You can mix this up and have it ready in moments
Matt Cook here, and there are a lot of expensive supplements out there that you can buy for your prostate…
Or you can take Big Pharma treatments from the doc…
Or you can get certain procedures or surgeries…
But why do all that without trying this first?
Just one teaspoon a day of this simple food can heal your prostate from the inside out…
—-Important Message From Matt About Pleasing a Woman—-
Use this one technique to give a woman a powerful, full-body O in 30 seconds or less
She’ll swear she’s never felt this good before…
And she will be begging you to do it to her again and again.
In just 30 seconds, you will give her the most intense, toe-curling orgasm she’s ever had.
And from that moment on, she will be willing to do anything you want…
Here’s the one technique that will make her come in 30 seconds or less.
1 teaspoon can save your prostate
Design flaws. Products have them, and so do human bodies.
One of the design flaws in a man’s body is the prostate.
Most guys who live long enough will either get an enlarged prostate or prostate cancer.
The good news is that you can reduce your risk of keeping your prostate healthy with a series of hacks.
Today, I’m going to show you one of the hacks that can lower your risk of developing prostate cancer.
What is prostate cancer?
My guess is that you’ve heard of prostate cancer.
Since it’s the second most common cancer in American men, many men HAVE prostate cancer and many more men have enlarged prostates.
Cancer is a disease in which cells in the body grow out of control. When cancer starts in the prostate, it is called prostate cancer. Except for skin cancer, prostate cancer is the most common cancer in American men.
Cancer freaks people out. They hate it.
They hate having it in their bodies.
But for many men, leaving the cancer alone is actually a really good idea.
That’s because, if it is contained in the prostate, it’s not likely to actually cause you many problems.
Because of this, if you have prostate cancer and your doctor wants to treat it, it’s often a good idea to ask if you can wait on treatment and just keep an eye on it.
Always work with your doctor. I’m not a doctor and I can’t give you medical advice
Many men with prostate cancer—especially those with tumors that have not spread beyond the prostate—die of other causes without ever having any symptoms from the cancer.
Still, avoiding cancer is a much, much better option than having to live with it – even if it isn’t a huge threat.
Eating mushrooms reduces prostate cancer risk.
Weirdly, one of the ways that guys can help to prevent prostate cancer is to eat mushrooms on a regular basis.
Eating mushrooms at least 3 or more times a week has the most protective effect.
Of the participants, 3.3% developed prostate cancer during the follow-up period. Participants who consumed mushrooms once or twice a week had an 8% lower risk of developing prostate cancer, compared to those who ate mushrooms less than once per week, while those who consumed mushrooms three or more times per week had a 17% lower risk than those who ate mushrooms less than once a week.
If you aren’t a fan of fruit or veggies, mushrooms can still help a lot.
One of the most remarkable things about this study is that it showed that even for men who really don’t like fruits and veggies, and don’t eat a lot of them…
Mushrooms STILL have a protective effect.
Long-term follow-up of the participants indicated that consuming mushrooms on a regular basis reduces the risk of prostate cancer in men, and was especially significant in men aged 50 and older and in men whose diet consisted largely of meat and dairy products, with limited consumption of fruit and vegetables.
So if you’re a meat and dairy guy, this is great news! Because for most people mushrooms are pretty easy to eat.
Make sure the mushrooms you eat are well cooked.
The one thing you MUST make sure of if you are going to add mushrooms to your diet is that the mushrooms you eat are well cooked.
Don’t ever eat raw mushrooms.
Chop the mushrooms up.
Then, simmer mushrooms in a bit of coconut oil or butter for a few minutes, then cover them with a bit of water and simmer for about 45 minutes.
This produces a mushroom with the most health benefits and the least amount of downsides.
I like to make a batch at the beginning of the week and eat a few tablespoons everyday.
I don’t have prostate cancer, and I don’t want it either.
Based on the research I’ve done, eating mushrooms will not only help prevent prostate cancer, but also help me from getting an enlarged prostate.
—-Important Message About Your Prostate—-
Can this stop prostate problems?
Trouble urinating, overactive bladder, visible swelling, waking up multiple times a night to pee…
My findings are that prostate problems are caused by too much estrogen and prolactin in the male body.
So I’ve found old, trusted, safe treatments — that when used in this unique way — lower estrogen and prolactin levels in men.
They’re cheap, old remedies most doctors have forgotten about, but they do amazing things for men’s prostates when used in this particular way.
For many men, it stops prostate problems from getting any worse.
And who knows, maybe this will prevent prostate problems from turning into cancer?