Female ejaculation trick exposed in viral video
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—-Important Message—-
Can any girl squirt?
Squirting is when fluid comes gushing out of a woman’s vagina, often accompanied by intense, full-body O’s.
And for her, it feels really, REALLY good.
But she can’t do it by herself…vibrators won’t hit the mark…
That’s one big reason she needs you and your jackhammer.
And few guys know how…
–> How to make a woman squirt (even if she thinks she can’t)
Proof the scales lie when it comes to weight loss
Most people check the scales every once in a while to see what they weigh.
If you are lean in your youth and the scales do not change much, then you might assume your body composition has remained the same.
But research has shown that this is not the case – at least on average.
Most people tend to lose relative muscle mass and gain a relative amount of body fat over time.
Body composition peaks in the late 30s and early 40s – after that, muscles and bone declines and fat increases.
If you need to track your body fat it is better to use a more accurate form of body measurement than basic scales.
This is to be done by measuring different body parts to estimate body fat.
There are expensive techniques such as DEXA which claim to accurately measure body fat.
But these days there are reasonably good digital scales which use weak electrical signals to estimate your body fat.
Do not rely on weight alone to know how much fat you carry.
The human study was carried out at Geneva University Hospital in Switzerland. The paper was published in Nutrition.
“Fat-free mass and fat mass are important in the evaluation of nutritional status.”
One way to measure how much fat is in your body is by sending weak electrical signals through your body…
…which can give a good estimate of how much fat you carry.
“Bioelectrical impedance analysis is a simple, reproducible method used to determine fat-free mass and fat mass.”
Before this study there was not much research looking at average fat-free mass and fat mass in people of different ages.
“Because normal values for fat-free mass and fat mass have not yet been established in adults aged 15 to 98 y, its use is limited in the evaluation of nutritional status.”
So that is just what this study set out to do.
“We aimed to determine reference values for fat-free mass and fat mass in healthy adults, observe their differences with age, and develop percentile distributions for these parameters between ages 15 and 98 y.”
The researchers used this technique to measure body fat levels in over 5,000 people.
“Whole-body resistance and reactance of 2735 healthy white men and 2490 healthy white women, aged 15 to 98 y, was determined by 50-kHz BIA, with four skin electrodes on the right hand and foot.”
They found that the highest percent of muscle/bone by body weight occurred in the 30s and 40s in men – and a decade later in women.
“Mean fat-free mass peaked in 35- to 44-y-old men and 45- to 54-y-old women and declined thereafter.”
People lose about 15% of their lean body mass between 40 and 80 years of age.
“Fat-free mass was 15% lower in men older than 85 y than in men 35 to 44 y old and 14% lower in women older than 85 y than in women 45 to 54.”
Both men and women tend to accumulate a higher percentage of body fat over time.
“Mean fat mass and percentage of fat mass increased progressively in men and women between ages 15 and 98 y. The results suggested that the greater weight noted in older subjects is due to larger fat mass.”
These are important findings because body fat serves as a production facility for inflammatory proteins and estrogen – alongside a myriad of other harmful elements.
Both men and women want to limit body fat for those reasons.
Simple scales which simply tell you how much you weigh do not give you an accurate enough estimate of how much body fat you are carrying.
This research tells us that the person who weighs the same at 70 years old as they did when they were 20…
…is likely to be in worse metabolic health because some of their bones and muscles have been replaced by fat.
If you really want to know how much fat you are carrying, you need to at least use scales which have body impedance measurements.
—-Important Message for Men Who Want Less Fat and More Muscle—-
Thermo 3 lets you breathe out the fat as carbon dioxide – while naturally increasing muscle mass AND testosterone
In the 1930s, an extraordinary medical experiment showed that calories in does NOT equal calories out…
And that calories in can literally be BURNED away…
…thanks to Thermo 3, that lets you BURN up fat and EXHALE it as carbon dioxide…
With Thermo 3, men are naturally replacing belly fat with lean, tough muscle, improving their rockiness, and living decades longer than they would have otherwise…
But after millions of men were using Thermo 3…the door was slammed shut by Big Pharma…
…until now…
Now a new door has opened, and any man can use Thermo 3 simply, safely and naturally…
And not just to lose fat — this helps boost testosterone, libido, energy, stamina, muscle mass, and more…