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One bite and my confidence is rising…

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—-Important Message About Performance Anxiety—-

When I want sex with my wife, I take one bite of THIS…

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I pop this snack in my mouth and feel the effects almost immediately…

My confidence is rising… I’m feeling a surge of raw energy rushing through me…

I feel ready to go…

Like I’m on a hair trigger, and just one look from my wife will have me rigid and rocky…

It’s magical how well this works. And it’s completely natural.

Here’s how this snack starts naturally raising testosterone and DHT with just 1 bite…


These natural T boosters can help reduce anxiety

One of the tropes about testosterone is that it causes men to be angry, irrational, and violent.

I think this is due to a number of things – basic stereotypes about men…

…and also the fact that some men who take very large amounts of testosterone do exhibit these negative characteristics.

But taking very large amounts of testosterone also leads to a massive increase in estrogen – estrogen does make people angry, irrational, and violent.

However, high-normal levels of testosterone alongside lower levels of estrogen actually make men more calm and collected.

Animal experiments showed that increases in testosterone decrease anxiety in males.

And it probably has something to do with the conversion into other hormones in the brain which have a calming effect.

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The animal experiments were performed at Lehigh University in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania. This paper was published in Hormones and Behavior.

The paper reports the findings of numerous different animal experiments looking at the effect of testosterone on behavior.

“Eight experiments supported the hypothesis that reflexive testosterone release by male mice during sexual encounters reduces male anxiety.”

The experiments were carried out in rodents, and levels of anxiety were quantified using a very common experimental technique.

This technique, called the elevated plus-maze, tracks the animals’ aversion to open spaces.

Anxious animals tend to scurry along walls and hide in the dark.

Calm animals are more likely to ramble around bright, open spaces.

The experiment also looks at how animals respond to basic stimuli like light or food – this also gives us a lot of behavioral information about anxiety.

“Anxiety was defined in terms of behavior on an elevated plus-maze.”

The first experiment showed that male and female mice were less anxious after being put in cages next to mice of the opposite sex for 20 minutes.

The later experiments tried to uncover why males were calmer after being housed beside females.

One of these experiments showed that being close to urine from female mice also led to decreased anxiety in the males…

…inferring that the behavioral changes were somehow hormonal.

“Thus, urinary pheromones of female mice likely initiated the events leading to the male anxiolysis.”

The researchers suspected there may be an increase in testosterone in response to the scent of females.

So they carried out experiments where they gave male mice a dose of testosterone.

Testosterone had a similar calming effect to exposure to females.

“Injections of 500 microg of testosterone significantly reduced anxiety 30 min later.”

That’s how the researchers discovered that testosterone reduces anxiety.

In another experiment the researchers looked at testosterone metabolites – hormones made from testosterone.

Those experiments showed that DHT was far greater at reducing anxiety than estrogen – and both are metabolites of testosterone.

“A high dose of DHT was more anxiolytic than a high dosage of estradiol benzoate, suggesting that testosterone action may require 5alpha-reduction.”

Other testosterone metabolites made by the same pathway were also effective at reducing anxiety.

“Androsterone and 3alpha-androstanediol were both anxiolytic at a lower dosage than testosterone.”

The researchers believe that testosterone reduces anxiety because it’s converted into other hormones which have a calming effect.

These hormones are made by a different pathway than estrogen.

In other words, how testosterone is good for a balanced mood provided it doesn’t get converted into estrogen.

“Supporting the notion that testosterone is converted into neurosteroid metabolites for anxiolytic activity.”

In the final experiment the researchers showed that the downstream, calming effects of testosterone were dependent on activating the GABA(A) receptor.

This receptor is the target for heavy hitting anxiety treatments like Xanax and Valium.

But activating these receptors by non-treatment methods does not have the same risky and addictive side effects which are emblematic of those treatments.

GABA(A) receptors are also the target for more benign anti-anxiety substances like magnesium, glycine, l-theanine and chamomile.

“Experiments 7 and 8 found that either noncompetitive and competitive antagonists of the GABA(A) receptor, respectively, blocked the anxiolytic effects of testosterone.”

We also know that chronically elevated anxiety can develop into depression.

These experiments tell us a lot about the importance of testosterone and related hormones like DHT in male mood regulation and mental health.

—-Important Message—-

Lowering prolactin and estrogen naturally raises T in men

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Most men know about the harm of too much estrogen.

But very few men know about prolactin or the damage it can do.

Prolactin is like a super estrogen.

And if you aren’t managing prolactin, testosterone will never be healthy or high.

I’ve made it easy to lower estrogen AND prolactin, so T goes sky high on its own.

It’s called the PET Protocol and all you need is a few simple supplements… 


Matt Cook is editor-in-chief of Daily Medical Discoveries. Matt has been a full time health researcher for 26 years. ABC News interviewed Matt on sexual health issues not long ago. Matt is widely quoted on over 1,000,000 websites. He has over 300,000 daily newsletter readers. Daily Medical Discoveries finds hidden, buried or ignored medical studies through the lens of 100 years of proven science. Matt heads up the editorial team of scientists and health researchers. Each discovery is based upon primary studies from peer reviewed science sources following the Daily Medical Discoveries 7 Step Process to ensure accuracy.
Testosterone rapidly reduces anxiety in male house mice (Mus musculus)