Is this common pain reliever secretly ruining your health as a man?

Check your medicine cabinet — is this in there?


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Matt Cook here, and almost every man I know has this super common, over-the-counter pain reliever in their medicine cabinet.


But is it safe?


Check this out before you take another tablet…


—-Important Message From Alan Lee—-


This spikes her arousal, so SHE makes the first move


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The best way to woo a hot girl is to be nice to her, even act like her BFF.


Crossing your fingers, hoping to strike lucky in some rare moment of fortune.


Obviously, that’s all WRONG.


Life’s too short — hope is not a strategy.


The real secret to tempt a woman into the sack is to get her AROUSED.


Because arousal trumps attraction.


Trust me, I know.


I’ve used this same method to bed Miss Teen USA, international celebrities, and I’ve had more cheerleaders than hot dinners.


So, rather than trying (and failing) to make her like you, all you REALLY have to do is trigger arousal so intense, she’ll be throwing herself at you like a horny St Trinians dropout.


Just apply this simple method to trigger her arousal… 




Is this common pain reliever secretly ruining your health as a man?


I’m not an “on the bandwagon” kind of guy.


I have never been much of a follower, preferring to blaze my own path.


I do this based on extensive research and personal experimentation.

Still, it sometimes startles people when I tell them the tablets they swallow on a regular basis are riskier than they are led to believe.


This is true of cholesterol-lowering treatments and it’s especially true of pain tablets.


Now, I’m not talking about opioids here – which have problems of their own beyond addictive properties.

What I’m talking about are the painkillers that are sold by the shelf full in every pharmacy in the country.


Most people have bottles of Advil, Aleve, or Tylenol in their houses.


And ALL of these have far more side effects than you probably know about.



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NSAIDs like Advil and Aleve can raise blood pressure, cause sexual dysfunction issues, and cause stomach ulcers.


So it’s important to be careful with them.

Sometimes people know about the risks of NSAIDs, but very few people know that you can die from taking too much Tylenol.

Now, I don’t want to overstate this – the risk of death with Tylenol is rare.


But acetaminophen (Tylenols active ingredient) does kill about 150 Americans per year.

During the last decade, more than 1,500 Americans died after accidentally taking too much of a ‘treatment’ renowned for its safety: acetaminophen, one of the nation’s most popular pain relievers.


And more frequently acetaminophen can cause problems with the liver.


The FDA has known about this since 1977 and only put a label on acetaminophen 32 years later.

In 1977, an expert panel convened by the FDA issued urgently worded advice, saying it was ‘obligatory’ to put a warning on the ‘treatment’s’ label that it could cause ‘severe liver damage.’ After much debate, the FDA added the warning 32 years later.


Combine this lack of action from the FDA with an aggressive “Trust Tylenol” campaign from the manufacturers…


And you can see why people trust Tylenol more than they probably should.

The problem with acetaminophen is that it gets dangerous FASTER than other treatments.


And at levels just over 25% above the maximum dose you can get liver damage.


You can die from four times the maximum dose.

Taken over several days, as little as 25 percent above the maximum daily dose – or just two additional extra strength ‘tablets’ a day – has been reported to cause liver damage, according to the agency. Taken all at once, a little less than four times the maximum daily dose can cause death. A comparable figure doesn’t exist for ibuprofen, because so few people have died from overdosing on that ‘treatment.’


And because nearly 1 out of 4 people take MORE painkillers than they are supposed to acetaminophen carries extra risk.

But the FDA says acetaminophen carries a special risk. About a quarter of Americans routinely take more over-the-counter pain relief ‘tablets’ of all kinds than they are supposed to, surveys show. That behavior is “particularly troublesome” for acetaminophen, an FDA report said, because the ‘treatment’s’ narrow safety margin places “a large fraction of users close to a toxic dose in the ordinary course of use.”


The bottom line here is to use pain relievers carefully and as little as possible.


The one exception is aspirin if you use my aspirin protocol.

If you do take acetaminophen make sure you NEVER exceed the recommended dose.


If you do, you could be putting your life and your health at risk.


—-Important Message From Matt Cook for Men Who Want a Pain Free Life—-


This natural pain reliever was banned because it works too well


What if I told you that you could make joint, muscle, and even nerve pain vanish in 3 days or less?


Would you try it?


And what if I told you it’s non-addictive, requires no script, and has no negative side effects?


Still interested?


Now, what if I told you that today you can get it for free…


But only if you live in certain areas because it’s BANNED elsewhere?


Here’s the natural pain reliever that works better than opiates


WARNING: Yes, sadly, Big Pharma has gotten this amazing natural pain reliever banned in certain parts of the world… the reason?


It’s making their costly addictive pain drugs obsolete!





Matt Cook is editor-in-chief of Daily Medical Discoveries. Matt has been a full time health researcher for 26 years. ABC News interviewed Matt on sexual health issues not long ago. Matt is widely quoted on over 1,000,000 websites. He has over 300,000 daily newsletter readers. Daily Medical Discoveries finds hidden, buried or ignored medical studies through the lens of 100 years of proven science. Matt heads up the editorial team of scientists and health researchers. Each discovery is based upon primary studies from peer reviewed science sources following the Daily Medical Discoveries 7 Step Process to ensure accuracy.