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These 5 foods destroy plaque in the arteries and boost blood flow
I’ve found 5 delicious foods that can really help with getting better male blood flow.
These foods contain nutrients that the body needs to blast plaque out of the arteries.
They also help open up and relax the arteries which improves blood flow ALL over the body.
So even erections gets a boost. And blood pressure falls…
And the heart remains healthy and strong.
Here are the 5 foods — you may have eaten 1 already today
Atherosclerosis vs arteriosclerosis
Matt Cook here, and atherosclerosis is the buildup of plaque in the inner lining of the blood vessels.
Arteriosclerosis is the same process in the arteries.
These issues can lead to angina, stroke, heart attack, and heart failure.
We have been told that these problems are mostly caused by high cholesterol – and there is a strong correlation with high cholesterol.
But atherosclerosis is associated with other things aside from cholesterol, and there is reason to believe that these other things are drivers of the disease.
The human research was carried out in Russia and published in Kardiologiia.
The research was carried out on men with lung conditions. The authors looked at various measures of heart health.
“A comparative study of the heart out using phlebo-, sphygmo- and kineto cardiography in male patients with chronic nonspecific pulmonary disease with or without atherosclerosis.”
These devices measure heart function and blood pressure.
Chronic nonspecific pulmonary disease is a long-term lung condition of undefined cause.
Atherosclerosis is a general term for the thickening and stiffening of arteries.
Arteriosclerosis is a specific type of arteriosclerosis where plaque builds up inside the arteries, causing them to narrow and restrict blood flow.
Both conditions are said to be caused by high blood cholesterol.
But these plaques also contain other elements, including large amounts of calcium and a protein called fibrin.
The researchers conducted blood tests on the men to see if anything (aside from cholesterol) was associated with a thorough and arteriosclerosis.
The researchers discovered numerous abnormalities in men with atherosclerosis.
The first thing we discovered was high cortisol – cortisol is a degenerative stress hormone.
“Atherosclerosis was shown to be accompanied by high pulmonary hypertension and feature hypercorticosteronemia, hyperestrogenemia, testosterone deficiency and increased production of serotonin.”
High cortisol has been linked to atherosclerosis in other studies, and it probably has numerous mechanisms, including lowering testosterone levels.
Testosterone is essential for keeping blood vessels healthy.
However, the researchers found low testosterone in men with atherosclerosis.
In the 1960s, researchers showed that using testosterone or similar androgenic steroids could reverse rodent atherosclerosis.
The blood tests showed elevated estrogen was more likely in men with atherosclerosis. Estrogen drives parathyroid hormone higher.
Parathyroid hormone is responsible for moving calcium between the blood and the bones.
Elevated estrogen will elevate parathyroid hormone, leading to calcium being pulled from the bones and deposited in the arteries.
The researchers also found increased serotonin in men with atherosclerosis.
Serotonin increases fibrin – a protein mostly associated with clotting – both healthy and potentially lethal.
Fibrin is a major structural component of the plaques that cause athero and arteriosclerosis.
As you can see, there are a whole host of other factors which are associated with atherosclerosis, aside from cholesterol.
Moreover, there are strong experimental and mechanistic reasons to believe these other factors cause atherosclerosis.
This is not the case with cholesterol.
Almost all of the research conducted since the advent of the cholesterol hypothesis…
…has argued against cholesterol as a driving factor in atherosclerosis and its lethal effects.
Atherosclerosis is bad news, and we need to take action against it…
…but it seems that things like high estrogen, high serotonin, and low testosterone are far more likely causes of atherosclerosis than cholesterol.
We need to address the real root causes of these chronic diseases to improve outcomes…
—-Important Message—-
Steroidogenesis turns extra cholesterol into high testosterone — gives erections a major lift
I’ve discovered a natural way to get the body to take extra cholesterol…
…and transport it down to the testicles where the Leydig cells are…
…and turn this extra cholesterol into natural testosterone!
To tell you the truth, it’s actually a natural process the body does automatically…
…called steroidogenesis…
…your body makes testosterone this way…out of cholesterol!
But sometimes this process gets disrupted as men age, and from the meds we’re taking, and the foods we’re eating…
…the cholesterol piles up…but the process of steroidogenesis isn’t taking place…
And the result?
Low T. High cholesterol.
Uh oh!
But now comes something that can fix this…