Using this special type of light can actually protect your vision

Some lights hurt your eyes but this light helps!

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Matt Cook here, and it might sound counterintuitive… but I’ve found a certain type of light that can actually help eyesight!

Even though certain types of light can actually hurt vision, like blue light, fluorescent lights, and sunlight…

…THIS special type of light can actually prevent age-related vision loss…

While also IMPROVING eyesight, believe it or not…

—-Important Message for Men Who Want Higher Testosterone—-

Hi, I’m Lisa — blonde, doe-eyed, and hiding a huge sex drive…

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Ever since I was 15 and discovered the pleasures of sex for the first time, I’ve been addicted to it.

And over the years, it’s clear to me that not all women have as high a sex drive as I do…

That’s why I’ve always felt so lucky to have my husband. He has a high sex drive too.

But lately, he’s been struggling to perform and I’ve been noticing a dip in his drive…

So I convinced him to just pop one of these T-boosters in his mouth…and BOY am I glad I did.

And now, my husband has almost got me beat… I can barely keep up with him…

…but I’m NOT complaining! These natural T boosters really work…! 


Using this special type of light can actually protect your vision

Time doesn’t stop for anyone.

If one thing is certain in life, it’s that we all get older over time as our lives move forward.

Our bodies age, but that doesn’t mean that we have to accept poor health effects from aging as being inevitable.

There are lots of things we have a lot of influence over in regards to our health.

The more obvious things are what we eat and how much physical activity we get.

One of the less obvious things that can actually help to buffer some of the effects of aging is the use of red light.

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This study came from the University College London.

The researchers found that using a deep red light in the morning for just 3 minutes once a week improved naturally declining eyesight.

Just three minutes of exposure to deep red light once a week, when delivered in the morning, can significantly improve declining eyesight, finds a pioneering new study by UCL researchers.

This is great news because our eyes tend to age faster than most of the rest of our body.

As a result, the retina ages faster than other organs, with a 70% ATP reduction over life, causing a significant decline in photoreceptor function as they lack the energy to perform their normal role.

But I think what is most interesting here is how the red light actually works to improve vision.

The red light helps the mitochondria in our cells to “switch on” energy production.

Published in Scientific Reports, the study builds on the team’s previous work, which showed daily three-minute exposure to longwave deep red light ‘switched on’ energy producing mitochondria cells in the human retina, helping boost naturally declining vision.

Another interesting thing to come out of this study is a confirmation that red light works better to increase mitochondrial energy production…

And that it works better in the morning, rather than in the afternoon.

In summary, researchers found there was, on average, a 17% improvement in participants’ colour contrast vision when exposed to three minutes of 670 nanometre (long wavelength) deep red light in the morning and the effects of this single exposure lasted for at least a week. However, when the same test was conducted in the afternoon, no improvement was seen.

That means that using red light in the morning had a good effect on improving vision, but using it in the afternoon didn’t do anything.

In summary, researchers found there was, on average, a 17% improvement in participants’ colour contrast vision when exposed to three minutes of 670 nanometre (long wavelength) deep red light in the morning and the effects of this single exposure lasted for at least a week. However, when the same test was conducted in the afternoon, no improvement was seen.

Our mitochondria are the powerhouses of our cells…

So if red light can improve their energy production, then it has the potential to create overall better health for all of us.

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There are lots of methods that can be used to live a long, happy and healthy life.

This is one that has potential, but it’s not the only one.

If you want to live a long and healthy life, it doesn’t happen automatically – you have to take steps to make it happen.

—-Important Message About Protecting Your Vision—-

These 10 cent eye drops prevent cataracts and improve vision

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I’ve discovered these cheap, safe eye drops that are tremendously powerful for preventing cataracts and protecting vision.

My wife, Jodi, uses these drops to lessen her eye fatigue and reduce blurred vision — and it’s literally night and day from what she was dealing with before.

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So if you want to use these eye drops and share them with your loved ones, you can right now…

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Matt Cook is editor-in-chief of Daily Medical Discoveries. Matt has been a full time health researcher for 26 years. ABC News interviewed Matt on sexual health issues not long ago. Matt is widely quoted on over 1,000,000 websites. He has over 300,000 daily newsletter readers. Daily Medical Discoveries finds hidden, buried or ignored medical studies through the lens of 100 years of proven science. Matt heads up the editorial team of scientists and health researchers. Each discovery is based upon primary studies from peer reviewed science sources following the Daily Medical Discoveries 7 Step Process to ensure accuracy.