3 fruits that break down and prevent painful kidney stones

Couple drinking orange juice in the kitchen

Anyone can get kidney stones — but not if you’re eating plenty of these particular fruits…

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Matt Cook here, and chances are, you or someone you know has dealt with kidney stones.

And you’re probably well aware how painful they are.

That’s why I want to tell you about these 3 fruits that can break down and prevent kidney stones. 

They can prevent another painful episode from happening to you or someone you love.

And potentially save you thousands of dollars in hospital bills.

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3 fruits that break down and prevent painful kidney stones

The development of painful kidney stones depends on a number of factors.

One of the most important is something called hypocitraturia.

Hypocitraturia is low levels of citrate in the urine.

Citrate is essential for breaking down the crystals that go on to form painful kidney stones.

Citrate inhibits stone formation by complexing with calcium in the urine, inhibiting nucleation and preventing the growth of crystals.

Many people are unaware that a number of fruits can significantly increase urinary citrate — which will lessen the extent of kidney stones.

Researchers believe a couple of fruits could provide viable treatment for the condition.

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The human research was carried out at the Federal University of São Paulo in Brazil. 

The paper was published in The Journal of Endourology.

If you have problems with kidney stones you need to get familiar with citraturia — the measurement of citrate in the urine.

Low citraturia sets you up for kidney stones.

A number of different foods contain significant amounts of compounds which can increase citraturia — breaking down the crystals which get lodged in your kidneys.

Fruits and vegetables supply potassium, bicarbonate, bicarbonate precursors such as citrate and malate — all of which can increase citraturia.

These researchers wanted to quantify the effects of different fruits on citraturia in humans.

They selected two citrus fruits — already known to be high in citric acid.

They also selected melon, a noncitrus fruit which contained other compounds believed to increase citraturia.

“We compare the noncitrus (melon) fruit versus citric fruits (orange and lime) on citraturia and other parameters related to kidney stone production.

The researchers recruited 30 people who had been diagnosed with hypocitraturia. They were split into 3 groups of 10.

The participants were given equal amounts of fruit juices from the three selected fruits.

“Urine samples were collected from 30 people with kidney stones after an overnight fast, 2 ,4, and 6 hours after the consumption of fruit juice.”

The participants consumed 13 ounces of freshly squeezed orange juice, or blended melon juice, or freshly squeezed lime juice.

The researchers then tested the urine samples for citrate, potassium, and other elements which can affect kidney stones.

All the fruit juices led to significant increase in citrate in the urine.

All 3 fruits increased citraturia, lowering the risk of kidney stones.

“Significant and comparable increases of mean urinary citrate were observed in all groups.”

There are different effects on other urinary markers of kidney stone formation from the different fruits — but overall they seemed equivalent.

“Potassium and PH were significantly increased only after consumption of melon and orange juice. Melon resulted in higher alkalinity.”

It was already suspected that citrus fruits like orange and melon could increase citraturia and lower the risk of kidney stones. 

But this study shows that melon can also have the same beneficial effects.

“The research suggests that melon, a source of potassium, citrate and malate, increases urinary citrate equivalent to that provided by orange fruit.”

Consuming a lot of lime juice is very difficult and not advisable.

Sweet orange juice is great — but it can sometimes be difficult to find sweet oranges, and sour oranges are as tricky as limes.

The research adds another option for people who wish to treat their kidney stones naturally.

“Melon represents another dietary alternative for the treatment of hypocitraturic stone formers. Lime also produced comparable increases in citraturia probably because of its high citric acid content.”

These fruits really can help a lot of people who suffer from kidney stones — up to 60% of kidney stones are caused by hypocitraturia — and most people are able to source either soft, fresh melons or sweet oranges.

It doesn’t matter whether you eat the flesh of the fruit or drink the freshly made juice. 

Beware of low quality processed juices though — they can be more trouble than they are worth.

An easy to clean juicer is worth its weight in gold. (If it’s not easy to clean you are less likely to use it regularly.)

—-Important Message From Matt—-

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Matt Cook is editor-in-chief of Daily Medical Discoveries. Matt has been a full time health researcher for 26 years. ABC News interviewed Matt on sexual health issues not long ago. Matt is widely quoted on over 1,000,000 websites. He has over 300,000 daily newsletter readers. Daily Medical Discoveries finds hidden, buried or ignored medical studies through the lens of 100 years of proven science. Matt heads up the editorial team of scientists and health researchers. Each discovery is based upon primary studies from peer reviewed science sources following the Daily Medical Discoveries 7 Step Process to ensure accuracy.


Noncitrus Alkaline Fruit: A Dietary Alternative for the Treatment of Hypocitraturic Stone Formers



Hypocitraturia: Pathophysiology and Medical Management
