Attention men who want a moby dick sized Johnson

Here’s a simple 2 step system that leads to natural growth down there

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—-Important Message From John Collins—-

How to restart that biological growth down there that boy experience during puberty

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There are a lot of crazy devices, pumps, and Big Pharma chemicals that all claim to be the solution to adding BIG length to your member.

And I guess you could always consider surgery…

But if you are anything like me, the thought of having a sharp metal object anywhere near your junk makes you quiver with blood curdling fear!

Well, it just so happens that I literally stumbled upon the key to natural male growth…

And unlike other systems out there, this involves two unique components:

  • Restarting biological growth that boys experienced during puberty, turning them into men
  • Performing tested and targeted exercises to encourage blood flow and supersize growth

And now I’m giving away a free enlargement exercises guide where you can discover the proven techniques to start REAL and PERMANENT growth.

=> Download the free enlargement exercises guide here


Crazy futuristic tech turning back the clock on skin cells

If you’ve followed me for any length of time you probably know that I intend to live a long, healthy life.

I take steps every day to make that happen and I go over them in detail in my Transformations.Mostly, I use simple “hacks” to make my body work better.

Most of these hacks come from a unique reading of the research that is out there already…

…and most of them are readily available to the average person.But sometimes in my quest for how to make my life better for a longer period of time…

…I come across groundbreaking research that could completely change the way we deal with aging over time.

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This research comes out of the Babraham Institute and has allowed researchers to “reset” the age of skin cells to 30 years younger.

Scientists have developed a new technique for rejuvenating skin cells. This technique has allowed researchers to rewind the cellular biological clock by around 30 years according to molecular measures, significantly longer than previous reprogramming methods. The partially rejuvenated cells showed signs of behaving more like youthful cells in experiments simulating a skin wound.

This resetting technique is amazing (more on that soon)…

…but what’s even cooler is that the researchers think that this technique may be able to be applied to other cell types.

This research, although in early stages, could eventually have implications for regenerative medicine, especially if it can be replicated in other cell types.

This is still in the realm of initial research and isn’t applicable to real life yet, but as fast as science is moving it may soon be.To do this technique, the researchers used the same cell reprogramming process used to create stem cells from a person’s own cells.

They then shortened the timeframe so that the cells would “remember” their function.

The full process of stem cell reprogramming takes around 50 days using four key molecules called the Yamanaka factors. The new method, called ‘maturation phase transient reprogramming’, exposes cells to Yamanaka factors for just 13 days.

Not only did these cells LOOK like younger cells, they also BEHAVED like younger cells…

…which is critical if anti-aging (regenerative) technology is actually going to take off.

Fibroblasts produce collagen, a molecule found in bones, skin tendons and ligaments, helping provide structure to tissues and heal wounds. The rejuvenated fibroblasts produced more collagen proteins compared to control cells that did not undergo the reprogramming process. Fibroblasts also move into areas that need repairing. Researchers tested the partially rejuvenated cells by creating an artificial cut in a layer of cells in a dish. They found that their treated fibroblasts moved into the gap faster than older cells.

One day, this type of cell reprogramming could dramatically slow the reality of aging that we all face.

Diljeet concluded: “Our results represent a big step forward in our understanding of cell reprogramming.

We’re not there yet, but that doesn’t mean that we have to take aging “lying down.”

You can’t avoid aging, but you can age well.

I personally have the best sex life I’ve ever had, and I know that a lot of men that follow me say the same thing.I’m in my 60s and also have great muscle mass, wonderful levels of determination, and a ton of energy.

Just because we are all getting older doesn’t mean life is over.

I personally believe my best years are still ahead of me, and yours can be as well.

—-Important Message For Looking Younger—-

Super C helps reverse skin aging — prevents wrinkles and keeps the skin looking young

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Did you know we need vitamin C to create collagen?

Collagen is crucial for skin health. It keeps the skin plump and young-looking.

It prevents wrinkles and fine lines, and we need collagen to form new skin when we get cuts and scrapes.

So more vitamin C is great for boosting collagen production — but here’s the problem…

The body doesn’t hold onto vitamin C long enough to get full benefit from it.

We just pee it out because it’s water-soluble.

So I created a super form of vitamin C that is fat-soluble instead — and this keeps it in the body longer for maximum benefit.

I call it Super C and it can help you boost collagen production for youthful skin along with a ton of other benefits…

(Like better penile blood flow for instance…)
