Avoiding these 2 foods lowers deadly inflammation in the gut

Prevent leaky gut, IBS, fat gain, and more just by steering clear of these gut-wasting foods 

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Matt Cook here, and most health problems start in the gut.

That’s why it’s so important to keep a clean, healthy gut if you want to avoid chronic disease.

And it may be as easy as avoiding these 2 common foods… 

Are you eating these?

—-Important Message From Isabella Stone—-

Men are using this one “butterfly” technique to give a woman a huge O in 30 seconds or less

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She’ll swear she’s never felt this good before… 

And she will be begging you to do it to her again and again. 

In just 30 seconds or less, you will give her the most intense, toe-curling orgasm she’s ever had.

And from that moment on, she will be willing to do anything you want… 

Here’s the “butterfly” technique that will make her come in 30 seconds or less.


Avoiding these 2 foods lowers deadly inflammation in the gut

Chronic health conditions can be a terrible thing to live with and one of them that is particularly difficult is IBS, or irritable bowel syndrome.

If you have this common condition you are likely to experience constipation, diarrhea, gass, bloating, abdominal pain, and cramping. 

It’s no fun to live with and doctors don’t have very good solutions in many cases.

For most people IBS is a condition they manage instead of cure.

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That’s what makes this research about gut health, inflammation and IBS so intriguing. 

It offers a potential path to treat the underlying conditions that cause IBS and give you a good shot at making the symptoms of IBS go away forever.

In research coming from the University of Bath they looked at how our gut microbiome communicates with our immune system and how it affects gut inflammation.

An international team of scientists has identified a new connection between certain molecules produced by the microbiome and the function of a protein that impacts gut inflammation.

Our gut microbiome is made up of all of the bacteria and viruses that live in our gut and having a healthy gut microbiome is key to living a healthy life.

Like most things in life, when the gut microbiome is healthy it’s in balance and it’s not causing chronic inflammation. 

In order to have a healthy gut microbiome you have to have a healthy diet.

The researchers’ findings support the growing bank of evidence that the health of a person’s microbiome, and therefore their overall wellbeing, is closely linked to diet.

One of the things that can dramatically impact the makeup of the microbiome in a bad way is eating too much fat, especially PUFA fats

Foods like french fries and potato chips can be particularly damaging.

The intestinal microbiome differs from person-to-person, but overall, an appropriate balance of key microbes is known to be linked to a healthy intestine. This balance can be disturbed by changes to the diet. In particular, a western diet high in simple sugars and fats, and low in plant-based protein, has been associated with a decrease in the quantities of bacteria in the gut that produce short-chain fatty acids and secondary bile acids.

When the gut balance gets out of whack then conditions like IBS, which are fueled by chronic inflammation, can emerge.

In inflammatory diseases, such as inflammatory bowel disease, this balance is poorly managed.

The good news is that if you’re suffering from a condition like IBS and can get your gut health back into balance then the inflammation and your symptoms are very likely to subside.

The team’s findings provide exciting new opportunities for the management of inflammatory intestinal diseases. Potential future treatments could include the delivery of specific bacteria or bacterial products to a person’s gut, or dietary changes that would support a microbiome to promote or sustain P-gp expression in the intestine, thereby protecting against unwanted inflammation.

Paying attention to the health of your gut is absolutely critical to having a healthy life. 

If your gut microbiome is messed up it fuels chronic inflammation in your body setting you up for many nasty diseases including IBS, ulcerative colitis, and Crohn’s disease.

One of the critical things you can do is lower your overall fat intake, especially PUFA fats. 

Eliminating as many PUFA fats as possible from your diet will help you to have a healthy gut.

—-Important Message From Matt Cook for Men Who Want Great Rockiness—-

Great erections depends on your gut — this cleans out the gut for a big bedroom boost

Did you know there’s a big connection between your gut health and your erections as a man?

It’s true — and if your gut is clogged up with PUFAs, fats, toxins, and other things… erections is going to suffer…

Because those toxins leak out of the gut and slip right into the male member…

It’s like poison gas seeping in and knocking erections out of commission.

So if you’ve tried many things for erections and still don’t have the long-lasting towel hangers you’re after… it could be because of your gut.

This simple protocol cleans out a man’s gut, protecting erections and giving him a boost in the bedroom…


Matt Cook is editor-in-chief of Daily Medical Discoveries. Matt has been a full time health researcher for 26 years. ABC News interviewed Matt on sexual health issues not long ago. Matt is widely quoted on over 1,000,000 websites. He has over 300,000 daily newsletter readers. Daily Medical Discoveries finds hidden, buried or ignored medical studies through the lens of 100 years of proven science. Matt heads up the editorial team of scientists and health researchers. Each discovery is based upon primary studies from peer reviewed science sources following the Daily Medical Discoveries 7 Step Process to ensure accuracy.