How to lower stress hormones for more muscle and less fat

This one tweak naturally lowers bad stress hormones like cortisol and estrogen, making it easy for you to add muscle and lose fat

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Matt Cook here, and stress hormones like cortisol don’t just make men gain fat, they waste away muscle too.

So some men are skinny-fat — they have zero muscle and all fat, but look thin.

And the reason is high stress hormones.

Fortunately, there’s one simple tweak men can use to naturally lower bad stress hormones and effortlessly add muscle (while fat wastes away)…

—-Important Message From Adam Armstrong—-

The testosterone tea that Alpha Males drink

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How to lower stress hormones for more muscle and less fat

Stress is any demand for energy that the body cannot meet.

If you do too much physical labor without eating enough food — you will be under stress.

If you feel in your mind that there are too many things to be done and not enough time to do them — you will be under stress.

If you have not got enough food — you will be under stress.

So the roots of stress come from different sources.

But in the body, stress manifests itself as a change in hormones.

I’ve written before about how the stress hormone cortisol causes people to gain fat.

But stress hormones also cause a loss of muscle.

If you can’t gain enough muscle, or if you’re skinny fat, you may be under too much stress.

And lowering your stress hormones could help a lot.

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This human study was carried out at Shriner’s Burns Institute, University of Texas Medical Branch in Galveston. The paper was published in the Annals of Surgery.

The detrimental effects of stress have been noted by observant physicians for millennia.

Some great research was done showing the role of stress in degeneration back in the 1950s.

But for some reason, the role of stress hormones in the body continues to be overlooked by many people in the scientific and medical establishment.

Perhaps it is because cortisol-like stress hormones are commonly used in treatments — they are potent anti-inflammatories.

But they have major side-effects which some people want to overlook.

This research was done in order to see the immediate effect of stress hormones on muscle.

“The purpose of this study was to determine the acute response of human muscle tissue protein to stress.”

The researchers recruited five people for their study. During the research, blood samples were taken from all participants.

By analyzing blood samples, we can tell how quickly muscles break down — and whether the body is effectively rebuilding that muscle.

These two factors tell us whether we are losing muscle — and if so how quickly.

The researchers took initial blood samples for their research.

Then the men were injected with a number of natural stress hormones — the types of hormones that your body releases under any type of stress.

“Measurements were performed before and then at the conclusion of a 4-hour infusion of the stress hormones epinephrine, cortisol, and glucagon.”

The stress hormones accelerated muscle breakdown causing the loss of muscle.

The hormones also increased the rate of muscle building.


Well, muscle is constantly breaking down and being rebuilt.

So you have to look at the overall rate to see if muscle is lost or gained.

“The hormone infusion elicited a significant (65%) increase in the leg muscle protein breakdown rate and a significant but less marked increase in the rate of muscle protein synthesis.”

The natural stress hormones caused far more muscle breakdown than muscle synthesis.

In simple terms, stress causes loss of muscle.

“This study conclusively demonstrates that a hormonally induced stress results in a net loss of human muscle protein by increasing the rate of protein breakdown in excess of an increased protein synthetic rate.”

Remember that any type of test triggers the increase in stress hormone.

So whether it’s not eating enough, suffering with psychological stress, or doing too much physical labor, stress hormones will become elevated leading to loss of muscle.

In young healthy people, hormones like testosterone and DHT can counteract the stress hormones to a degree.

But with failing health these hormones deplete and stress hormones rise.

These hormonal changes are why you see people who carry a lot of fat but very little muscle.

Luckily, the reasons for these hormonal problems are often very easy to fix once you identify the cause.

—-Important Message From Matt Cook About Protecting Muscle—-

How to lower harmful stress hormones for more muscle, less fat, and better rockiness

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When stress hormones like estrogen, cortisol, and serotonin get too high in the male body — I call this “emergency mode.”

And emergency mode means your body is fighting off massive inflammation…

…inflammation that can lead to diabetes, high blood pressure, acid reflux, prostate problems, even cancer…

And it almost always shows up in men in the form of erections problems…

Because put simply, when your body is in emergency mode, it doesn’t want to waste precious resources on sex.

And it gets worse than that…

When your body is in emergency mode with high stress hormones, it starts acting like you’re starving.

The body starts conserving energy, and all the food you eat immediately gets turned into fat…

Muscle starts wasting away, and T drops in the toilet.

So emergency mode just sucks. It’s awful for your health.

It’s awful for your brain. And it’s awful for your sex life.

So how do you stop it? Here’s how…



Matt Cook is editor-in-chief of Daily Medical Discoveries. Matt has been a full time health researcher for 26 years. ABC News interviewed Matt on sexual health issues not long ago. Matt is widely quoted on over 1,000,000 websites. He has over 300,000 daily newsletter readers. Daily Medical Discoveries finds hidden, buried or ignored medical studies through the lens of 100 years of proven science. Matt heads up the editorial team of scientists and health researchers. Each discovery is based upon primary studies from peer reviewed science sources following the Daily Medical Discoveries 7 Step Process to ensure accuracy. Acute response of human muscle protein to catabolic hormones