They’re trying to censor this because it works too well
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—-Important Message from Bill Grant—-
Controversial video clip reveals stunning erections breakthrough for men
Scientists have discovered a simple and easy “brain hack” to almost instantly reverse arousal problems…
Contrary to what your doctor has told you, getting stiff down there has nothing to do with testosterone levels or anxiety…
And it’s not a blood flow problem either…
However, new science does reveal your brain has a “control switch” that determines whether you get stiff…
…or suffer from embarrassing limpness.
And inside this short controversial video Big Pharma wants banned, you’ll discover a new approach to immediately enhance your rockiness…
…while increasing stamina, duration, and fullness practically on demand.
Watch this video before it’s taken down — shows men how blood flow can double to the penis
How testosterone helps make you immune to flus and viruses
Infectious illness is associated with low testosterone…
…and low testosterone decreases immunity, leaving you open to infection.
It’s important to understand the precise reasons why infectious disease leads to low testosterone.
When we understand the mechanisms, we can do something about it.
One of the reasons infectious disease is associated with low testosterone is because of an increase in lipid peroxidation in the testicles.
Lipid peroxidation is the breakdown of unstable fats into harmful byproducts.
These harmful byproducts lower energy production in the testicles – and this is what leads to lower testosterone.
High quality vitamin E is one of the best supplements for decreasing lipid peroxidation – and this may be one of the reasons why vitamin E is known to boost testosterone.
These findings are important not only for obvious infectious diseases like influenza, but also for other diseases like type II diabetes, which depend heavily on bacterial poisoning of the gut and the gonads.
These cell and animal experiments were carried out at the University of Illinois. The findings were published in Endocrine.
Many people are surprised about the similarities between influenza and type II diabetes.
Influenza is an obvious infectious disease triggered by a virus.
But the virus causes illness by breaking down barriers inside the body leading to translocation of bacteria which causes inflammation.
Type II diabetes is also characterized by the breakdown of barriers – this time the gut barrier.
In this case, bacteria spill from the gut into general circulation – again causing inflammation.
Both types of illness are well known to cause low testosterone by direct effects on the testicles.
“Chronic inflammatory disease and acute infection are well known to inhibit the production of testosterone in the gonads..”
In both types of disease it is something called endotoxin which initiates the problem.
Endotoxin is a part of the structure of some bacteria which is particularly irritating to the human immune system. Even when “dead.”
“Previous studies demonstrated that immune activation in response to endotoxin results in reductions in testosterone by direct effect on Leydig cells.”
Leydig cells are found in the testicles – they are the primary producers of testosterone.
In these experiments, the researchers wanted to find out exactly how bacterial endotoxin causes low testosterone.
The researchers injected mice with endotoxin which rapidly led to lower levels of testosterone in the blood.
“After a single injection of endotoxin, serum testosterone was significantly decreased within two hours.”
Later, the researchers carried out examinations on the testicles and Leydig cells of mice using the experiments.
They found a massive increase in lipid peroxidation in the Leydig cells.
Lipid peroxidation is the breakdown of unstable fats into harmful byproducts.
“Endotoxin significantly increased lipid peroxidation of Leydig cell membranes.”
Lipid peroxidation causes damage throughout the body.
But one of the most important fundamental effects of lipid peroxidation is lowering energy production.
You see lipid peroxidation can cause harm to mitochondria – the energy producing engines of the body.
And that’s just what happened here.
“Mitochondria in Leydig cells isolated from endotoxin – injected mice were disrupted and showed a marked reduction in the mitochondrial membrane potential.”
- Bacterial endotoxin increased lipid peroxidation.
- Lipid peroxidation poison the mitochondria – preventing them from generating enough energy.
- This low energy state led to low testosterone production.
Both infectious disease and chronic inflammatory disease like type II diabetes are well known to cause increased lipid peroxidation.
We know this increased lipid peroxidation is triggered by bacterial endotoxin.
But there are numerous different supplements and treatments which can help to block lipid peroxidation…
Preventing harm to energy-producing mitochondria.
High quality vitamin E supplements are perhaps the best way to lower lipid peroxidation.
Numerous studies have shown that vitamin E can increase testosterone levels when testosterone is low.
This complex but important series of experiments once again shows the importance of energy production in optimal health.
—-Important Message About Boosting Immunity—-
Remember: the only way to recover from most viral illness is with your own body’s natural defenses…
And when your immune system is functioning properly, you will be making the all-powerful T cells…
…which exist to identify and kill invading pathogens or infected cells.
These T cells are even more important than antibodies.
T cells can hang around in the blood for years after an infection and become part of your immune system’s “long term memory.”
This means your immune system works smarter and faster when encountering similar viruses and illnesses.