He was bleeding out from his most private parts…
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—-Important Message From Adam Armstrong—-
57 year old firefighter’s courage and bravery points to this completely new prostate fix
Discover how a 57-year-old fire captain went from collapsing at his own retirement party…
…bleeding out of his manhood…
…to discovering this ancient Eastern formula that reversed his prostate problems and restored great erections again in less than a month…
The biggest difference between youth and old age
Age is associated with…
- mitochondrial dysfunction (problems producing cellular energy)
- inflammation
- endothelial dysfunction
- insulin resistance
- impaired physical function
- elevated blood pressure
- increasing waist size
Most of these problems are dependent on the first problem – mitochondrial dysfunction.
If we can improve functioning of the mitochondria – boosting energy production – we can limit and reverse many of the hallmarks of aging.
This was seen in a recent human study which is the couple of supplements to do just that!
The human research was carried out at Baylor College of Medicine in Houston, Texas. The paper was published in The Journals of Gerontology.
Oxidative stress refers to increased output of rogue electrons which harm the body.
Mitochondrial dysfunction refers to a number of problems which lead to decreased cellular energy production.
These 2 factors increase degradation of the body and reduce the resources needed for repair – we call this aging.
“Elevated oxidative stress, mitochondrial dysfunction, and hallmarks of aging are identified as key contributors to aging, but improving/reversing these defects in older adults is challenging.”
There are plenty of animal studies showing that increasing glutathione can help with these problems.
Glutathione is a natural substance produced in the body which reduces oxidative stress – having a knock-on effect on the mitochondria.
“In prior studies, we identified that deficiency of the intracellular antioxidant glutathione could play a role.”
The researchers previously carried out experiments using 2 nutrients which boost glutathione – showing beneficial effects in mice.
“We previously reported that supplementing glycine and N-acetylcysteine in aged mice improved glutathione deficiency, oxidative stress, mitochondrial fatty-acid oxidation, and insulin resistance.”
So, they decided to look at the larger picture in relation to these effects in humans by carrying out a small human trial.
“To test whether glycine and N-acetylcysteine supplementation works in older adults, we conducted a placebo-controlled randomized clinical trial.”
They carried out their experiments using 24 older people and 12 youngsters.
The older folks were split into 2 groups and 1 was given the supplement combination while the other was given a placebo.
“Older adults were randomized to receive either glycine and N-acetylcysteine or isonitrogenous alanine placebo for 16-weeks.”
Younger adults were all put on the glycine and N-acetylcysteine regimen for 2-weeks.”
The researchers looked at all of the markers before supplementation began, two weeks later and again 16 weeks after starting supplementation.
They really did take a deep look at what was going on metabolically…
Analyzing some of the most important factors relating to age and chronic disease.
“We assessed glutathione concentrations, oxidative stress, mitochondrial fatty-acid oxidation, molecular regulators of energy metabolism, inflammation, endothelial function, insulin resistance, aging hallmarks, gait speed, muscle strength, 6-minute walk test, body composition, and blood pressure.”
Older people clearly had mitochondrial dysfunction and deteriorating downstream markers of poor health.
“Older adults had glutathione deficiency, oxidative stress, mitochondrial dysfunction, inflammation, endothelial dysfunction, insulin resistance, multiple aging hallmarks, impaired physical function, increased waist circumference, and systolic blood pressure.”
Remarkably, the combination of supplements improved all of these factors.
Mitochondrial function, inflammation, blood vessel health, insulin resistance, cellular aging, physical ability, blood pressure and waist size all improved markedly in just 16 weeks!
“Glycine and N-acetylcysteine (and not placebo) supplementation in older adults improved/corrected these defects.”
The research shows that the combination of these 2 supplements may be remarkably effective at reducing aging and age-related chronic illnesses.
“Glycine and N-acetylcysteine is an effective nutritional supplement that improves and reverses multiple age-associated abnormalities to promote health in aging humans.”
As you may know by now, I am a big fan of one of these substances – glycine.
Glycine is a potent anti-inflammatory and helps with most chronic diseases – it is perhaps the most promising anti-aging substance we know about.
I’m not quite so hot on N-acetylcysteine – and I think many of the benefits seen in this study can be attributed to glycine…
But small doses of N-acetylcysteine are probably relatively fine.
—-Important Message About Feeling Young at Any Age—-
Why are these older men banging like 20 year olds?
Married men are enjoying their wives like it’s their honeymoon again…
“I’m now having intercourse every day and I’m 66 years old…”
And single guys are sleeping around with younger women like they’re 20 again!
“Overwhelmed with all the women wanting to hook up”
I recently got a wave of emails and messages like this from men who are 50, 60, even 70 years old.
What turned these men into energy-filled sex-rabbits?
Well, I discovered a simple combination of safe ingredients found in your kitchen and bathroom that raise metabolism by 30%…
…thyroid FIXED, energy levels FIXED, and bedroom performance FANTASTIC…
With a restored metabolism men are feeling like teenagers again, bouncing off the walls and making love like crazy.