This will get you moving and having a LOT more fun…
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—-Important Message On Christmas Eve—-
Santa Claus is coming and he’s bringing you a special gift worth $197…
Matt here, and I have finally discovered the “Holy Grail” when it comes to helping men get erections for 30 minutes or an hour.
I found the secret and I poured it into an extraordinary new landmark program.
And I’m giving this away to 99 men this holiday season…with support and help from me, personally.
This has NEVER been done in the history of the world, and it is now completely 100% free for you, and any man who wants it.
Just give my Bigger Better Badder protocols a try for one single dollar and get the Matt Cook Success Kit 2023 ($197) totally free:
- Paint It On & Watch It Grow — bigger, thicker, and more engorged erections that last 30 minutes or more are as easy as painting it on now… Within seconds powerful prohormones will be stimulating testosterone and other critical male sex androgens to give you an immediate surge of confidence and libido, so that your penis looks, feels, AND works like it did when you were half your age.
- Penile Fibrosis Fixed Forever – fibrotic tissue builds in the penis, clogging it, making it bent or knotted, or just limp all the time. Here at last is Matt Cook’s brand new protocol for fixing Peyronie’s and penile fibrosis, and it’s easy too!
- Bigger Loads Protocol – these 6 foods naturally boost your semen loads and make them tastier for your partner. She’ll love taking you in her mouth now. And you’ll be able to show her that bigger loads coincide with potency and manly drive…
- Triple Crown Penetration Technique — did you know 80% of women don’t orgasm from penetration? Mostly because men aren’t penetrating her the right way! With the Triple Crown, you’re penetrating her in a way that massages all 3 of her pleasure points with one simple move…allowing you to give her an intense super orgasm with just your manhood and nothing else!
- …and so much more… including surprise bonus courses!
Just go here and try the BBB protocols for $1 and get the Matt Cook Success Kit 2023 totally free
Warning: Success Kit spots are going fast, so don’t wait!
(Only 99 men get this free)
Ditch the gym membership and try this at home instead
There’s no denying that being moderately physically active comes with major health benefits.
Moderate exercise can increase your lifespan and decrease your chances of getting a chronic illness.
But… I’m not a fan of going to the gym and lifting weights or taking aerobics classes.
I know some people love it and if you love working out in a gym then work out in a gym.
Getting rid of PUFA fats in your diet, getting enough sleep, and moderate physical activity are all keystones of good health.
Personally, I’m a much bigger proponent of finding physical activity that you like to do and working it into your regular habits and routines.
I like to pace while I’m on calls and I love to walk on the beach.
If you can find a way to be physically active that works for you and that you enjoy, it’s definitely to your benefit.
One of the newer ways to stay physically active is to exergame.
That’s when you use an active video game to get up and move around.
This has been around now for a couple of decades…
And with newer, more advanced systems and VR technology, exergaming is becoming more and more fun.
In a study from the University of Georgia, researchers found that using active video games was an effective way to get people moving.
Exergaming, or active video gaming, may be the perfect introduction to helping people be more active, according to new research from the University of Georgia.
If you are currently not physically active or have a low level of physical activity, then it can be difficult to get moving.
But if you have something FUN to do that you feel in control of, then it can be easier to keep going.
This study assigned people to 2 groups of activities.
One was active video games like Just Dance, Kinect Sports, and Zumba Fitness World Party.
The other was group fitness classes.
Participants were randomly assigned to either exergame or participate in traditional aerobics classes three times a week for six weeks. Exergamers could choose from a variety of games including Just Dance, Kinect Sports and Zumba Fitness World Party over the course of the study.
Both methods worked, but the video game group had more fun and the researchers believe that the fun element will help people to stick with it.
But the exergamers had a better time. And that, coupled with a sense of ownership over their exercise routine, makes it more likely that they’ll keep it up and possibly be more open to other physical activity in the future.
I’m not saying that you need to do active video games to get active, but it is a good alternative if you aren’t a big fan of the gym.
The most important thing is that you find physical activities that you really enjoy.
They could be dancing, hiking, going to the gym, taking bike rides, golf, or anything else that gets you moving.
After you find an activity that you enjoy you want to try and find ways to make it part of your regular routine.
Being physically active really is crucial to good health.
You don’t need to go to extremes, but it’s important to find physical activities that you enjoy…
And if exergaming is one of them then do that because it’s fun!
—-Important Message—-
New no-exercise method lets men build 62% more muscle
At last: no gyms, no diets, no physical activity required — and you’ll literally build 62% more muscle
Most “experts” will tell you that in order to build muscle, you need to lift weights…
Yet they couldn’t be more wrong!
In fact you don’t need to lift at all, thanks to the discovery of mitochondrial uncoupling…
At last, you can build a ripped physique without lifting anything. Don’t believe it? It’s true…
Because this discovery allows the body to do the hard work for you, down in the mitochondria…
…so you can literally breathe the fat out and promote muscle building without exercise.
This way, you’ll decrease the chance of injury, and you can get a physique that looks great without killing yourself in the gym.
Here’s how to use mitochondrial uncoupling to get huge gains without even lifting weights.