This can reverse bad blood flow in a few days
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Matt Cook here, and there’s one thing I drink almost every day that’s protecting me from bad blood flow…
It helps by removing and preventing blockages in the arteries and also down in the penile chambers.
And the result is a healthier heart, healthier arteries, and much better boners.
But you won’t hear about this from your doctor…
Here’s the simple drink that gives men better blood flow — and you may have it in your fridge already…
—-Important Message—-
This weird health quiz freaking out the internet
It’s crazy how many thousands of men are taking this short quiz and getting all upset.
It completely turns around what they thought was true.
Click here for the quiz that is freaking men out…
Drink this once daily to clear plaque out of the penile chambers
Milk is one of the healthiest foods you could consume.
It contains easily digested, high-quality protein – essential for liver health and maintaining lean muscle mass.
Milk also contains vitamins and minerals which are essential for the health of your cardiovascular system.
Calcium and the fat-soluble vitamins found in milk and other dairy products have numerous protective effects against atherosclerosis.
Atherosclerosis is the narrowing of blood vessels which cause most cardiovascular diseases.
Atherosclerosis is driven by a buildup of calcium in the inner lining of the blood vessels.
The calcium in milk actually prevents this – as do the fat soluble vitamins contained in this vital food.
The human research was carried out at Sun Yat-Sen University, Guangzhou, China. The results were published in the European Journal of Nutrition.
Calcification is the buildup of calcium in the body’s soft tissue.
We need lots of calcium – but most of it should stay in the bones.
The solution to calcification is not eating less calcium – just the opposite.
What we need to do is control where calcium goes.
Dietary calcium helps with that.
Controlling calcium is done by eating adequate calcium, low phosphate and adequate fat-soluble vitamins.
Milk helps us to do all of these things…
Coronary artery calcification refers to the buildup of calcium in the blood vessels around the heart.
“Coronary artery calcification progression is a strong predictor of cardiovascular disease morbidity and mortality.”
Calcium in the blood vessels inhibits blood flow.
This can lead to stroke, heart attack, and heart failure…
Even things you might not expect, like rockiness problems.
The blood vessels in the penis need proper supply too…
And when the vessels are clogged with calcium this cannot happen…
The scientists doing this research were interested in the effects of fats in milk…
And how they might prevent coronary artery calcification and atherosclerosis.
These fats may help…
But we already know that much of the benefits of milk on the cardiovascular system comes from vitamins and minerals.
“In this study we attempted to investigate the relationship between whole milk consumption and coronary artery calcification.”
Over 5,000 people were recruited into the study. Everyone completed a detailed food frequency questionnaire at the outset.
These questionnaires are used to assess dietary intake.
In this case, it gives important information about how much milk people drank.
The study followed all of the participants for a number of years. Over this time, the participants completed medical examinations.
Included in these medical examinations were heart scans.
These heart scans looked at the amount of calcium in the heart and in the blood vessels around the heart.
“Coronary artery calcification was measured at baseline and subsequently follow-up examinations by computer tomography scans.”
A computer program uses these scans to give a score.
This score tells us how much calcium is built up in the heart and blood vessels.
Milk drinkers had less problematic calcium buildup in the cardiovascular system.
“Participants consuming whole milk exhibited lower baseline coronary artery calcification.”
More than that, consumption of full fat milk was associated with slower progression of calcification over time.
“Participants consuming whole milk exhibited lower coronary artery calcification progression than those who never or rarely consumed whole milk.”
The researchers analyzed the data in another way.
This time they took into account other factors which can predispose to calcification.
They also looked at the effect of whole milk on its own.
The researchers believe that drinking milk could lower the risk of coronary artery calcification by almost 25%.
“Whole milk intake was independently associated with lower coronary artery calcification progression.”
The benefits were more pronounced in men and in people who were not overweight or obese.
One of the things that determines calcification is the ratio between calcium intake and phosphate intake.
High phosphate intake is associated with obesity – it seems to be a major cause.
There may not be enough calcium in whole milk to offset an otherwise high-phosphate diet…
This could explain why milk is less protective in overweight/obese people.
They might just eat too much phosphate.
I believe that milk and other dairy foods are essential for optimal health.
They are great for the cardiovascular system.
—-Important Message About Opening Up the Blood Vessels—-
Just eat these 5 simple foods for more calcium, more K2, and the best male blood flow possible
These 5 foods are deliciously simple, but extremely powerful.
They help clear plaque in the blood vessels and prevent atherosclerosis.
Atherosclerosis is when the arteries get stiff and hard from plaque buildup, causing bad blood flow.
And you know what great erections rely on?
Great blood flow.
So in order to get better, longer-lasting erections you can be proud of, you need to clear out your blood vessels.