It helps fight back against the deadly hormone hiding inside men’s prostates
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—-Important Message From Adam Armstrong—-
96.2% of men have this deadly hormone hiding in their prostate
New science from Havard and other leading universities proves that 96.2% of men with enlarged prostates…
…have THIS deadly toxin lurking in their prostate…
The research went on to show that getting rid of this toxin from your body is the THE KEY to:
- Shrinking your prostate back to its healthy normal size…
- Peeing freely and easily…
- Sleeping through the night (without endless trips to the bathroom)…
So here’s how to stop this deadly toxin in its tracks and support a healthy prostate
Is DHT good for the prostate?
Benign prostatic hyperplasia is the medical term for a swollen and inflamed prostate.
This is what causes so many cases of urinary problems in men.
Prostate specific antigen – tested by the PSA test – is a biochemical marker.
This marker is used for prostate problems, including benign prostatic hyperplasia.
Really all the PSA test does is tell us about the level of inflammation in the prostate gland.
An inflamed prostate will swell and it may even end up being diagnosed as cancer.
The male hormones testosterone and DHT are some of the most profound anti-inflammatory agents acting on the prostate.
This human research was carried out at the University of Florence in Italy. The paper was published in the Journal of Endocrinology.
The swollen prostate is a symptom of inflammation generated by the immune system.
Often, the immune system is irritated by bacteria circulating in the system after leaking from the gut.
“Progression of benign prostatic hyperplasia involves chronic inflammation and immune dysregulation.”
Although we’ve been told that the male hormones cause prostate problems – the best evidence shows just the opposite.
“Preclinical studies have demonstrated that prostate inflammation and tissue remodeling are exacerbated by low testosterone and prevented by testosterone supplementation.”
These experiments took a deeper look at the relationship between testosterone levels and the degree of prostate inflammation in men.
“We investigated whether, in humans, hypogonadism (low-T) was associated with more severe benign prostatic hyperplasia inflammation.”
The researchers took tissue samples from the prostates of dozens of men.
These were analyzed for the inflammatory markers of prostate hyperplasia.
Those prostate specimen samples were matched with blood samples from the same men which were analyzed for testosterone.
Men with low testosterone were 5 times more likely to have severe prostate inflammation.
(Hypogonadism = Low testosterone)
“After adjusting for confounding factors, hypogonadism was associated with a 5 fold increased risk of intra-prostatic inflammation.”
Though some men with clinically normal levels of testosterone did suffer with benign prostatic hyperplasia…
…the degree of inflammation in the prostate was significantly lower than that of men with low T.
“Prostate inflammation was more severe in men with hypogonadism.”
Then the researchers carried out experiments on prostate cells taken from men with benign prostate hyperplasia.
They triggered inflammation in these cells using inflammatory proteins and fragments of bacteria which are known to cause prostate problems.
The resulting inflammation causes the prostate cells to produce inflammatory proteins and growth factors…
Things which will further swell and inflame the prostate.
“Triggering human benign prostate hyperplasia cells by inflammatory stimuli caused the secretion of inflammatory and growth factors.”
They already knew that testosterone could block this inflammatory/growth cascade.
So they decided to see whether DHT could have the same protective effect.
DHT is similar to testosterone in a lot of ways – though some would argue it’s an even more potent male hormone.
You are probably aware that DHT has been blamed for causing prostate problems.
However, these researchers found an anti-inflammatory effect from DHT which also prevented growth/swelling.
“Pre-treatment with DHT inhibited inflammation and suppressed the secretion of inflammatory/growth factors.”
Rather than causing prostate problems – DHT and testosterone limit prostate issues.
“Our findings suggest that DHT exerts a broad anti-inflammatory effect.”
These hormones, which have been the target of so much incorrect literature on the prostate in recent decades…
…help to regulate the immune system, preventing prostate inflammation and swelling.
“DHT exerts an immune regulatory role in human prostate cells, inhibiting their potential to induce or sustain autoimmune inflammatory responses in the prostate.”
You should always consult a healthcare practitioner about treating and diagnosing health related problems.
—-Important Message—-
Boosting testosterone with this 1 food lowers inflammation in men
Testosterone is like the holy grail for men…
It’s something every man wants in high amounts to have great health and great sexual function.
But testosterone’s villain is estrogen… estrogen counteracts all the benefits of testosterone in men.
And high estrogen makes the whole male body inflamed…
Inflammation affects the prostate, it slows the metabolism, it leads to unwanted fat gain (even man boobs)…
…and it can really hurt men’s rockiness.
And it all starts from too much estrogen.
The good news: I’ve discovered that if you boost testosterone with this 1 food, estrogen goes down and inflammation goes away…
And your health starts improving in major ways, along with better rockiness.
Here’s how to boost your T in a way that naturally lowers estrogen and inflammation