Penile remodeling restarted these men’s manhoods

But will the effects last?


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Matt Cook here, and we both know that Big Pharma makes a lot of suspect treatments for men…


Treatments that are loaded with negative side effects and serious health risks.


But sometimes a treatment comes along that surprises me… shocks me even…


And this is one of those times. So check this out…


—-Important Message From Richard La Ruina—-


Older guys are using this Harvard discovery to get more sex


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Who would have thought…


…the GEEKS at universities have discovered a technique that older guys are using…


…to get hot women and having them on their knees in a heartbeat?


Yeah, funny right?


Like, of all the people that would figure this out…


…it’s a bunch of geeks in a lab, at Harvard University?


And older guys are going nuts with this little technique…


It’s literally step-by-step, simple stuff that anyone can use to attract young women.


And for that reason, it’s become quite controversial…


To see how this technique works, watch this video here (before it gets banned).




Penile remodeling restarted these men’s manhoods


If you went to the doctor with a erections problem years ago, they would say, “it’s all in your head.”


Because back in the day, there were no good physiological explanations for erections problems — so psychological theories of poor erections dominated the medical mind.


Of course, the doctors were wrong.


We now know that most cases of erections problems are physiological.


It’s influenced by hormones and metabolic factors.


In any case, the end result is structural remodeling of the penis. 


The organ becomes strangled by weblike scar tissue, collagen protein – which prevents the penis from swelling with blood properly.


This process can be reversed – as can be seen in the following study where a blood pressure treatment was used to do just that in rats.


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The animal experiments were carried out at Queen’s University in Kingston, Ontario, Canada. The findings were published in the Journal of Urology.


There is a well known link between erections problems and high blood pressure.


It is widely believed that high blood pressure causes poor erections – but this is untrue.


The fact is that the root causes of erections problems and high blood pressure are often the same.


Bacterial endotoxin, low testosterone and high estrogen play into high blood pressure and structural remodeling of the penis which causes erections problems.

“There is a strong association between hypertension and ‘penile’ dysfunction.”


Prior to this study, research had shown that some treatments might be capable of reversing the structural damage to the vascular system – the system of blood vessels.


Though studies didn’t look at the penis specifically, rather they looked for effects on other similar tissues in the body.

“Studies have shown that some pharmacological agents are capable of inducing regression of the vascular structure during treatment.”


This experiment set out to see whether it was possible to reverse the harmful changes to the blood vessels which cause erections problems.

“We determined whether penile vascular structure is as susceptible as other vascular beds to regression during antihypertensive ‘chemical’ treatment.”


The researchers carried out their experiments on spontaneously hypertensive rats.


These are rats which are bred for their tendency to develop high blood pressure.


After developing high blood pressure, some of the rats were given enalapril – a blood pressure treatment.


After a couple of weeks, the researchers looked to see whether there were any changes to the penile structure in the different groups of rats.


The heart can be affected in the same way as the penis by changes in the vascular structure – overgrowth of collagen – or an infiltration of weblike scar tissue which suffocates both organs.

The research showed that this treatment could reverse detrimental changes to the structure of the penis – and the heart.

“Treatment progressively regressed cardiac and vascular structure during the one and two-week treatment periods.”


The blood pressure treatment enalapril, used in this study, works on the renin-angiotensin system.


The researchers showed that treatments which modify the system can effectively rebuild the healthy structure of the penis.

“Our research suggests that renin angiotensin system inhibition may at least partially normalise penile vascular structure. The impact of these changes on ‘penile’ function must be determined.”


It seems almost certain that these vascular improvements could help with erections problems.


Research in the last decade has shown that many cases of erections problems are caused by the type of structural problems which were reversed in this study.


The point of this article is not to tell you that you should take enalapril for erections problems…


I don’t think you should.


But rather to point toward the fact that rockiness problems are caused by structural changes which can be reversed.


There are other, safer ways to reverse erections problems. This research simply serves to show that it is possible.


—-Important Message From Matt Cook About Making Structural Changes to Your Penis—-


Remaking penile structure


As you know, I’m not a fan of Big Pharma treatments and I try to avoid taking them whenever possible.


I favor natural treatments instead.


Like this toothbrush technique that helps restructure and remodel the inside of the male member to restore strong, long-lasting rockiness.


It helps break down scar tissue in the penis, improving blood flow and strengthening rockiness.


And for men with bends or lumps in their member, this helps correct that.


And it helps bring back erections for men who have been struggling for years.


Try this at home — it’s called the toothbrush trick and I’m sharing it with you for free




Matt Cook is editor-in-chief of Daily Medical Discoveries. Matt has been a full time health researcher for 26 years. ABC News interviewed Matt on sexual health issues not long ago. Matt is widely quoted on over 1,000,000 websites. He has over 300,000 daily newsletter readers. Daily Medical Discoveries finds hidden, buried or ignored medical studies through the lens of 100 years of proven science. Matt heads up the editorial team of scientists and health researchers. Each discovery is based upon primary studies from peer reviewed science sources following the Daily Medical Discoveries 7 Step Process to ensure accuracy.
Antihypertensive drugs induce structural remodeling of the penile vasculature