchers looking at the role of vitamin B1 in diabetes found that they could prevent the onset of kidney disease in animals by supplementing this nutrient.
“High-dose supplements of vitamin B1 prevent the development of microalbuminuria in experimental diabetes.”
The present study was designed to see whether this effect could also be observed in humans with type II diabetes.
“The aim of this study was to assess whether oral supplements of vitamin B1 could reverse microalbuminuria in patients with type II diabetes.”
Albumin is a protein which circulates in the blood. It’s filtered by the kidney.
When excess albumin turns up in the urine this is called microalbuminuria.
Microalbuminuria is an early sign of diabetic kidney disease.
The researchers were tracking whether B1 could decrease the amount of albumin in the urine…
…which would show that it slows or reverses early stage diabetic kidney problems.
The doctors recruited 40 participants – both men and women.
The participants were split into 2 different groups for the 5 month long study.
One group was given supplemental vitamin B1. They took 100mg of B1 3 times per day for 3 months.
(The researchers call this high-dose vitamin B supplementation. But other studies have shown that the benefits of B1 can increase up to a dose of a couple of grams a day.)
The other group took an inactive placebo capsule 3 times per day.
The researchers assessed the levels of albumin in the urine of all of the participants over the 3-month period.
Vitamin B1 supplementation led to a decrease in albumin in the urine.
This is interpreted as improving kidney health.
“Urinary albumin was decreased in patients receiving vitamin B1 for three months.”
There was no improvement in the patients who took the inactive placebo capsules.
“There is no significant decrease in urinary albumin in patients receiving placebo after three months.”
The researchers followed the participants for 2 months after they ceased taking any supplements. There was no rebound effect.
In fact there were no negative effects of B1 supplementation identified in the study. Side-effects of vitamin B1 are almost unheard of.
“There were no adverse effects of vitamin therapy.”
The study showed that a few hundred milligrams of vitamin B1 per day can decrease the amount of albumin in the urine of people with type II diabetes.
The nutrient may be useful for people with early-stage kidney disease.
“B1 therapy produced a regression of urinary albumin levels in diabetic patients. B1 supplements may provide improved therapy for early-stage diabetic nephropathy.”
Other research looking at vitamin B1 hints that using higher doses may provide even more benefits.
Another factor to point out about this research is albuminuria doesn’t just implicate the kidneys.
This is a disease caused by leakiness – it’s a vascular disease which has knock-on effects for the blood vessels and cardiovascular disease.
“Microalbuminuria is a marker of general vascular dysfunction and nowadays is considered a predictor of worse outcomes for both kidney and heart patients.”
B1 is certainly a nutrient that people with type II diabetes should look into.
You should always consult a healthcare practitioner about treating health problems.
—-Important Message About Kidney Disease—-
If you have had kidney stones or kidney problems…
Whether you have had kidney stones or not, it’s important to give your kidneys a flush now and again.
To remove harmful endotoxins and any built up crystals of oxalate.
When your kidneys are healthy you won’t be circulating toxins in your blood…so you may live decades longer…
…and if kidney health is poor, often T is low.
Remember: you have total and unlimited access to this with your All Access Pass, so why not take advantage?