Believe it or not, this gives men skin cancer worse than sunlight

Forget UV rays and sunscreen for a moment — because this is worse


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Matt Cook here, and skin cancer is a real concern and should be taken seriously.


However, the things that most often cause skin cancer aren’t being talked about.


It’s always sunlight and UV rays — but what about this 1 food?


Scientists say this food causes more skin cancer than sunlight…


—-Important Message From Dr. Umer Khan—-


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Believe it or not, this gives men skin cancer worse than sunlight


Sometimes when I write about the benefits of sunlight exposure, people tell me they are concerned about skin cancer.


And they should be. Skin cancer is a real concern.


But short of getting badly sunburnt – sunlight is not the thing you want to be worried about.


The risk of developing skin cancer is largely determined by what you eat.


Some fats in particular are a major cause of skin cancer.


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The animal experiments were performed at the University of Sydney in Australia. The paper was published in Cancer Letters.


Cancer is uncontrolled growth.


When cells live too long – or multiply too rapidly we get cancerous tumors.


To some extent this is always going on in the body.


But the immune system has ways of dealing with most of these problematic cells.


The vast majority of the time the immune system destroys potential cancer before it gets a chance to take hold.


Cancer happens when the immune system cannot do its work properly.


Sometimes this is due to a weakening of the immune system – called immune suppression.


Skin cancers are known to be particularly affected by immune suppression.


Now – some of the new dietary fats are known immune suppressors.


These are the polyunsaturated fats – fish oil and vegetable oil.


Researchers at the University of Sydney carried out some experiments to see the effect of these fats on skin cancer in mice exposed to a lot of UV rays.


UV rays are the part of sunlight that can cause sunburn.


UV rays can trigger skin cancer – but the story is a little more complicated as – we shall see…


So the researchers split lab mice into different groups.


The different groups of mice were fed a similar diet – the only difference being the type of fats they were provided.


All of the mice received a diet which was 20% fat.


But the types of fat and ratios were different.


The fat came from two sources:


  1. Polyunsaturated sunflower seed oil
  2. Saturated cotton seed oil


There were 5 diets with increasing amounts of sunflower seed oil – from 0% and 100% of the fat content.

“Diets containing 20% fat by weight, of increasing proportions (0 – 20%) of polyunsaturated sunflower oil mixed with hydrogenated saturated cottonseed oil was fed to groups of mice.”


The mice were all put through high UV irradiation treatment.


They were exposed to large amounts of UV radiation – like that from the sun – for 10 weeks.


The researchers then looked at cancer rates and cancer aggressiveness in the different groups of mice.


Photocarcinogenic is the term given to cancer triggered by UV light.


Mice eating a higher polyunsaturated fat (seed oil) diet were much more likely to develop skin cancer.

More polyunsaturated fat caused more skin cancer.

“The photocarcinogenic response was of increasing severity as the polyunsaturated content of the mixed dietary fat was increased.”


The cancerous effect of polyunsaturated fat was shown through numerous types of analysis…

“The carcinogenic response was increased whether measured by tumor incidence, tumor multiplicity, progression of benign tumors to squamous cell carcinoma, or reduced survival.”


More polyunsaturated fat led to more tumors, more rapid spread of cancer (metastasis), progression to more severe types of cancer and increased death.


It’s not the first time that polyunsaturated fats have been linked to increased cancer risk.


In fact these researchers were off of previous research showing the dangers of these types of fats.

“Previously, diets which provide high levels of polyunsaturated fats have been shown to exacerbate the photocarcinogenic outcomes in mice.”


These polyunsaturated fats, vegetable oil and fish oil, are known to suppress the immune system – crippling the body’s natural defenses against cancer.


(They also cause an increase in the risk of infection from bacteria and viruses because of immune suppression.)


Getting lots of sunlight is great for your health (provided you don’t get sunburn, of course).


There are risks of getting skin cancer – but immune suppression by polyunsaturated fats in the diet are the major factor – not healthy sunlight exposure.


—-Important Message From Matt Cook for Fighting Cancer—-


This cheap white powder can kill cancer cells in men


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Did you know high oxygen levels kill cancer cells?


It’s true. And this natural white powder — it oxygenates the cells, making cells healthier and more resistant to cancer.


And you can get a pound of it for 89 cents or less at most grocery stores. You may even have some in your kitchen right now…


Augusta University scientists call this cheap white powder a “potentially practical and/or cost-effective and relatively safe method…”


“…to activate splenic anti-inflammatory pathways in humans and therefore may have significant therapeutic potential for inflammatory disease.”


Here’s the cheap white powder costing less than a buck —  oxygenates the cells and helps protect against cancer in men




Matt Cook is editor-in-chief of Daily Medical Discoveries. Matt has been a full time health researcher for 26 years. ABC News interviewed Matt on sexual health issues not long ago. Matt is widely quoted on over 1,000,000 websites. He has over 300,000 daily newsletter readers. Daily Medical Discoveries finds hidden, buried or ignored medical studies through the lens of 100 years of proven science. Matt heads up the editorial team of scientists and health researchers. Each discovery is based upon primary studies from peer reviewed science sources following the Daily Medical Discoveries 7 Step Process to ensure accuracy.
Dependence of Photocarcinogenesis and Photoimmunosuppression in the Hairless Mouse on Dietary Polyunsaturated Fat