An astonishing 50 of his wives were pregnant at the time the Spaniards captured him…
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—-Important Message From Frank—-
How an old Mexican man impregnated 50 women
The ancient Aztec emperor, King Montezuma II, had a erections secret…
His manhood was said to be legendary…and he had hundreds of mistresses, well into old age…
An astonishing 50 of his wives were pregnant at the time the Spaniards captured him.
How did he do this… Good genetics? Great diet?
None of the above…
He had a secret “resurrection remedy” he drank every day (and once more before intercourse).
It puts modern erections treatments to shame!
And a Harvard-trained Doctor has recently rediscovered it…
Discover Montezuma’s secret to getting rocky at any age
Should men fast?
More and more people are turning to fasting in order to try to deal with their weight gain and other metabolic problems.
On the surface it seems to make sense, eating less means fewer calories and so less body fat, right?
Unfortunately, the body is not that simple.
And although fasting can lead to some rapid weight loss in the beginning…
Fasting sends the body into a stress state and that has negative knock-on effects.
During fasting, the body increases stress hormones which are used to break down stored fat and muscle for energy.
But this also shuts down the production of health giving hormones like testosterone.
The short term benefits of fasting lead to even greater problems down the road because of the stress signals it sends to the body.
The animal experiments were performed at Rakuno Gakuen University in Japan. The paper was published in Steroids.
The authors of this study already knew that corticosterone led to a decrease in steroid hormone production in the testicles.
Corticosterone is an animal stress hormone – the animal equivalent of cortisol.
“Testicular steroidogenesis is depressed by adrenal-secreted corticosterone under stress.”
This research was designed in order to find out more about the mechanisms involved.
“The mechanisms are not well understood. This study investigated the details of testicular steroidogenesis depression during fasting.”
The researchers found a significant increase in a hormone called ACTH in fasting (starving) animals.
ACTH is one of the first in the cascade of stress hormones.
It triggers the production of other stress hormones and initiates a vast number of other changes in the body.
The researchers were surprised to find that there was no increase in corticosterone in the blood…
“Blood levels of ACTH increased, but blood corticosterone was not changed in rats that fasted for 96 hrs.”
However, there was a massive increase in this primary stress hormone in the testicles of fasting animals.
“Corticosterone in fasting adult male rats increased more than three times in the testis.”
The researchers also found complete annihilation of testosterone levels in the blood and testicles.
“Fasting reduced testicular testosterone (T) and blood T levels to 5% and 2% of the control levels.”
Testosterone is made from a number of other hormones…
And these hormones were also significantly decreased in the testicles of fasting animals.
“The contents of T precursors were drastically reduced in the fasted-rat testes.”
The researchers uncovered the fact that fasting alters a number of different steroid hormone producing enzymes in the testicles…
Leading to increased stress hormones and decreased steroid production in the testes.
“Fasting suppresses enzyme activity of 3β-HSD in the testes and drastically reduces T and increases corticosterone synthesis.”
In recent years, a number of other studies have shown that testosterone is essential for energetic metabolism.
It may be that the body responds to inadequate energy supply by downregulating things which help the body to use energy.
This could be seen as an energy sparing emergency reaction – the same thing with thyroid hormones during fasting.
“It can be considered that T synthesis involved in cell proliferation is suppressed due to lack of energy during fasting. Conversely, corticosterone synthesis is increased to cope with the fasting stress.”
Although things may look pretty good on the scales for a few weeks…
Fasting causes fundamental changes in the body…
Changes which will lead to greater weight gain and other severe metabolic problems down the line.
Even when it’s not initially entirely clear from blood tests…
Fasting can have severe detrimental effects on hormones in places where it really matters.
Cortisol suppresses the metabolic rate – testosterone increases it.
“Hence, it can be concluded that corticosterone synthesis in the testes plays a role in the local defense response.”
You should always consult your healthcare practitioner for guidance on medical diagnosis and treatment.
—-Important Message About Protecting Testosterone—-
How to lower harmful stress hormones for more muscle, less fat, and better rockiness
When stress hormones like estrogen, cortisol, and serotonin get too high in the male body — I call this “emergency mode.”
And emergency mode means your body is fighting off massive inflammation…
…inflammation that can lead to diabetes, high blood pressure, acid reflux, prostate problems, even cancer…
And it almost always shows up in men in the form of erections problems…
Because put simply, when your body is in emergency mode, it doesn’t want to waste precious resources on sex.
And it gets worse than that…
When your body is in emergency mode with high stress hormones, it starts acting like you’re starving.
The body starts conserving energy, and all the food you eat immediately gets turned into fat…
Muscle starts wasting away, and T drops in the toilet.
So emergency mode just sucks. It’s awful for your health.
It’s awful for your brain. And it’s awful for your sex life.
So how do you stop it? Here’s how…